释义 |
cry on短语³²⁵⁵⁴ 基本例句 vt.恳求祈求;要求 It's no use to cry on a spilled milk cause I don't want to miss any more with current time. 覆水难收,往日不在,而我也不愿意为此再错过现在的时光。 xiaoshuoydw Friends and family will always provide a shoulder for you to cry on and with them being close to you, you can deal with the death bravely. 朋友和家人总会助你一臂之力,分担你肩上的责任。他们是你亲近的人,会帮助你勇敢地面对心爱人的死亡。 yeeyan If you realise you're only their friend when things are going wrong for them and you're getting zilch back, it might be worth reminding them of the times you've needed a shoulder to cry on. 当朋友有了烦恼,如果你觉得自己是朋友的知己,机会就又回来了,这时也许值得提醒他们,你曾经某个时候也需要他们倾听你的烦恼。 yeeyan If you are single, don't be a shoulder to cry on, you deserve far better. 如果你单身,也别随便就把自己的肩膀借出去了,你能得到的比这个要好得多。 yeeyan Now I only have the memories of me and you together on that summer. wish you were back to hold me when I'm scared or have a shoulder to cry on. 现在我心中只存有那个夏天的记忆,希望你能回到我的身边,当我心里恐惧,需要人安慰的时候,希望你能拥抱着我。 edu.sina.com.cn |