

单词 cupcakes
释义 cupcakes ˈkʌpˌkeɪks COCA³¹⁹⁸⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.纸杯蛋糕cupcake的名词复数;经常用于称呼语中指有魅力的女人;指软弱和女性化的男人或男孩原型cupcake的复数 At the same time she encourages5st9lb Maisy to enjoy chocolate and cupcakes.
与此同时她鼓励体重5英石9磅的女儿玫思尽情享用巧克力和杯形蛋糕。 huanqiu

Mr. Black also remembers Mr. DiCaprio’s fondness for German chocolate cupcakes.
布莱克还记得,迪卡普里奥钟情于德国巧克力杯型蛋糕。 yeeyan

“ We didn’t do it since we thought it was getting to be overkill, ” said a Microsoft spokesperson. “ Every six weeks is a lot of cupcakes”, they added.
微软的发言人表示:“我们自此不会再继续这个传统,因为实在是有太大杀伤力了,基本每六周我们就要提供好多纸杯蛋糕。” hjenglish

A pop-up chapel will be erected in Central Park on July30th, providing an officiating person and cupcakes.
6月30日,中央公园将竖立一个弹起式的小教堂,提供一名神父和纸杯蛋糕。 ecocn

As all those complex processes were unfolding, your midbrain filed away a simple, primal, unconscious idea: Cupcakes are good.
随着所有这些复杂过程展开,你的中脑发出一个简单、原始、无意识想法:蛋糕好东西。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Bake brownies or cupcakes together.
一起烤核仁巧克力饼或纸托蛋糕. yeeyan

But rather than cupcakes, he's baking a steak and ale pie, and he's baking it messily, kneading the pastry with meaty hands.
他烤的是牛排和麦芽馅饼,而不是纸杯蛋糕。他手忙脚乱,还用沾满肉汁的手捏面粉。 yeeyan

Carol currently has a range of sugar free cakes and the sugar levels in the pastry and frosting are way lower than standard American cupcakes.
Carol也减低了美国标准杯子蛋糕的用糖量,并且还要发展无糖蛋糕。 blog.sina.com.cn

Cold vegetable and noodle salads, fruit salads and festive cakes and cupcakes are also very common side dishes.
凉拌面条蔬菜沙拉、水果沙拉、节日蛋糕和纸杯蛋糕也是常见的菜肴。 hjenglish

Instead of a half- gallon of Rocky Road, buy ice cream sandwiches; make cupcakes instead of cake; and buy single- serving bags of chips.
不要买半加仑的巧克力蛋糕,买冰激凌或者三明治,做杯形蛋糕而不是方糕;买单人份的薯片。 yeeyan

It doesn't have to mean tofu: it can mean soul food, or Asian fusion, or even cupcakes.
素食并不一定意味着豆腐:它可以指令人身心皆满足的食物,或溶入亚洲风味的佳肴,甚至杯糕。 blog.sina.com.cn

Liquid nitrogen ice cream and cupcakes.
液态氮冰淇淋和纸杯蛋糕。 fortunechina

Muffins, cookies, cupcakes: classic US-style baking is everywhere.
松饼,饼干,蛋糕:经典的美国式烘烤无处不在。 yeeyan

There must have been a goodbye party, with the customary boutique cupcakes and plastic Champagne flutes.
她肯定举办了一个有传统精品店蛋糕和塑料香槟长笛的告别晚会。 yeeyan

They pack boxes of butterscotch cupcakes, Sichuan- spiced beef jerky and grapefruit marmalade.
他们把加了奶油糖果的蛋糕、川味牛肉干和柚子果酱,放进盒子里打包。 yeeyan

Unusual cupcakes designed for Medical Examiner in San Diego.
这是为圣地亚哥的法医特别设计的纸杯蛋糕。 hxen

While the cupcakes are cooking, make the frosting.
当蛋糕还在烤箱中烘焙时,制作糖霜。 yeeyan

You could get personalized candy, bake cupcakes, or whatever it is you think they'll like.
你可以买些个性化的糖果,或者烤一个纸杯蛋糕,或者其它任何你觉得她会喜欢的东西都行。 yeeyan

Cupcakes designed to look like characters from the Muppet Show.
设计成《大青蛙布偶秀》里的角色的纸杯蛋糕。 kekenet




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