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词汇 crustaceans
释义 crustaceans 英krʌs'teɪʃnz美krʌs'teɪʃnz COCA³⁸⁰²⁰BNC²⁹⁵⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 crustacean:
any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeletonThe following diseases ofcrustaceansare listed by the OIE.世界动物卫生组织列出的甲壳类动物疾病。
They also chose to eatcrustaceansand drink of dolphin-whale blood in the physical.他们也选择在物质层上进食甲壳类动物并饮用海豚鲸鱼的血液。 For instance, some jellyfish, when feeding on a lot of larval crustaceans that are high in certain pigments, are usually pink to purple in color.
如一些海蜇以许多含色素较高的幼体甲壳类为食时;在色彩上通常是粉红色到紫色。 iciba

Minute marine organisms, such as crustaceans of the genus Calanus, that are a major source of food for right whales.
哲水蚤小海生动物,如哲水蚤属的甲壳类动物,是露脊鲸食物的主要来源。 iciba

Red tides, a bloom of bacteria that gives a red tint to coastal waters, produces toxins that kill fish and contaminate crustaceans.
赤潮是由一些细菌引起的,它们快速繁殖,将沿海水域染成红色,同时产生杀死鱼类和污染甲壳类生物的毒素。 tingvoa

Small, mosquito- eating fish and copepods tiny crustaceans have also been used with some success.
也曾使用过吃蚊子的小鱼和桡足虫极小的甲壳虫类,具有一定效果。 who

The shells of these small crustaceans are composed of a unique carbohydrate, chitosan, that’s a natural microbe fighter.
这种小型甲壳类动物的壳是由一种特殊的碳水化合物壳聚糖构成的。 壳聚糖是一种天然的细菌杀手。 yeeyan

The plants create a habitat for creatures like protozoans and microscopic crustaceans that eat the dead and dying bacteria. That way, the system doesn't have to be manually cleaned.
植物为原生动物及甲壳纲动物提供了栖息场所,原生动物和甲壳纲动物会吃掉死了的或者将死的细菌,这样,系统就不需要进行人工清理。 yeeyan

These dolphins have fat, bulbous foreheads and skinny, elongated beaks suited to snatching fish from a tangle of branches or to rooting around in river mud for crustaceans.
亚马逊河豚,肉质球状前额,喙部尖而长,适合在枝蔓缠绕的雨林捕猎鱼儿,或者啄食河泥中的甲壳类动物。 yeeyan

With the ability of jellyfish to mix water now proved, Dabiri's team is focusing on krill and other tiny crustaceans that number in the trillions.
水母混合水体的这个能力现在已经得到证实了,达比利的团队正专注于数量在数万亿以上的磷虾和其它微小的甲壳类动物。 yeeyan

Concerns about the effects of changing ocean acidity on animals has focused on weakening shells in corals, crustaceans and shellfish, but fish may also be affected.
对海域酸性变化效应的关注点主要集中在珊瑚、甲壳类和贝类的壳上,它们的壳正在变软。但鱼类也有可能被影响到。 yeeyan

In this region, the draw for the sharks mostly consisted of small crustaceans and shrimp.
在这片区域,吸引它们的是成群的甲壳纲动物和虾。 yeeyan

It also carried minute crustaceans, no doubt grateful for a foothold of any kind on this huge sea.
它们也携带少量的甲克类生物,无疑能为大海上的鸟类提供歇脚的地方。 yeeyan

It kills its prey, primarily other crustaceans such as cave shrimps, with venom- injecting fangs.
它通过尖牙把毒液注射进虾类的体内来杀死对方。 yeeyan

Merchants sell fossilized insects, crustaceans and plants.
这里的商人还出售化石昆虫、甲壳类动物和植物。 yeeyan

Much like the larger Emperors, King Penguins rely on Krill and small crustaceans for food, but an increase in surface ocean temperatures is reducing the supply in the winter months.
像更大的帝企鹅一样,王企鹅依靠海里的磷虾和贝壳类为生,但是不断上升的海洋表面温度减少了冬季的食物供给。 yeeyan

Not much is known about the eel's large mouth, but it's thought to help capture small crustaceans.
关于其大嘴的用途,目前科学家们还知之甚少,但比较公认的看法是帮助捕猎小型甲壳类动物。 yeeyan

Other finds included furry crustaceans pictured above and lobsters as long as a man's arm.
其它发现包括有毛的甲壳类如题图所示和体长与成年男子手臂相近的虾。 ecocn

Other studies show that supplies of the krill—tiny marine crustaceans—that fuel the Antarctic food chain also dropped during this period.
另外一些研究表明同期的磷虾数量也急剧下降。 而这种小的甲克生物正式南极鲸的食物来源。 yeeyan

Seafood is the collective name of seawater animals such as crustaceans and mollusks, including prawns, clams, mussels, scallops and other shellfish.
海鲜是甲壳和软体可食性海生动物的集合名词,如对虾,蛤蜊,贻贝,扇贝和其他贝类海鲜。 yeeyan

The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans.
红鹮和火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物,在体内生成胡罗卜素,就形成了它鲜艳的颜色。 yeeyan

The lobster likely uses its exaggerated claw, or cheliped, to defend against other crustaceans.
这种盲虾可能利用其夸张的前爪,或者螯足来抵御其他甲壳类动物。 yeeyan

They build small fires in the sterns, grilling crustaceans and boiling thin mollusc stews.
他们在船尾生火启灶,或炙烤海贝,或煮炖海鲜。 yeeyan

They anchor themselves with their prehensile tails to sea grasses and corals, using their elongated snouts to suck in plankton and small crustaceans that drift by.
它们靠卷尾在海草或珊瑚上来固定自身,用细长的吻部吸入浮游生物和漂游的小甲虫类。 yeeyan

They eat other fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and octopus.
它们吃其他的鱼类、甲壳类、软体动物和章鱼。 hjenglish

This species prefers to stay near reefs or sandy shallows where they dig crustaceans and mollusks out of the substrate.
它们喜欢待在礁石附近或者沙质的浅滩,因为在那里又很多的甲壳类动物和软体动物可以被挖出来,供它们大快朵颐。 yeeyan

This animal uses its toothy“ saw” to sense buried crustaceans or bottom-dwelling fish, and to stun and kill them.
这种生物用它的齿状“锯子”来感知,打昏,杀死隐藏的甲壳类动物和住在海底的鱼类。 yeeyan




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