

单词 curcumin
释义 cur·cu·min 英'kə:kjumin美'kə:kjumin COCA¹⁰²⁰⁰³iWeb¹⁸²¹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
It is probable that there are underlying causes of memory loss that are not affected by curcumin.
也许姜黄素影响的根本原因在于其可能使记忆损失较少。 yeeyan

One of its chief components is a substance called curcumin, which may turn out to be a potent fat fighter.
它的主要成分之一是一种叫做姜黄素的物质,它对减肥很有效果。 yeeyan

The research on the application of natural edible pigments such as gardenia yellow, paprika red curcumin and caramel colour in instant noodle was investigated.
对栀子黄、辣椒红、姜黄和焦糖色素等天然食用色素在方便面的应用情况进行了研究。 dictall

The cells also began to digest themselves, after the curcumin triggered lethal cell death signals.
姜黄素触发致命细胞死亡信号之后,细胞开始自身消化。 yeeyan

Another polyphenol, curcumin, has also been shown to have protective effects. It reduces memory deficits in animals with brain damage.
另一种多酚—姜黄素,也表明有保护大脑的作用,可减少因大脑损伤的动物的记忆缺失。 ecocn

CONCLUSION Curcumin might enhance the tolerance of rat myocardium to hypoxia, and might have protective effect on ischemic injury of rat myocardium.
结论姜黄素可提高大鼠心肌耐缺氧能力,对大鼠心肌的缺血性损伤具有一定的保护作用。 cnki

Conclusions The solubility of the included curcumin in the water is raised500- fold.
结论姜黄素经包合后在水中溶解度提高了约500倍。 cnki

Green tea contains a similar compound, as does curcumin, the key ingredient of the curry spice turmeric.
绿茶中和咖喱香料的主要元素姜黄素中也含有类似的复合物。 www.china.org.cn

However, curcumin loses its anti-cancer attributes quickly when ingested.
但摄入人体后,姜黄的抗癌特性迅速丧失。 dxy

In animal studies, curcumin decreased the formation of amyloid, the stuff that makes up the brain deposits characteristic in people with Alzheimer's disease.
在动物实验中,姜黄素减少淀粉质的形成,从而减少了其易于沉积于大脑而形成老年痴呆症。 yeeyan

Objective To observe the antimutagenicity and filter effect of the main mutagens in mainstream of cigarette smoke by adding curcumin in the filter.
目的研究滤嘴中加入姜黄素对香烟主流烟气的抗突变作用及其对主要诱变成分的滤除作用。 cnki

Objective To study on preparation and encapsulation of Curcumin liposomes.
目的研究姜黄素脂质体制备的最佳方法。 http://dict.cnki.net

Our findings suggest that curcumin may be useful for colon cancer treatment, as well as potential colon cancer suppression, in cells that respond to this gastrointestinal hormone, neurotensin.
我们的发现表明黄素可能对治疗结肠癌很有用,同时在对胃肠激素神经降压素起反应的细胞内对结肠癌有潜在的抑制作用。 dxy

Result The envelopment ratio of Curcumin liposome made by the method of ethanol injection was 73.5%.
结果乙醇注入法制备的姜黄素脂质体包封率达73.5%。 cnki

The results were compared with the equivalent samples from mice with the same condition, but not fed curcumin.
结果和相同条件下的没有喂姜黄素的等效样本相比。 dxy

This article summarizes the recent advances in the experiment research and clinical application of curcumin, especially its role in the treatment of digestive diseases.
本文归纳了近年来姜黄素对消化系统作用的实验研究和临床应用方面的进展。 chemyq

This strongly suggests that curcumin killed the cancer cells via another cell signalling path, said the researchers.
研究人员说:这有力的证明,姜黄色素通过另一种细胞信号途径杀死癌细胞。 dxy

Curcumin is also very promising.
姜黄素,也非常有前途。 http://feel.customersdeals.com




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