

单词 crumbles
释义 crum·ble·s 英'krʌmbl美'krʌmbl COCA³⁸⁰⁸⁵BNC⁴⁸²⁹⁸Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vt. & vi. 把…弄碎,使碎成细屑

cause to break into very small pieces

vi. 衰落,崩溃

weaken; decay; become ruined

fall apart;

the building crumbled after the explosion

Negotiations broke down

break or fall apart into fragments;

The cookies crumbled

The Sphinx is crumbling

fall into decay or ruin;

The unoccupied house started to decay

crumble structure屑粒状结构crumble to dust垮掉crumble away逐渐碎裂,逐渐瓦解…
近义词 失败毁…beat打up向上发生故障grind磨pound磅rot腐烂rust铁锈mold模式smash打碎crush压碎break打碎powder粉末tumble暴跌mash 麦芽浆cave in下陷addle使腐坏decay使衰退fall down跌倒break down分解fall apart崩溃dissolve使溶解deteriorate恶化pulverize磨成粉disintegrate瓦解crumple使)起皱collapse(使倒塌break up结束,散会dilapidate使荒废decompose分解,拆分,拆解…
S+~+AThis cake crumbles too easily.这种蛋糕太容易碎了。
Our hopes crumbled when the business went bankrupt.商行破产了,我们的希望也破灭了。
Opposition to the new law soon crumbled.反对新法律的势力很快就瓦解了。
S+~+ n./pron.He crumbled the bread in his fingers.他用手指把面包捻碎。
用作动词The masonry of the old building began tocrumble.旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。
The earthquake made the wall sink and start tocrumble.这次地震把这堵墙震得下陷并开始崩塌。
Hecrumbledthe bread in his fingers.他用手指把面包捏碎了。
Even these hard parts maycrumbleto dust.甚至这些坚硬的部分也会破碎成粉末。
His dearest hopescrumbledto nothing.他最大的希成了泡影。 Last night almost ended the same way the game two days before had: Build up a huge lead and then watch it fade away as the team crumbles on the floor.
昨晚,湖人差点就上演两天前的一幕:比赛开始是大比分领先,接着变慢慢失去优势,这让整个队足以崩溃。 www.kobechina.com.cn

All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see.
我们所做的一切跌碎在地,虽然我们拒绝看到。 blog.sina.com.cn

And it is not just the wealthy and famous who are looking to safeguard their assets when a marriage crumbles.
而且在婚姻破裂时才寻求保护自己的财产的并非只有富人和名人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

And when Office crumbles, Microsoft's other cash cow, Windows, can't be far behind.
如果办公软件崩溃,微软的另一个摇钱树, Windows,也就离崩溃不远了。 yeeyan

As the City crumbles, is it too late to fix its watchdog?
随着花旗的衰落,重建监管系统是否已经太迟了? ecocn

As impunity crumbles, old rumours resurface.
随着免罚破碎,旧的谣言浮出水面。 ecocn

Decrease number of times server crumbles under load?
是否降低服务器在高负载下的故障发生几率? infoq

If the euro zone crumbles, pulling more of those people toward affluence would surely become much harder.
如果欧元区瓦解,那其成员国迈向富裕将更加难上加难了。 yeeyan

One is listlessness and drift, as discipline crumbles, morale plummets and ideas dry up.
其一是由于纪律瓦解、士气下降、思想枯竭而引起的迟缓低迷。 ecocn

The first of these is a wellspring of terrible beauty—a scene of saturated, almost painful colors, as Dolores clings to him and crumbles to ash in his arms.
前者充盈着令人恐怖的美丽--在充满着悲伤色彩的场景中, Dolores在他怀中依偎着直至化为灰烬。 yeeyan




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