

单词 Cullen
释义 Cul·len 英ˈkʌlən美ˈkʌlənAHDkŭlʹən 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Is there any more information you can give us about the Cullen house?
关于卡伦的房子,可以告诉我们更多有关的信息吗? muguangmi

Modest Pattinson, dubbed RPatz by fans, admitted he was still getting used to the fan hysteria, which kicked off in2008 when he first played vampire Edward Cullen in the first Twilight movie.
帕丁森非常谦逊,他的影迷昵称他为罗伯茨,他说,现在他仍需要适应影迷们的狂热。这种狂热是从2008年他在暮光之城中首次出演爱德华开始的。 cri

Next to the center aisle, I recognized Edward Cullen by his unusual hair, sitting next to that single open seat.
在过道中间,我认出了爱德华·卡伦和他不同寻常的头发,他坐在唯一一个空着的位子旁。 putclub

She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings.
在新学校许多同学都向贝拉伸出了友谊之手,但是她却对神秘而冷漠的卡伦家族产生了特别的兴趣。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

“ Edward Cullen is staring at you again,” Jessica said, finally breaking through my abstraction with his name.
“爱德华·卡伦又在盯着你看了。”杰西卡说着,最终打破了我对他的名字的抽象感。 putclub

“ I think that Mrs. Cullen can't have any kids, though,” she added, as if that lessened their kindness.
“但是,我想卡伦太太不能生孩子。”她补充道,似乎这样会削弱他们的善行。 putclub

At that moment, the bell rang loudly, making me jump, and Edward Cullen was out of his seat.
就在这时,铃声响了起来,吓了我一跳,而爱德华·卡伦已经离开了他的座位。 putclub

Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion.
生物课上贝拉坐在爱德华·卡伦旁边,但是爱德华似乎对贝拉很反感,这让贝拉很是迷惑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But Edward Cullen's back stiffened, and he turned slowly to glare at me— his face was absurdly handsome —with piercing, hate- filled eyes.
但爱德华·卡伦整个背部都僵住了,他慢慢转过身来,盯着我——他的脸英俊得不可思议——用洞悉一切,充满厌恶的眼神,注视着我。 putclub

But more clearly than all the yelling, I could hear Edward Cullen's low, frantic voice in my ear.
但比所有的喊叫声都要清晰的是,我听见了,耳畔,爱德华·卡伦低沉的,狂乱的声音。 putclub.com

Edward Cullen.
爱德华·卡伦。 yeeyan

Edward Cullen is the lover the young girl desires and fears.
爱德华·库伦 Edward Cullen是那种少女们既渴望又恐惧的情人。 yeeyan

Edward Cullen was right next to me, leaning casually against my truck.
爱德华·卡伦就站在我旁边,若无其事地倚着我的卡车。 putclub.com

Funny thing is, the book that Cullen wrote wasn’t even written in English.
有趣的是,那本卡伦所著的书甚至都不是用英语写的。 yeeyan

Most of that is from the Twilight films where he plays vampire Edward Cullen.
那大多归功于他在暮光系列电影中扮演了吸血鬼爱德华-库伦这个角色。 yeeyan

Paul Gregory is the Cullen Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Houston and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
保罗·格雷戈里是休斯敦大学的卡伦特聘教授,美国斯坦福大学胡弗研究所的研究员。 yeeyan

That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale.
那是爱德华和艾美特·卡伦兄弟,还有罗莎莉和贾斯帕·黑尔姐弟。 putclub

The first shows the Cullen family including Edward- who is played by Robert Pattinson- and Kristen Stewart’s Bella.
其中第一组是吸血鬼库伦家族,包括紧紧相拥的男女主角罗伯特·帕丁森扮演的爱德华以及克里斯琴·斯图亚特扮演的贝拉。 hjenglish

The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife.
走了的那个是爱丽丝·卡伦,他们都和卡伦医生夫妇住在一起。 putclub

They are now, Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, but they've been with Mrs. Cullen since they were eight.
他们现在是,贾斯帕和罗莎莉都是十八岁,但他们和卡伦太太一起生活时才八岁。 putclub

You mean Dr. Carlisle Cullen's family?
你是指卡莱尔?卡伦医生一家吗? putclub

Cullen said Mattel was aiming to introduce more Barbie licensed products such as stationery and cosmetics in Japan as early as next year.
库伦称,美泰公司最早将于明年在日本推出更多芭比品牌系列产品,如文具和化妆品等。 ebigear




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