释义 |
curren 基本例句 n.柯伦 Provide admin support to thecurrensales projects.对当前的销售项目提供行政支持。 How much do I enjoy mycurrentwork &life?我有多享受自己的工作/生活? Can I opeuacurreng account here?我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户? The paper reviews the influential equity principles and allocation models in thecurren…本文评述了当前学术及谈判上所提出的影响较大的公平原则及分配未来排放权的模型。 Integrated temperature sensor is 2-pinconstantcurrencomponent having standard output.集成温度传感器是两端式恒流器件具有标准化输出。 How do thecurrenplans for a reform of corportate taxation measure up to these goals?怎么设定一个改革公司税制的计划可以与预期目标进行衡量呢? |