

单词 CSV
释义 CSVCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
abbr.军Combat Support Vehicle;战斗支援车¹⁰⁰
The extracted file is a binary- encoded file, which can and will be converted to a CSV file.
提取的文件是一种二进制编码的文件,它可以并将会被转化为一个 CSV文件。 ibm

The geopolitical ontology module maker: this service allows extracting smaller modules of the ontology and exporting them in RDF, XML or CSV formats, using a web interface.
地缘政治本体论模块标记:这项服务,通过万维网界面,允许提出本体论较小的模块,输出到 RDF、 XML或者 CSV格式。 fao

The information can also be exported as CSV files so that you can process it in other ways for example, using a spreadsheet.
信息还可以作为 CSV文件导出,这样可以用其他方式处理例如,使用电子表格。 ibm

The CSV file must be located in the same project as the map file, or in a dependent project.
CSV文件必须位于与映射文件相同的项目内,或者位于一个相关项目内。 ibm

Although the CSV option is fine for a fast download into a database or a spreadsheet, deconstructing the other option has some definite advantages.
虽然 CSV文件可被快速下载到数据库或电子表格,但是其他的文件格式也具有某些特定的优势。 ibm

Be sure to look at exporting the data to different formats especially CSV.
确保能够观察数据输出为不同的格式尤其是 CSV。 ibm

Bulk adding or updating of data using CSV files.
使用 CSV文件批量添加或更新数据。 ibm

Comma- separated value CSV files are a common format for data in files, and most databases can save data into this format.
逗号分隔值 CSV文档是文件中数据的普通格式,大多数数据库都能够保存为这种格式。 ibm

Data in flat files can come in many different formats, such as the previously discussed XML and CSV formats.
平面文件中的数据可以采用多种不同的格式,如前面讨论的 XML和 CSV格式。 ibm

Each line of the CSV file is considered a new entry.
CSV文件的每一行都被看作为一个新条目。 ibm

Figure5 shows a sample of downloaded place-level statistics in CSV file format.
图5展示以 CSV文件格式下载的场所级统计信息的样例。 ibm

For example, if the data was written in CSV format, the log file could be imported into a spreadsheet.
例如,如果数据是采用 CSV格式写入的,那么就可以把日志文件导入电子表格。 ibm

Indeed, most business applications can store their data as comma separated value CSV files.
事实上,多数商业程序都能以逗号分隔值 CSV文件保存数据。 ibm

Matrix lets users combine their own uploaded data in CSV format with historical data compiled by Morgan Stanley.
“矩阵”允许用户将自己上传的 csv格式数据同摩根斯坦利编制的历史数据结合起来。 yeeyan

Otherwise, a CSV exercise requires very little knowledge of parsing theory as such or the need to apply automated tools to the task.
另外, CSV练习还需要了解很少的解析理论知识或者将自动化工具应用于任务的需求。 ibm

Perhaps you could export the contents of the view to CSV or XML?
或许您应该将视图中的内容导出到 CSV或者 XML 中? ibm

Some applications will work fine with plain files, such as CSV files or just flat field text files.
一些应用程序适合使用简单文件,比如 CSV文件或平面字段文本文件。 ibm

Templates can be used to generate any text-based format including HTML, XML, CSV, and plain text.
模板可以用来生成任何基于文本的格式,包括 HTML、 XML、 CSV和纯文本。 ibm

The data above is presented in CSV format, and can therefore be imported into a spreadsheet for easier analysis.
上面的数据是以 CSV格式显示的,因此可导入电子表格,以更方便地进行分析。 ibm

The format used for glossaries is a limited form of the standard Comma Separated Values CSV format that is available for use in most spreadsheet applications.
词汇表使用的格式是标准逗号分隔值 CSV有限形式的格式,可在大部分电子表格应用程序中使用。 yeeyan

The CSV file can then be imported into a spreadsheet or graphing software to create performance graphs.
随后可将这个 CSV文件导入电子数据表或图表软件以创建性能图表。 ibm

There is also a new capability for importing data from worksheets or CSV files.
同时还有可以从电子表格或者 CSV文件之中导入数据的新功能。 ibm

These map files are referred to when masking the data and when converting the data to a CSV file.
在屏蔽数据以及将数据转化为 CSV文件时,这些映射文件将会得到引用。 ibm

This historical data can be sorted and exported as a comma- separated value CSV file, which enables the data to be imported into spreadsheets and other applications.
这些历史数据可以排序,导出为逗号分隔值 CSV文件,这样可以让数据导入电子表格和其他应用程序中。 ibm

This is useful for producing reports where the application accepts either JSON or CSV data as an input.
这对于生成报表非常有用,因为应用程序接受 JSON或 CSV数据作为输入。 ibm

This is where the masked data will be stored until it is converted into a CSV file.
这里就是存储屏蔽数据的地方,直到它被转化成了一个 CSV文件。 ibm

You can export your report in CSV or HTML format, or even clone it and export them to another machine.
你可以将报表导出为 CSV或者 HTML格式,甚至可以克隆和导出到其他的机器。 yeeyan




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