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crux 英krʌks, krʊks美krʌks, krʊksAHDkrŭks, kr‹ks 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.关键⁸⁴;难题¹²;天十字座;坩埚⁴
Noun: a small conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere in the Milky Way near Centaurusthe most important point来自拉丁语crux十字,交叉,是词根cruc-十字、交叉和单词cross十字,交叉的词源。它的本意就是“十字、交叉”,引申为多种因素交错纠结之处,进一步引申为“症结、关键、难点”等含义。crux关键crux of the matter问题的关键 GRE红宝书源于cross十字架被基督徒们视为关键 cross十字 + X 也是十字→关键地点cruxcrus的变体→人生十字路口⇒关键词根记忆crux=十字=十字路口=关键源自crossn.十字架近义词 root根meat肉heart心core核心soul灵魂nub小肿块bottom底部centre中心bottom line底线conjuncture结合nitty-gritty事实真相crux of the matter问题的关键Southern Cross〈天〉南十字座…
名词100% 用作名词Therein lies thecruxof the matter.问题的关键就在那里。 Now we come to thecruxof the problem.现在我们来谈问题的症结所在。 This is the first maincruxof dynamic theory.这是动态学说第一个主要的难题。noun.most important part 同义词 bottom line,core,essence,gist,nubbody,heart,kernel,matter,meat,nitty-gritty,pith,purport,substance,thrustdecisive point,meat and potatoes 反义词 exterior,outside,exteriority,nothing,nothingnesstrivia afflictionnoun hurt condition;something that causes hurt adversity,anguish,calamity,cross,depression,difficulty,disease,disorder,distress,grief,hardship,illness,infirmity,misery,misfortune,ordeal,pain,plague,plight,scourge,sickness,sorrow,suffering,torment,trial,tribulation,trouble,woe basisnoun foundation for belief, action antecedent,assumption,authority,axiom,backbone,background,backing,base,bedrock,cause,center,chief ingredient,core,crux,data,dictum,essence,essential,evidence,explanation,footing,fundamental,hard fact,heart,infrastructure,justification,keynote,keystone,law,nexus,nucleus,postulate,premise,presumption,presupposition,principal element,principle,proof,reason,root,rudiment,sanction,security,source,substratum,support,theorem,theory,underpinning,warrant bodynoun bulk;central portion assembly,basis,bed,chassis,core,corpus,crux,essence,frame,fuselage,gist,gravamen,groundwork,hull,main part,majority,mass,material,matter,pith,skeleton,staple,substance,substructure,sum,tenor,total,trunk,whole bottom linenoun center or central factor basis,conclusion,core,crux,determination,essence,fiber,final decision,fundamentals,income,key point,last word,loss,main idea,main point,main thing,meat and potatoes,name of the game,net,nitty-gritty,nuts and bolts,point,profit,reality,sum and substance,what it's all about,whole story central ideanoun the main idea basic idea,basic principle,basic thought,basis,central principle,central thought,core,crux,essence,gist,heart,keynote,main idea,main point,pith,point,substance corenoun center, gist amount,base,basis,body,bottom line,bulk,burden,consequence,corpus,crux,essence,focus,foundation,heart,import,importance,kernel,main idea,mass,meat,meat and potatoes,middle,midpoint,midst,nitty gritty,nub,nucleus,origin,pith,pivot,purport,quick,root,significance,staple,substance,thrust,upshot That ever- expanding content is the crux of the social studies teacher's dilemma: How to cover every topic with limited class time? 不断扩大的教授内容是让社会老师进退两难的难题:如何在有限的课堂时间里做到面面俱到呢? yeeyan The crux is in the working- age population, aged15-64. 症结就在处于工作年龄段的人口,从15岁到64岁。 ecocn The crux is to use the information to guide decisions, strengthening areas that need further action and using the process dynamically. 关键是要利用信息指导决策,加强需要采取进一步行动和使用动态流程的部分。 yeeyan The crux of the matter is that attitudes have changed. 问题的关键是人们的态度改变了。 kekenet The crux of the proposal is spelling out the actual IT solution that will meet the requirements stated in the RFP. 提案的关键在于详细规划出实际的 IT解决方案,并使之符合 RFP中所述的需求。 ibm The crux of this dilemma is to figure out what features in the product actually need to work. 这个难题的症结在于指出产品的什么特性确实需要研究。 ibm The crux of this scenario is the virtualization and centralization of information to create a set of consistent, reliable data. 这一场景的关键在于对信息进行虚拟化和集中化,以创建一组一致的、可靠的数据。 ibm And this is the crux of modern ecological architecture. 这就是现代生态建筑面临的难题。 yeeyan But oil— and other commodities— are the crux of the problem. 但是石油——和其他商品——仍然是问题的关键。 ecocn Irrational economic structure, problems of economic development mode the main crux of the problem. 经济结构不合理是经济发展方式存在问题的主要症结。 putclub Liverpool will suppose that the crux of the matter was a decision taken by the referee Howard Webb. 利物浦可能会认为裁判霍华德·韦伯的一个判罚决定起了关键作用。 yeeyan Look at this structure before you move on, because it contains the crux of the algorithm. 在继续开发之前,先仔细看看这个结构,因为它包含算法的关键。 ibm Now we come to the crux of the problem. 现在我们来谈问题的症结所在。 kekenet Of course, knowing when to apply such clever features is the crux of the matter, and all of us struggle with it from time to time. 当然,知道什么时候应用这么聪明的特性是问题的关键,而我们都在不断地为之努力。 ibm That is the crux of the matter: XML is text, and only text. 这就是问题的症结所在: XML是文本,而且只是文本。 ibm This is the crux of the matter. 这就是问题的关键所在。《新英汉大辞典》 This is the crux of the problem. 这个就是问题的关键。 ebigear Unlike other distributions, the primary goal of CRUX is not to be the most popularread: biggest number of users or to put as many features as possible into the system. 不像其他的发行版, CRUX的主要目标不是成为一个流行的大量的用户或是包含尽可能多特性的系统。 yeeyan We invite you to join us as a user, or as a team member, if you feel that CRUX is for you. 如果您感觉 CRUX适合您,我们真诚地邀请您以用户或团队成员的身份加入我们。 yeeyan We're nearing the end of our journey through these files and have come to the crux of the matter. 这些文件让我们接近我们旅程的终点,并找到问题的症结所在。 ibm What do you think the crux of the problem lies in? 您认为目前最关键的矛盾或症结在哪里? www.fmprc.gov.cn |