

单词 CSN
释义 CSNCOCA⁹³⁵⁶²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
=Canadian Switched Network 加拿大转换网络¹⁰⁰
The problems involved in the design are indicated. By correlating data on physical properties of the heat-transfer oils equations are obtained which csn be used in design calculations.
文中还提出了根据 YD系列导热油的有关物性数据用电子计算机进行关联、回归的关联式,可供目前设计计算时用。 cnki

Also interested in those CSN mines are steel makers from China, India and Russia.
来自中国、俄罗斯和印度的钢铁生产商也对这几个矿点表示出了兴趣。 blog.sina.com.cn

Continuous light-emitting diodes csn emit light more than100,000 hours12 years and a half.
发光二极管发出的光持续超过一十万小时12年半。 china.business.kitchen-bath.cn

Corus, the firm formed by the union of British Steel with a Dutch firm, Hoogovens, was looking for a strategic buyer, and ended up choosing India's Tata over Brazil's CSN.
而不列颠钢铁 British Steel和荷兰 Hoogovens联合的 Corus也在寻找战略买家,最终他们舍弃了巴西的 CSN,选择了印度的塔塔 Tata。 yeeyan

IEC culture line was used as a model to investigate the effect of Copper-loaded Silicate Nanoparticles CSN on the conformation, proliferation, differentiation and migration of chick IEC.
然后以 IEC细胞系为实验模型,研究载铜硅酸盐纳米微粒 CSN对鸡 IEC形态、增殖、分化及损伤后细胞迁移的影响。 iciba

If necessary CSN could reduce debt by selling off minority stakes in its mines, power plants and other assets.
如果必要的话, CSN可以出售自己在矿山、电厂和其他资产中的小部分股份以减少负债。 ecocn

If CSN prevails, the merged firm's combined net debt will more than double as a share of cashflow.
就算 CSN最后得手,由于它的现金流会因此被分流一部分,合并后的公司净债务也将是现在的两倍。 ecocn

Methods: Retrospective reviews were done to44 CSN patients treated with anterior cervical decompression and fusion with bone graft.
方法:对44例行前路减压、植骨融合的神经根型颈椎病患者进行回顾分析,随访期平均3年2个月。 chemyq

Now we have moved on to a new phase of cooperation with CSN and we are expecting the involvement of more talents.
现与南航进入新一轮的合作, 狮王将需要更多的人才加盟。 gdrc

Objective: To study the diagnosis of cervical spondylotic neurodynia CSN, its localization and factors that influence the outcome of its surgical treatment.
目的:探讨神经根型颈椎病定位诊断和影响手术结果的因素。 iciba

There are controversies concerning whether congenital small nevus CSN is liable to undergo malignant degeneration and whether it should be resected promptly.
目前对先天性小痣 CSN易恶变与否及是否应予预防性切除尚未获共识。 iciba

Thus, Cable Science Network, or CSN, is in the offing.
因此「有线科学电视网」 CSN即将诞生。 iciba

CSN's main contribution will be the supply of cheap iron ore and, later on, steel slabs.
其中 CSN的主要贡献将是为Corus提供廉价的铁矿石以及稍后向其供应板材钢料。 ecocn




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