

单词 crystallized
释义 crystallized 英'krɪstəlaɪzd美'krɪstəlaɪzd ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA⁴³⁰⁸⁷BNC⁴⁹⁸¹⁶iWeb³¹⁶⁹⁴
having become fixed and definite in form;

distinguish between crystallized and uncrystallized opinion

having both internal structure and external form of a crystal;

quartz crystal is perfectly crystallized

来自crystal,结晶。crystallize使结晶crystallized strophanthin结晶形毒毛旋花子甙…crystallized sugar结晶砂糖crystallized fruit糖腌水果,蜜饯水果…crystallized honey带结晶的蜂蜜…crystallized ginger糖姜,蜜饯生姜…crystallized digitalin结晶性毛地黄甙…crystallized region结晶段crystallized product结晶产物
近义词 iced冰冷的candied糖果的sugared加糖的glazed像玻璃的preserved保存的sugar-coated糖衣crystalised结晶的crystallised结晶的反义词 uncrystallized非晶的未定形的…
And that pressure, acting on the carbon-rich makeup of the white dwarf, may have crystallized much of it to the particular form of carbon we call diamond.
这种压力不断作用于富含碳元素的白矮星成分,使其自身结晶成碳的同素异形体,也就是我们所说的钻石。 yeeyan

In similar manner, the trees, flowers, mountains, and seas are the crystallized thought forms of the Nature Forces.
同样地,树、花、山和海都是自然力量凝结的思想。 yeeyan

The physical core is crystallized in magnetic iron-nickel alloy- composite. The core is not hollow.
物质核心是磁性铁镍合金复合材料的结晶,其核心不是中空的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The silicate that makes up most of the dust would have begun as non- crystallized, amorphous particles.
硅酸盐是尘埃的主要成分,它们最初是非晶体,不定型的微粒。 yeeyan

Towers of salt and a riverbed colored by crystallized salt create an otherworldly landscape in Ethiopia’s Danakil Desert.
盐的山峰和经结晶盐着色过的河床构成了埃塞俄比亚的达纳基尔部落沙漠中的超俗脱尘的景观。 yeeyan

“ By10, their early memories are crystallized,” she said. “ Those are the memories they keep.”
“到10岁时,他们的早期记忆就固定了,”她说,“这些就是他们所保留的记忆”。 yeeyan

“ North America’s festering sore of what do with its homeless and disenfranchised is crystallized in a few short blocks, ” The Sunday Times of Australia wrote.
澳大利亚《星期日泰晤士报》:北美洲痛心的是无家可归的人和被剥夺权利的人在一些街区随处可见。 yeeyan

After weeks of work, our plan for a vacation trip crystallized.
经过几周的工作,我们的度假计划终于成型了。 iciba

As we get older we become a lot more crystallized in our thinking.
随着我们年纪越来越大我们的思维模式越来越固化。 yeeyan

But on this small piece of paper are crystallized the oh- so- bitter experiences of our generation!
可是这种小纸片上凝聚着我们这一代人怎样艰辛的经历呐。 jukuu

Character is a crystallized habit, the result of training and conviction.
性格是一种固化成形的习惯,是不断培养并坚信于此的结果。 kekenet

He crystallized salt as part of his experiment.

Nearly all God's jewels are crystallized tears.
神的每一颗宝石,几乎全是晶莹的泪珠。 ebigear

Some claimed that it started out as cries of pain, which gradually crystallized into distinct words.
有的学者宣称语言最早始于疼痛导致的喊叫,然后逐渐形成可辨别的词汇。 yeeyan

The beauty of natural patterns of stone or wood, and real crystallized metals may be used to enhance the visual appeal of an interior design.
石头或木材以及真金属这些自然模式之美可用于提高室内设计视觉吸引力。 yeeyan

Then they made a version with really short spindles, but the crystallized form did not diffract x-rays.
之后他们作出了一个具有一些真正小纺锤的视角,但是已结晶的形态并不在 X射线下产生衍射。 yeeyan

They range in color from glass- clear to a dark mahogany and in consistency from watery to chunky to a crystallized solid.
其颜色从透明到深红褐色,质地从水状到粘稠到结晶状。 yeeyan

Uraninite in this type of deposit is crystallized by U-rich magma which is differentiated from granitic magma.
这种矿床的晶质铀矿是从花岗岩浆分异出来的富铀岩浆中结晶而成的。 cnki

When the researchers made a version without these spindles, it crystallized, but it wasn’t stable.
当研究者作出了一个排除这些纺锤的视角,它结晶了,不过这并不稳定。 yeeyan




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