

单词 crystallography
释义 crys·tal·log·ra·phy 英ˌkrɪstəˈlɒgrəfiː美ˌkrɪstəˈlɑgrəfiAHDkrĭs'tə-lŏgʹrə-fē 高COCA⁶⁴⁴⁷⁰BNC⁴⁶⁸⁵⁹iWeb³⁶⁹⁶⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
the branch of science that studies the formation and structure of crystalsgeometrical crystallography几何结晶学ray crystallography射线晶体学geometric crystallography几何结晶学neutron crystallography中子结晶学descriptive crystallography描述性晶体学…mathematical crystallography数学晶体学structural crystallography构造结晶学morphological crystallography形态结晶学law of geometrical crystallography几体结晶构造定律…diffraction crystallography衍射结晶学,衍射晶体…
用作名词He and his brother had been acknowledged for their work oncrystallography.他和他的兄弟因在结晶学的科学研究工作,而被社会所公认。
The frozen-hydration preparative technique often be used in high resolution protein electroncrystallography.研究蛋白质晶体高分辨结构时,常采用冰冻水合技术。 And Born worked on a number of things, including the Born exponent, and taught himself crystallography sort of as something to do during World War I.

The two structures of BMT main phase, that is 1:2 ordered hexagonal superlattice and disordered cubic structure reflections, were marked in XRD patterns by crystallography.
通过晶体学计算,标定出 BMT主晶相存在的两种结构,1:2有序六方超晶格结构和无序立方结构。 cnki

A new branch of crystallography— real space crystallography has appeared.
所以结晶学的一个新的分支——正空间结晶学已经出现。 cnki

French physicist Pierre Curie, a pioneer in the study of crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity, died at47 on April19,1906.
法国物理学家皮埃尔·居里于1906年4月19日逝世,享年47岁。他是结晶学,磁学,压电现象和放射能领域的先锋。 cri

However, paraffin wax molecules could keep shortrange regular arrangement and possess the properties of so-called isomorphism in crystallography.
但石蜡分子能在较小的范围内保持着短程有序排列,并且具有晶体学中所谓的类质同晶的特性。 cnki

In contrast to this, only reciprocal space has been used in X-ray crystallography.
与此相反, X射线结晶学一直使用倒易空间。 cnki

In the science of crystallography it is crucial, as it is also in many aspects of chemistry.
在结晶学科学或是化学方面更扮演关键的角色。 iciba

Protein crystallization is the primary bottleneck step in X- ray protein crystallography.
获得具有高分辨率的蛋白质晶体是目前蛋白质结构测定的主要瓶颈。 iciba

Tao's lab specializes in X- ray crystallography, a powerful technique that can pinpoint the exact location of every atom in a biomacromolecule or a large biomacromolecular assembly.
的实验室的专业方向是 X线晶体成像,这是一种功能强大的技术,可以准确定位生物大分子或者生物大分子集合中每个原子的位置。 dxy

The researchers froze one of the antibodies in the process of attaching to and neutralizing the virus, getting an atomic- level image in a process called x-ray crystallography.
研究人员在粘附和中和病毒过程中,冻住其中一个抗体,通过所谓 X射线结晶学的过程得到原子水平的图像。 yeeyan

The atomic structure and crystallography are emphasized, with special attention to the rigid- geometry-plus- decoration models.
强调了原子结构与晶体学,并特别注意于刚性几何加缀饰模型。 cnki

The success has been praised by the crystallography community, many of whom were vying with Yusupov's team to publish the first structure.
这一成果被结晶学届广为赞誉,他们中许多人是与 Yusupov小组竞争,争取第一个发布结构的。 yeeyan

Through the study, we find that the morphology and crystallography of the seed layer has an important effect on the as-deposited Cu films.
通过对化学镀铜膜形貌和结晶方面的研究发现:籽晶层对铜膜最终形貌和择优取向有较大的影响。 cnki




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