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Agape love 基本英英例句 圣爱
Noun: selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications especially love that is spiritual in nature Discuss whyagape loveis a more excellent way. . 4.参考哥林多前书13:133.;讨论为什么神的爱是更大的恩赐。 Discuss whyagape loveis the greatest. . 3.讨论为什么神的爱是最大的。 I am such a lucky person to experienceagape lovefrom God and from my parents.拥有爱人如己的父母,是让我最为骄傲的事。 So back in I Corinthians 13:4-7, Paul proceeds to provide the Corinthian believers with an understanding ofagape love.现在我们再回到哥林多前书13:4-7, 保罗教导哥林多的信徒从认识神的爱中得到收获。 For individual meditation: In what ways could I better showagape loveto my brothers and sisters?参考哥林多前书12:314.;个人默想:我可以通过哪些方式更好地向我的兄弟姐妹显出神的爱来? |