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词汇 Cruickshank
释义 Cruickshank ˈkrʊkˌʃæŋk Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Hofman O,Che D,CruickshankK A,et al.Adaptation of capillary isoelec-tric focusing to microchannels on a glass chip;.Anal Chem,1999,71:678.庄贵生;刘菁;贾春平;等.;一种可逆键合电泳微芯片的制作及在蛋白质分离中的应用;
TheCruickshankfamily interest in wine goes back to 1950.JohnCruickshankis one of the pioneers of the movement to include wine in one's daily life.科鲁仙克家族对酒的专爱可以回溯到20世纪50年代,约翰科鲁仙克是当时新潮概念“让酒成为人们日常生活一部分”的创始人之一。
DanCruickshanktravels across the world, celebrating different types of architecture and showing how our buildings reveal our aspirations, our ingenuity and our beliefs.在每期节目中,世界各地的建筑物被戏剧性的罗列在一起,观众将发现,尽管建筑风格迥异,它们之间竟有着意想不到的联系。
Cruickshank, Kim K.作者: Donald R.
THE distraught mother of 14-year-old JosefCruickshank, who died after allegedly being shot by his friend, has begged police to drop the murder charge on her son's best friend.发给朋友转到小组打标签收藏推荐0推荐收藏悉尼14岁少年被14岁同伴开枪打死死者母亲恳请警方不要起诉凶嫌查看全文2008-12-0808:48:00
CruickshankGraeme Duncan;Costello Adam;Duncan Michael;Inventor Name 发明人 Gray Peter Gerard;




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