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CSF otorrhea 基本例句 脑脊液耳液溢,脑脊液耳漏 Conclusions: All cases willCSF otorrhearecovered with conservative treatment.颜面神经麻痹若为迟发性且为不完全性麻痹者预后较佳。 Pertinent physical findings were hemotympanum, bloody otorrhea, tympanic membrane rupture, andCSF otorrhea.结果:发生原因以车祸意外最多81%。 Except that one patient died shortly after arrival due to severe head injury, theCSF otorrhearecovered spontaneously without complication in others.发生脑脊髓液耳漏的有5名病患2%,其皆采保守治疗治并给与预防性抗生素。 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea following head trauma is not uncommon.Most traumaticCSF otorrheaappears immediately and ceases spontaneously.摘要头部外伤引起的脑脊髓液耳漏病不少见,且大多在受伤后就出现。 We present a unique case in which an infra-temporal arachnoid cyst eroded the tegmen tympani that caused conductive hearing loss,CSF otorrhea, and repeated meningitis.本文报告-因颞下部蛛纲膜囊肿侵蚀中耳鼓室顶而造成传导性听力丧失、脑脊髓液耳漏以及反覆性脑膜炎发作症状的病例; Sudden onset ofCSF otorrheaowing to brain herniation into the middle ear cavity via a tegmen defect presenting many years following head trauma is rare.头部外伤后多年才因鼓室盖缺损及脑组织脱垂入中耳,而出现突发性脑脊髓液耳漏的病例就很罕见。 |