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词汇 CSS
释义 CSS
abbr.半铸钢=Cast Semi-Steel
Add other client-side frameworks, CSS layouts, and custom content to create the application you want to deliver to your clients.
添加另外一些客户端框架、 CSS布局和定制内容,以创建您想要交付给客户的应用程序。 ibm

Additionally, some of the CSS tests listed on MSDN are inaccurate, and browsers that actually pass these tests are not compliant with the standard.
此外,MSDN上列出的 CSS测试很不精确,事实上,完全通过了这些测试的浏览器并不与标准兼容。 infoq

All metadata is encapsulated in this container so that it can be hidden by the CSS.
所有这些元数据都会包装在该容器内,这样它可以被 CSS所隐藏。 ibm

Finally, you took a look at CSS manipulation, and how to change the layout, colors, fonts, and so on, of any element on the page without reloading the page.
最后,您还看到了如何进行 CSS处理,以及如何在不重新加载页面的情况下更改页面上任意元素的布局、颜色、字体等。 ibm

However, I'll highlight some basic and important CSS features in the context of this application.
但是,我将在这个应用程序的上下文中介绍一些重要的 CSS基本特性。 ibm

However, when the device does support CSS, the view should add the recommended style guideline class identifier, as in Figure20.
但是,如果设备的确支持 CSS,视图就应该添加推荐的样式指南类标识符,如图20所示。 ibm

If you only want the regular button to have blue text, then the CSS would look like Listing9.
如果只需要让常规的按钮具有蓝色的文本,那么这个 CSS就应该类似于清单9。 ibm

If we come up with new formatting ideas, they would be implemented in this function, along with any required CSS styles.
如果出现新的格式化想法,可以使用这个函数以及任何必要的 CSS样式实现。 ibm

If you have used CSS expressions in your pages, you should make every effort to remove them and use other methods to achieve the same functionality.
如果你在网页里使用 CSS表达式,应该尽一切努力来消除它们并且使用其他方法来达到同样的功能。 cnblogs

Instead, you can increase the width of the suggestion area through CSS.
取而代之的是,你可以通过 CSS增加推荐区域的宽度。 ibm

It does this by relying more on CSS and text than on images.
为了做到这一点,它更多地依靠 CSS和文本而非图像。 yeeyan

Similar to color, borders can be easily adjusted with CSS, but it can only take us so far.
与颜色相似,边线很容易就可以使用 CSS进行调整,但是能做的也就到此为止。 yeeyan

The following CSS file can be generated from a metadata registry and imported into the form.
下面的 CSS文件是从一个元数据登记系统生成的,可以导入表单中。 ibm

The possibilities for this class are vast, but the most immediate use is to bundle CSS directly with your application file.
这个类的用途很广泛,但是最直接的应用可能还是将 CSS与其他程序文件一块打包使用。 infoq

The styles you apply in your CSS affect your content, but it's usually a layer“ above” that content.
您在 CSS中应用的样式会影响到内容,但它通常是位于该内容的 “上面” 的层。 ibm

These are two CSS classes, separated by a comma, with different background colors.
这些是两个 CSS类,由一个逗号分开,有不同的背景颜色。 ibm

This can be as simple as setting a color, like you might do to use CSS.
这就像设置一个颜色一样简单,您使用 CSS时也可能会这样做。 ibm

Use markup to designate what something is, not what it should look like, and use CSS to do the rest.
使用标记来指定某些事物是什么,而不是如何显示它们,并使用 CSS来完成其余工作。 ibm

We find ourselves resetting the browser default styles, setting up a baseline grid and writing CSS for navigation tabs over and over again— on almost every project.
我们发现自己在重复设置默认浏览样式表,设置一个布局基线,为了导航条目一次又一次的写 css--几乎在所有的项目中。 yeeyan

You can add some CSS properties now to improve the look and feel of the application.
现在,您可以添加一些 CSS属性来改善应用程序的外观和感觉。 ibm

You can also position and move columns arbitrarily, so you can quickly and simply reorder the content on the page with CSS.
您还可以任意定位或移动各列,因此可以使用 CSS简单快捷地对页面上的内容进行排序。 ibm




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