

单词 Cuban
释义 Cuban 英'kju:bən美'kju:bən;英'kjuːbən美'kjuːbən ★★★☆☆高TiWeb⁸⁶⁵⁰Economist⁴³⁸³
a native or inhabitant of Cuba
of or relating to or characteristic of Cuba or the people of Cuba;

Cuban rum

Cuban royal palm散尾癸Cuban wrapper外包叶Cuban blade无柄刀cuban heel女式中跟鞋

用作名词A little later,theCubanpassed around fine Havana cigars.过了一会,古巴人拿出上好的雪茄烟分给每人一支。 The regime and the Cuban people face an unusually hot summer. But there are no signs of political control weakening.
古巴政权和人民面临的是一个酷热的夏天,但是并没有政治控制削弱的迹象。 ecocn

The regime and the Cuban people face an unusually hot summer.
古巴政党和人民正面临一个异常炎热的夏天。 ecocn

As the news spread that I was on my way out, my Cuban neighbours congratulated me on what they saw as a promotion.
我要回国的消息一传出,我的古巴邻居就争先恐后的来祝贺我,仿佛他们把这当成一种晋升。 kekenet

But human- rights groups say there are still more than 200 political prisoners in Cuban jails.
但是,人权组织说道,在古巴的监狱里仍有200多位政治犯被关押着。 ecocn

But he says pressure for broad reform on the next Cuban leader, from inside Cuba and outside, will grow.
可是他说,来自古巴境内和境外要求古巴下任领导人进行广泛改革的压力将会增加。 ebigear

But Mr. Cuban believes that change in education will not come as quickly as many predict.
然而,古巴先生认为教育方面的变化不会像许多人预测的那么快。 yeeyan

But trade works both ways—so how about some Cuban cigars and rum for America?
但是,贸易是双向的——把古巴的雪茄和兰姆酒运往美国,如何? ecocn

He is neither the man the western media depict, nor the superman the Cuban media sometimes present.
他既不同于西方媒体所描绘的那样,也不是古巴媒体展现给民众的超人。 yeeyan

In one comment, he more than made up for the problems he had caused me during the Cuban refugee crisis in1980.
仅仅一句话,他便不仅弥补了在1980年古巴难民危机中给我带来的麻烦,还带来很大的帮助。 yeeyan

In Miami my mother and I settled in a cluster of apartments with other Cuban women and children who had immigrated.
在迈阿密,母亲和我以及其他移民到美国的古巴妇女和孩子在几处公寓安顿下来。 yeeyan

In some ministries, such as health and agriculture, Cuban advisers appear to wield more power than Venezuelan officials.
在若干部会,例如卫生部、农业部,古巴顾问较委国官员相比看起来权力更大。 ecocn

Most observers in the US believed Cuban socialism would collapse along with the Soviet Union.
大多数美国的观察家相信古巴的社会主义将向苏联一样倒塌。 yeeyan

Restaurants are a major source of income for Cuban families who open their homes to foreign tourists.
对于向外国游客开放的古巴家庭来说,餐馆是他们的主要收入来源。 hxen

The first flight of the Cuban MiG-29 occurred in2007 so we may say that the plane is almost new.
第一架古巴的米格-29战机出现在2007年,所以我们可以说这架飞机几乎是全新的。 yeeyan

The unique Cuban bread is toasted and buttered and cut into lengths to dunk in the coffee.
古巴最独特的面包是烤出来,涂上黄油,切成一定长度,蘸着咖啡一起吃。 yeeyan

Would have the Justice Department prosecute Cuban officials implicated in the murder of Americans, drug trafficking and other crimes.
将让司法部起诉那些可能与谋杀美国公民、贩毒和其他犯罪有关的古巴官员。 yeeyan

Would meet the Cuban leadership without preconditions but with preparation.
经过准备,他愿无条件与古巴领导人会面。 yeeyan

Cuban exiles will not be allowed to buy property on the island since they are not residents.
但在古巴的流放人员不能购买岛上的房产因为他们不是古巴居民。 yeeyan

Cuban society no longer resembles that of the Soviet days.
古巴社会不再像是苏联还在的那段日子。 ecocn




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