

单词 crusted
释义 crust·ed AHDˈkrəstə̇d ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁸⁶⁸²BNC⁶¹⁷⁵⁶iWeb³³⁰²²
having a hardened crust as a coveringcrust外壳crusted theory古老的理论,陈旧的理…crusted prejudice古老的偏见
crust-ed如|被…的⇒adj.生了外皮的⁴⁴;酒有沉淀的;陈年的²⁸;古老的动词crust的过去式和过去分词形式.近义词 thick厚的crusty有脆皮的covered被覆盖的crustlike硬皮的coated涂上一层的caked覆盖有一层…的…encrusted动词encrust的过去…
用作形容词The lake wascrustedover with ice.河面上结了一层冰。
He sat down to remove his mud-crustedboots.他坐下来脱掉了那双覆盖着一层泥巴的靴子。
Recently,crustedPu er tea is not only in pursuit of those tea arts fans but also a new favor of collectors.如今,陈年的普洱茶不仅成为茶艺爱好者的追求,更成为了收藏家的新宠。
The temporary artists despise thecrustedand uncreative works.当代艺术家鄙视因循守旧和没有创造性的东西。as in.coat
同义词 cover,glaze,laminate,paint,smear,stainapply,crust,enamel,foil,incrust,plaster,plate,spread,surface,varnish
反义词 stripreveal,uncover A typical cat- scratch disease, often within2-4 weeks after being scratched, pimples or blisters appear and then crusted with old, often accompanied by itching.
典型的猫抓病患者,常常在被抓伤后2—4周内,出现陈旧性丘疹或水疱继而结痂,往往伴有皮肤瘙痒。 blog.sina.com.cn

LAHMACUN PIZZAGround meat blended with onion, tomato, parsley and herbs on a thin crusted dough.
拉麻俊薄皮匹萨:传统土耳其匹萨配碎肉,洋葱,欧芹,番茄和香料。 gudumami

The company's products include over 50 types of tilapia meals such as Lemon Pepper Tilapia and Coconut Crusted Tilapia.
公司生产50多种罗非鱼肉产品,例如柠檬胡椒罗非鱼和椰子罗非鱼。 yeeyan

The Obamas are loyal, as well, to the thin- crusted pies at Italian Fiesta Pizzeria in Hyde Park.
同时,奥巴马一家还是意大利嘉年华餐厅的薄皮馅饼的忠实顾客,这家店位于海德公园。 yeeyan

The snow crusted over during the night.

There was salt crusted everywhere.
到处都结着盐皮。 dictall

After months of drought, the fields were crusted over.
经过几个月的干旱,田地都变成干块。 hotdic

During flare-ups, open weeping or crusted sores may develop from the scratching or from infections.
在急性发病期,病人的抓挠或感染可引起浆液性渗出及结痂。 med66

Ice crusted the lake last night.

Ice crusted the pond.
冬天池塘里结冰。 dictall

If you think it is fusion crusted and looks like it has flight marking from traveling through the atmosphere while melting on the outside, send it to be examined.

Loud music seeps from blue-glowing bars, neon light spills onto icy sidewalks, the lanes are crusted with road salt.
吵闹的音乐从闪着蓝光的酒吧里渗出来,霓虹灯光洒在结冰的人行道上,小巷则洒上了一层道路用盐。 yeeyan

My beard and clothes are crusted with sand, my body is sore and aching.
我的胡须和衣服上都是沙子,我的浑身酸痛。 odyguild

Spoon the mixture into a baking dish. Bake in middle of oven until puffed and crusted on top, for about25 minutes.
倒入烤盘中,放入烤箱烤25分钟左右,直至中央抛起并形成酥皮。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then came the rails and wooden hull, crusted with coral and shells.
接着只见船舷和覆盖着珊瑚和贝壳的木制船体。 www.easyreading.com.cn




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