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词汇 cub
释义 cub. kʌb


young lion,bear,fox,tiger;badly-behaved young man

an awkward and inexperienced youtha male child a familiar term of address to a boythe young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion
give birth to cubs;

bears cub every year

可能来自古爱尔兰语或古北欧语,原本表示狐狸的幼崽,后来还可以表示熊和狮子等动物的幼崽。可用来比喻初出茅庐的年轻人。cub scout幼童军8至11岁的…cub reporter初出茅庐的新闻记者…wolf cub小狼cub pilot见习领港员
GRE红宝书cu拼: 哭, b吧: 哭吧! 要成为幼兽的午餐了; 哭吧! 都20多了还是个愣头儿青! cub作为词根是quot;睡觉quot;的意思
cube 立方体;有棱有角的,年轻人都是这样,过几年棱角就磨得圆滑了; 刚incubate(孵出来的小动物
和cube立方体一起记;cub作为词根是' 睡觉'之意,如incuba tion潜伏期
GRE难词记忆cub→club n.俱乐部→年轻人俱乐部clubn.俱乐部⇒年轻人俱乐部和cuben.立方体一起记近义词 rookie新手novice新手sonny小弟弟learner学习者trainee练习生beginner初学者apprentice学徒tenderfoot生手greenhorn初学者stripling年轻男子old hand经验老到的人…fledgling刚会飞的幼鸟…laddie苏格兰少年…lad少年
用作名词n.Lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them.狮子的幼仔依靠母狮喂养。Pcubbingn.幼狐之猎取Pcubhoodn.幼稚期初期Pcubbisha.幼兽似的没经验的笨手笨脚的

用作名词Thecublicked the milk from its mother's breast.这头幼兽吸吮着它妈妈的奶水。
Acubtakes a playful bite of a relative's swishing tail in the African plains.在非洲平原一个幼兽正咬着它的家族成员的漂亮尾巴玩耍。
Thecubwas wet behind the ears.这个年轻人还幼稚无知呢。noun.young
同义词 offspring,whelp
chicknoun child
childnoun very young person
anklebiter,babe,bairn,bambino,brat,chick,cub,imp,innocent,juvenile,kid,kiddie,lamb,minor,moppet,nestling,nipper,offspring,pubescent,shaver,small fry,sprout,squirt,stripling,suckling,tadpole,teen,tot,tyke,urchin,young one,youngster,youth
journalistnoun person who writes about factual events for a living
announcer,broadcaster,columnist,commentator,contributor,correspondent,cub,editor,hack,media person,newspaper person,newsperson,pencil pusher,press,publicist,reporter,scribe,scrivener,stringer,television commentator,writer
newbienoun newcomer
newsmannoun reporter
anchor,anchor man/woman,anchor person,announcer,columnist,copy editor,correspondent,cub,editor,foreign correspondent,ink slinger,interviewer,investigative reporter,journalist,legman/woman,newscaster,newshound,newspaperman/woman,newswriter,pressman/woman,stringer,war correspondent,writer
newsman/newswomannoun reporter
anchor,anchor man/woman,anchor person,announcer,columnist,copy editor,correspondent,cub,editor,foreign correspondent,ink slinger,interviewer,investigative reporter,journalist,legman/woman,newscaster,newshound,newspaperman/woman,newswriter,pressman/woman,stringer,war correspondent,writer A six-week-old white tiger cub is held by its surrogate ' father' Hameed Hamza at the Serengeti- Park zoo in Hodenhagen, northern Germany.
六个月大的小虎崽,在德国北部霍登哈根市的塞伦盖蒂公园被自己的“父亲” Hameed Hamza抱着。 cri

A three- month- old bear cub who was born at the zoo in Stavropol, Russia, takes a walk.
三个月大的小熊崽在散步。 它出生于俄罗斯,斯塔夫罗波尔动物园。 yeeyan

A14- week- old giant panda cub born at the San Diego Zoo was named Yun Zi Tuesday, Reuters reported.

Master Romney was out with his fellow cub scouts when they saw a girl riding on a horse.
当时罗姆尼“长官”率着他的儿童团出征,忽然发现一个骑在马上的小姑娘。 ecocn

This panda cub, the first to be trained for reintroduction, gets its body temperature checked by researchers at the facility.
第一次进行放生训练的熊猫幼崽首先要用一种特殊的设备测量体温。 yeeyan

“ Theft of her cub—the ultimate crime, ” Seth said.
“偷走了她的小羊羔,最大的罪过。”赛斯说。 yeeyan

A northern black bear cub was caught wandering near a Northern Virginia elementary school. Animal control officials removed the17- month- old animal without incident.
一个在北维吉尼亚小学附近的徘徊的北方黑色幼熊被抓获。动物控制中心的人员顺利的转移走了这个17个月大的家伙。 putclub

A cub is placed into a basket for transportation to a new living environment.
熊猫幼崽被放到一个竹篓里转移到新的生活环境。 yeeyan

Berlin zoo employee Thomas Doerflein holds polar bear cub Knut in this newly- released picture.
在新近公布的这张照片里,柏林动物园饲养员托马斯·多非恩正抱着这只北极熊幼崽克纳特。 neworiental

Brown bear sow and cub clamming together on the mud flats during low tide along Cook Inlet in Alaska's Lake Clark National Park.
在阿拉斯加的克拉克国家公园里,在库克海湾的海水的退潮时间,母棕熊和它的幼崽一起爬在泥滩上。 yeeyan

I sincerely hope that they will get a chance to bring another adorable cub.
我衷心地希望他们可以再度生子,为我们带来可爱的熊猫宝宝。 hjenglish

In 2003, the tracks of one female lynx and her cub were spotted and followed for over2 miles3.2 km.
2003年,一只母猞猁和其幼崽的足迹被发现而且被跟踪了2英里3.2公里之多。 yeeyan

In fact, one recent sighting was of a mother cat and her cub together.
事实上,最近的一次目击报告就是一只母兽带着幼兽。 yeeyan

In Kamchatka, fox- cub usually comes to being in May, but get out from kennel only in June.
在堪察加半岛,狐狸幼崽会在五月份出生,在六月份才能在洞穴外活动。 yeeyan

Jets deliver the guests into Wonderland; they pay with diamonds, and feast on White Tiger Cub.
喷气机载着宾客来到这片“仙境“,他们为此支付了钻石,可以品尝白虎的幼崽。 ecocn

Not if when we successfully produce a cub, that cub or, or cubs will remain here at the zoo until the age of4.
除非我们帮助大熊猫成功产下幼崽,产下的幼崽在4岁前将留在美国动物园。 hjenglish

Once released, the cub will be closely monitored through hidden cameras to ensure its safety.
放养后,熊猫幼崽会被隐藏的摄像机密切监测,以确保它的安全。 yeeyan

Panda cub fares well!
熊猫崽子活得很好。 hxen

So see to it that you are a gentle tiger cub.
就把自己看作是一只文雅的虎崽儿好了。 yeeyan

The researchers perform a physical examination on a panda cub.
研究人员在对一只熊猫幼崽进行全身检查。 yeeyan

While mom fished for salmon at the falls this yearling cub got a bit nervous with all of the large boars in the area and climbed to safety in a tree.
尽管妈妈在瀑布里捕捞到一岁的小动物-鲑鱼,可是因为在这个区域里很多大熊,她感到有些紧张,为了安全而爬上了树上。 yeeyan




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