

单词 Cultural Turns
释义 Cultural Turns
The postmeodernist cultural turn shows a change from modernity to postmodernism.摘要后现代文化转向展示了一条从现代到后现代的历史嬗变轨迹。
As we note, in 1990, Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere, two representatives of Translation Studies School, suggested that translation studies take the “cultural turn”.1990年,翻译研究学派的两个代表人物Susan Bassnett和Andre Lefevere提出在翻译研究中应该引入“文化转向”。
Ever since the cultural turn, especially after the introduction of deconstruction into translation, traditional translation theories have been greatly affected.翻译在进行了文化转向之后,特别是解构主义的引入,传统的翻译理论遭到了很大的冲击。
And 1980s sees the greatest achievement in translation studies, the“cultural turn”noticed by Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere, then, the apparent distinction between cultural and linguistic approaches to translation studies has disappeared.直至1980年,翻译研究经历了历史剧变,苏珊·巴斯内特和安德烈·勒菲弗尔正式提出翻译研究的“文化转向”,之后翻译研究不再明确区分文化研究法和语言学研究法。




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