

单词 cucs
释义 cucsEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Columbia University Community Services 哥伦比亚大学社区服务原型cuc的复数 But that amounts to only16-28 CUCs$17-30 at the unofficial but legal exchange rate.
但是,这些以非官方但合法的汇率仅能折合16-28个 CUC相当于17-30美元。 ecocn

He dives into the bedroom in his two-bedroom house and shows off an attaché case full of euros and CUCs.
他冲进他那两间卧室的房屋并炫耀着一个满是欧元与 CUC的盒子。 ecocn

In Cienfuegos, when your correspondent went to the official exchange house, he was ushered into a shop next door by a muscular young man in dark glasses who offered to swap euros for CUCs.
在古巴中南部城市辛菲哥斯,当我们的随行记者到官方的外汇交易所时,他被一位戴着墨镜的大个年轻人带入到隔壁的一间商店,说受理用欧元兑换 CUC的业务。 ecocn




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