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词汇 agatha
释义 agatha
And like many other patriotic young women the24 year old Agatha began volunteering her time for the war effort.
像其他许多满腔爱国热情的年轻女士一样,24岁的阿加莎志愿参加了战时救护工作。 joyen

I heard him as I came upstairs, and the theatre is engaged of course by those indefatigable rehearses, Agatha and Frederick.
我是上楼时听见的,占着剧场的肯定是那两个不知疲倦的排练者:阿加莎和弗雷德里克。 tingroom

It's hardly a surprise that Agatha Christie as one of the best authors of detective novels out there made it to our top ten books list.
作为最好的侦探小说家之一的阿加莎克里斯蒂,她的书在我们前十的名单中并不意外。 yeeyan

When she returned to England Agatha found romance and adventure of a different kind.
回到英国后,阿加莎经历了一段与埃及之行完全不同的浪漫与奇遇。 joyen

Agatha Christie's fictional sleuth is often dismissed as scatterbrained, but she is actually a shrewd judge of character and harbors deep knowledge of the dark side of human nature.
阿加莎·克里斯汀塑造的这位侦探经常因为心不在焉被踢出局,但她实际上看人极准,并且深谙人性的阴暗面。 yeeyan

After all, Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple needed only about 250 pages each to get to the bottom of their cases.
毕竟,阿加莎.克里斯蒂笔下的埃居尔.普瓦罗和马普尔小姐每人仅需要250页的资料就弄清了他们的案件。 yeeyan

After graduation Agatha and her mother embarked on an exciting3 month tour of Egypt.
毕业后,阿加莎和她的母亲踏上了激动人心的埃及之旅。 joyen

Another witness Agatha Chipole said that her son was among the men the scouts were looking for.
另一位目击者阿加莎•池宝说她的儿子就是一个巡防队要搜捕的人。 yeeyan

British country house movies are a mix of Jane Austen, Agatha Christie and Evelyn Waugh, with Wodehouse as the mixologist.
英国田园乡村电影是混合珍奥斯汀 Jane Austen、克莉丝蒂 Agatha Christie及艾弗林渥夫 Evelyn Waugh,与沃德豪斯 Wodehouse。 yeeyan

But once the reading public had gotten a taste of Agatha's work, her success as an author was assured.
不过,一旦读者领略到阿加莎作品的魅力,她成为一名成功作家的命运也就确定无疑了。 joyen

But when a family emergency called Agatha back to England, Max insisted on accompanying her.
可是,当阿加莎因家中有急事要赶回英国时,马克斯却坚持要护送她回去。 joyen

Despite the fact that Max Mallowan was considered one of the premier anthropologists of his day, it is his wife, Agatha Christie Mallowan, which the public best remembers.
虽然马克斯·马洛温被认为是当时最知名的人类学家之一,但让公众记忆最深的还是他的妻子—阿加莎·克里斯蒂·马洛温。 joyen

Interesting sights on the journey include Agatha Christie’s former home at Greenway and the local Sharpham vineyard and cheese dairy.
其间有趣的景点包括格林威的阿加莎·克里斯蒂故居,以及当地的夏朴罕葡萄园和奶酪工厂。 yeeyan

Knightley's first feature film role came in this Agatha Christie- inspired potboiler.
奈特莉涉足的第一部长篇电影角色是在一部被阿加莎·克里斯蒂启发的粗制滥造的电影里。 yeeyan

My favorite writer of all times is Agatha Christie. I wish that one day I could write a crime book.

Not much has changed since the 1920s, and walking into the lobby, with ornate Ottoman furniture and arabesque tiles, is like stepping into an Agatha Christie novel.
自1920年代以来没有发生多大改变,步入陈设有华丽的奥斯曼风格家具和阿拉伯式花纹瓷砖的大堂,就像进入了阿加莎·克里斯蒂侦探小说家的小说之中。 yeeyan

Several months later Agatha decided to go on a holiday, someplace exotic and foreign.
几个月后,阿加莎决定去度假,享受一下国外的异域风情。 joyen

The crime writer, Agatha Christie, even apologised for not smoking.
侦探小说家阿加莎.克里斯蒂甚至因为不抽烟曾经道歉。 ecocn

Agatha Christie's detective stories have been translated into many languages.
阿加莎。克里斯蒂的侦探故事被译成多种语言。 tingclass

Agatha enjoyed his company as much as she did the tour itself.
阿加莎非常享受这次旅行,也非常喜欢马克斯的陪伴。 joyen

Agatha said that she was used to having X- rays but doubted if she would be able to produce a sample of her sputum.
她说她已经习惯拍 X光片,但是怀疑自己是否能够咳出一份痰来。 iciba




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