

单词 crumpling
释义 crump·ling 英'krʌmpl美'krʌmpl COCA⁵⁴³⁹⁷BNC⁶³³¹⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. 压皱,弄皱

press or crush into folds or creases

vi. 变皱

become full of irregular folds by pressing, crushing, etc.

fall apart;

the building crumbled after the explosion

Negotiations broke down

fold or collapse;

His knees buckled

to gather something into small wrinkles or folds;

She puckered her lips

become wrinkled or crumpled or creased;

This fabric won't wrinkle

crumple up揉皱压碎crumple zone摺皱缓冲部位…
近义词 失败毁…发生故障knit编织crush压碎scrunch碾crease折痕rumple皱纹ripple涟漪tumble暴跌buckle扣子crinkle变皱wrinkle皱纹crumble崩溃pucker使折叠break down分解cockle动鸟蛤crunch发出碎裂声collapse(使倒塌
S+~+AThis kind of paper crumples easily.这种纸容易起皱。
S+ ~+n./pron.Don't crumple my clothes!别把我的衣服弄皱了!
用作动词He put on acrumpledsuit.他穿上一件皱巴巴的西装。
Silk dresses are easy tocrumpleup if not carefully handled.真丝衣服若不能正确处理,很容易起皱。
The wall was likely tocrumpleup at any time.墙随时可以坍掉。
Her resistance to the proposal hascrumpled.她对这个建议的抵触情绪已化为乌有了。
The diseasecrumpledhim.病魔使他的身体垮了。
The enemy forcescrumpledunder the bombardment.敌军在炮击下垮了。 Christopher Columbus described Jamaica's terrain by crumpling a piece of paper and tossing it on a table.
克里斯托弗·哥伦布这样形容牙买加的地势:揉皱一块布,再扔到桌子上。 yeeyan

The next thing he knew he was crumpling newspaper and stacking kindling in the fireplace, and where were the matches?
紧接着,他揉搓着报纸,把它堆积在壁炉里,可是火柴在哪儿呢? yeeyan

A sudden loud whistle ran through the cabin. My head was like in a vice. There was a deafening noise of crumpling metal.
忽然巨大的呼啸声响彻整个机舱,我感到自己的脑袋好像被老虎钳夹住了似的,金属扭曲的声音震耳欲聋。 yeeyan

Circular tubes impacted axially can absorb energy through their crumpling.
轴向压皱的圆管可以用来吸收能量。 cnki

I could imagine the frustration pulling his black eyebrows together and crumpling his forehead.
我想象得出沮丧挫败的感觉使他漆黑的眉毛紧蹙在一起的样子。 bbstc

It seemed as if Federer had finally cracked when, his mouth crumpling, he just managed to get the words out: “ God, it's killing me.”
费德勒在最后似乎要崩溃了,他的嘴嗫嚅着,艰难地挤出一句:“天哪,我太难过了。” yeeyan

Slightly crumpling, no cracks, no pin holes, not deforming.
轻微起皱,无裂纹,无针孔,不变形。 ningbaokeji

The mountains and valleys have been formed because of crumpling, horizontal pressure, and this will happen again during the forthcoming shift.
山脉和山谷是因为褶皱作用和水平压力而形成的,在即将到来的极移过程中,这样的景象还会上演。 xici

This apparently took the starch out of the fast- crumpling opposition.
这显然使正在迅速崩溃的反对党泄了气。 hotdic

You can also use newspaper to help dry out wet boots and shoes by crumpling some of it up and stuffing it inside.
你可以使用报纸来让靴子或鞋子内保持干燥,通过弄皱一些报纸放进靴子鞋子里面。 yeeyan




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