

单词 cunliffe
释义 cunliffe
David Cunliffe said. “ They promoted Budget2011 as a zero budget.”
他们所承诺的2011年财政预算是一个零预算。 blog.sina.com.cn

David Cunliffe said the axing of what National calls “ lower quality” programmes would affect many thousands of New Zealanders.
大卫‧康利夫说,国家党削减所谓的「低质量」计画可能会影响数以千计的纽西兰人。 luuloo

Lord Cunliffe’s son consigned25 archaic bronzes to the Bonhams sale.
Cunliffe勋爵的儿子将25尊古铜像委托给 Bonhams拍卖。 ecocn

“ Labour is in a hurry to grow the pie for all New Zealanders, ” David Cunliffe said.
大卫康利夫表示:工党正加快努力的步伐,力图为所有新西兰人把饼做大。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Labour won't stand by and let this continue, ” David Cunliffe said.
工党不会坐视不管,任由这种情形持续。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ People have been hanging on by their fingernails waiting for the brighter future John Key promised in 2008, but it hasn't happened, ” David Cunliffe said.
百姓生活在水深火热之中,他们还在等着约翰基2008年大选时承诺的所谓更光明的未来,只是始终等不到。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ This is clearly a government on the back foot with no vision and no plan to take New Zealand forward, ” David Cunliffe said.
「这表明了国家党是一个保守、没有视野、没有计画能带领纽西兰前进的政府,」大卫‧康立夫说。 kvbfinance

Brown has shown his support for Blair by asking Cunliffe and Darroch to lobby on his behalf.
布朗表现出他对布莱尔的支持,他请坎里夫和达罗克代表自己进行游说。 yeeyan

Cunliffe has been “ very supportive”, according to allies of Blair.
根据布莱尔盟友的说法,坎里夫“非常支持”。 yeeyan




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