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crunch·es 英krʌntʃ美krʌntʃ COCA³³⁸⁰⁵BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺⁹Economist¹⁷¹¹⁷ 基本双解英英搭配近义反义句型例句例句 v.发出碎裂声⁸;嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼⁵;嘎喳嘎喳地碾过⁵n.嘎吱声⁸;艰难局面⁵;关键时刻⁶⁹原型crunch的三单形容词crunchable过去分词crunched现在分词crunching三单crunches v.动词 vt. & vi. 嘎吱嘎吱地咬嚼crush food noisily with teeth vi. 嘎吱作响make a noise like the sound of sth being crushed n.名词 S嘎吱的响声a crunching sound S需要作出重要决策的困难时刻a difficult moment when sth important must be decided Noun: the sound of something crunching;he heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path a critical situation that arises because of a shortage as a shortage of time or money or resources;an end-of-the year crunch a financial crunch the act of crushing Verb: make a crushing noise;his shoes were crunching on the gravel press or grind with a crushing noisechew noisily;The children crunched the celery sticks reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading;grind the spices in a mortar mash the garlic crunch seal陶瓷封接when it comes to the crunch1.number crunching数据捣弄credit crunch信用紧缩Big Crunch内向爆聚 近义词 grind磨chew咀嚼crux关键head头部crush压碎crisis危机bray驴叫声mash 麦芽浆munch大声咀嚼champ大声地嚼compaction压缩chomp大声地咀嚼conjuncture结合gnash咬牙切齿crackle发劈啪声crumple使)起皱comminute使成粉末critical point临界点scranch发嘎吱嘎吱声…scraunch发嘎吱嘎吱声…cranch嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼…craunch嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼…critical situation重大局面moment of truth斗牛中的最后一剑… 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AHis leather boots crunched on the frozen snow.他的皮靴踩在冻雪上嘎吱作响。 The greedy boy was crunching on a hard and dry piece of toast.那个贪吃的男孩正嘎吱嘎吱地嚼一片烤过的脆面包。 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.He sat there crunching his cornflakes and reading the newspaper.他坐在那儿一边看报,一边嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着玉米片。用作名词n.We heard the crunch of wheels on the gravel drive.我们听到车轮碾过石子路时发出的嘎吱声。 His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。 When it comes to the crunch she always supports me.一到紧要关头她总是支持我。 名词87%,动词13% 用作动词The frozen snowcrunchedunder our feet.冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。 The wheelscrunchedthe gravel.车轮碾在碎石上嘎吱嘎吱地响。用作名词There was acrunchas he bit the apple.在他咬苹果时,发出嘎扎一响。 He was caught in a financialcrunch.他陷入财政危机。 We are today facing a serious creditcrunch.我们今日正面对严重的信贷困难。 When it comes to thecrunchthey will support us.到紧要关头他们会支持我们的。 He always says he'll help, but when it comes to thecrunch, he does nothing.他口口声声说他一定帮忙,然而事到临头他什麽也不帮。 The spine has the most nerves of any area of the body, and the bends and strains of crunches and sit-ups can lead to extensive nerve damage. 脊椎是人体各部神经最集中的区域,因而,仰卧起坐的屈伸作用力,会对该部神经造成广泛的损害。 yeeyan But in a fight scene, we want our crunches and slashes to command attention. 但在打斗场景里,我们需要突出渲染那些碎裂和砍杀的声音。 yeeyan Credit crunches do not affect all companies the same way. 信贷困境会以相同的方式影响部分公司。 ecocn Do it at the same time, every day. Just some crunches,2 pushups, and some jogging in place. 选择每天同一时间,做几个仰卧起坐,二个俯卧撑,原地慢跑会,坚持一个星期。 yeeyan Even Mr Buffett, as happy as he must be with his investment in Moody's, crunches his own numbers when using derivatives. 尽管巴菲特先生一定对自己在穆迪的投资感到满意,但在使用金融衍生品时也缩手缩脚。 ecocn Just be sure that you focus on calorie- burning exercises, rather than sit-ups or crunches. 你只要确定你做的是燃烧卡路里的运动,而不是仰卧起坐. yeeyan Of course, you can do jumping jacks, crunches and other simple exercises without any equipment at all. 当然,你也可以做杰克跳、仰卧起坐等不需要任何器材的简单锻炼。 yeeyan State and local budget crunches will continue to be a drag, as will net exports, so long as America's economy remains unbalanced. 州政府和地方政府的预算紧缩和净出口——假如美国经济依旧不平衡——仍将是累赘。 ecocn Such software crunches data on each aircraft’s performance and other traffic in the air or at airports to determine the optimal flight plan. 这款软件能够迅速处理每架飞机的空中飞行数据和其他地空交通状况,以制定最佳飞行计划。 ecocn Sure, they had him do some crunches, but still, it just points to a real lack of seriousness in this movie. 当然,他们也让他来一些劲爆场面,可是,这更说明了电影中严肃的成分太少了。 yeeyan Take advantage of your own body weight. Try push-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats. 利用下你自己的体重。试试俯卧撑,仰卧起坐和下蹲起立。 yeeyan Try push-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats. 试试俯卧撑,仰卧起坐和下蹲起立。 yeeyan Try push-ups, pull-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats. 试试俯卧撑、引体向上、仰卧起坐和蹲起吧。 yeeyan US banks now primarily face individual challenges, rather than the industry- wide dangers of securities losses and liquidity crunches they struggled with during the financial crisis. 美国的银行现在主要面临来自个体的挑战,而非它们在经济危机时来自工业领域的担保损失和资金紧缩的威胁。 yeeyan Warm up with a few body weight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and crunches. 可以做一些负重练习进行一些热身,如俯卧撑,引体向上,仰卧起坐等。 yeeyan Who said that you need to do boring crunches and push-ups and run around the block every day? 谁说你每天要做乏味的仰卧起坐和俯卧撑以及围着大厦跑步? yeeyan You can tone abdominal muscles with crunches or other targeted abdominal exercises, but these exercises won't get rid of belly fat. 可以通过仰卧起坐或者其他针对性的锻炼来加强腹部肌肉,但是这些不会使你减少腹部脂肪。 yeeyan You might decide that the way for you to accomplish that goal is to do100 crunches a day. 为了达到这个目标,你可以给自己定个计划,比如每天坐100个仰卧起坐。 yeeyan You break down those100 crunches into 4 groups of25, making your goal easy to achieve during the commercial breaks of an hour long TV show. 这样你可以在电视节目的休息时间做这组仰卧起坐。使得你的计划变得易于实现。 yeeyan You can do pushups and crunches right there on the floor next to your desk or go outside if you’re worried about your coworkers seeing you. 你可以在你办公桌附近的地板上做(如果你怕被同事看见也可以在室外做。 yeeyan |