

单词 cuneiform
释义 cu·ne·i·form 英ˈkjuːniːəˌfɔːm, kjuːˈniː-美ˈkjuniəˌfɔrm, kjuˈni-AHDky›“nē-ə-fôrm', ky›-nēʹ- 高TCOCA⁶⁶³⁴⁷BNC⁶⁸⁹²⁵iWeb³⁰¹⁹⁰
an ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia
shaped like a wedgeof or relating to the tarsal bones or other wedge-shaped bonescunei-,楔子,词源同cone.form,形状。cuneiform cartilage楔状软骨lateral cuneiform bone外侧楔骨first cuneiform bone第一楔骨intermediate cuneiform bone中间楔骨third cuneiform bone第三楔骨medial cuneiform bone内侧楔骨cuneiform tubercle楔状结节second cuneiform bone中间楔骨, 第二楔骨…cuneiform bone楔骨,蝶骨cuneiform osteotomy of genu valgum膝外翻楔形截骨术…
cunei,form-形状⇒adj.楔形的¹⁴;楔形文字的n.楔形文字⁶⁶;楔形骨近义词 cuneal楔形的wedge-shaped楔形的

用作名词Thecuneiformscript is a great invention by the Sumerians.楔形文字是苏美尔人的一大发明。as in.picture writing
同义词 cuneal writing,curiology,hieroglyphics,ideography,phonographic writing,runes,script,symbolical writing,symbologyas in.writing
同义词 calligraphy,handwriting,print,scriptautograph,chirography,hand,hieroglyphics,longhand,scrawl,scribble,shorthandmanuscription
picture writingnoun expression by pictures
cuneal writing,curiology,hieroglyphics,ideography,phonographic writing,runes,script,symbolical writing,symbology
writingnoun printing on paper
autograph,calligraphy,chirography,cuneiform,hand,handwriting,hieroglyphics,longhand,manuscription,print,scrawl,scribble,script,shorthand Oracle to talk of China's Ming and put the Egyptian hieroglyphs, cuneiform writing of Mesopotamia and Europe, Latin text link.
如讲中国的甲骨文明,就把埃及的象形文字,两河流域的楔形文字和欧洲的拉丁文字联系起来。 tianya

The medial anterior malleolus artery anastomosed with the superficial branch of medial plantar artery and the medial tarsal artery in the medial cuneiform bone.
内踝前动脉在楔骨内缘与足底内侧动脉浅支、跗内侧动脉吻合; cnki

The bottom of rocks at syncline axis is tensioned and inverse cuneiform-like rock masses are formed. By contraries, cuneiform-like rock masses are formed at anticline axis under compression.
向斜轴部的岩层底面受张拉破碎为‘倒楔形’岩块,背斜轴部岩层底面受压破碎为‘正楔形’岩块。 rockmech

The Study of the documents unearthed on the identification and the cuneiform itself is a great challenge for the modern history scholars and archaeology enthusiasts.
对出土文献的辩识和对楔形文字本身的研究是现代历史学者和考古爱好者所遇到的极大的挑战。 fabiao

According to the cuneiform tablets, Sumerians found God's most puzzling act to be the creation from dust of the first two human beings.
根据楔形文字,苏美尔人发现了上帝的古怪行为,必须在沙漠中先造出两个人他才能开始创造。 yeeyan

From bureaucratic cuneiform to monumental hieroglyphs, early writing systems were mostly divorced from speech.
从泥版楔形文到象形文铭文,早期各种书法体系绝大部分都与语音相分离。 yeeyan

In addition, Cuneiform is also a kind of ideographic characters, the combination of several symbols could show out a new meaning.
加之楔形文字又是一种表意文字,几个符号组合起来就形成一个新解释。 fabiao

Methods Based on the anatomic study, the vascularized periosteal flat of the first cuneiform bone was designed to transplant into navicular.
方法在解剖学研究基础上,设计带血管的第一楔骨骨膜瓣植入舟状骨。 chemyq

She wrote hymns to the gods in cuneiform.
她用楔形文字写下了献给神祇的颂歌。 yeeyan

The chicken scratch is cuneiform.
鸡爪印是楔形文字。 blog.sina.com.cn

Therefore, the understanding of Cuneiform and the Cuneiform research have become the bottleneck on the study of ancient Western Asia civilization.
因此,认识楔形文字和对楔形文字的研究已经成为研究古西亚文明的瓶颈问题。 fabiao




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