

单词 crown
释义 crown 英kraʊn美kraʊnAHDkroun ★★★☆☆四牛4研八TIGCOCA⁵²³⁴BNC¹⁷¹⁵iWeb²⁹³²Economist⁵⁵²⁸


a special thing that a king or queen wears on his or her head at important times


the governing power of a kingdom

vt. 加冕

put a crown on

vt. 顶上有

be or have at the top of

vt. 使完成,使圆满结束

cause to put an end or a happy finishing touch to

the Crown or the reigning monarch as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy;

the colonies revolted against the Crown

the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamela wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victoryan ornamental jeweled headdress signifying sovereigntythe part of a hat the vertex that covers the crown of the headan English coin worth 5 shillingsthe upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plantthe top or extreme point of something usually a mountain or hill;

the view from the peak was magnificent

they clambered to the tip of Monadnock

the region is a few molecules wide at the summit

the award given to the championthe top of the headdentistry dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth;

tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown

the center of a cambered road
invest with regal power; enthrone;

The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey

be the culminating event;

The speech crowned the meeting

form the topmost part of;

A weather vane crowns the building

put an enamel cover on;

crown my teeth

用作名词 n.
动词+~have a crown on the head头戴王冠succeed to the crown继承王位win the crown获得王位〔桂冠〕形容词+~bald crown秃头imperial crown帝王王位名词+~heavyweight boxing crown重量级拳击冠军称号laurel crown桂冠~+名词crown prince王储,皇太子介词+~between crowns两国国王之间heir to the crown王位的继承人~+介词crown of a hill山顶crown of flowers花冠crown of sorrow极度悲伤crown with以…圆满地结束用作动词 v.~+名词crown sb emperor让某人当皇帝crown sb king为某人加冕,立某人为王~+副词crown brilliantly辉煌地完成crown fittingly恰好完成crown glitteringly圆满结束crown magnificently辉煌地完成crown visibly明显地完成~+介词crown sb as立某人为crown at Paris在巴黎即位crown with laurel荣获桂冠
用作动词v.crown it all

更糟糕的是,更幸运的是 what the worse or more fortunate is

crown with v.+prep.

在…顶上,顶上有 be or have at the top

故事记忆在一个 Town城市有一个 Clown小丑戴一顶 Crown皇冠颜色是 Brown褐色的过河时 Down掉下很快被 Drown淹没被龙王 Own拥有非常记忆cr超人〖拼音〗+own自己的〖熟词〗⇒超人戴的是自己的王冠联想记忆给乌鸦crow头上带了一个n→王冠,冕联想记忆crow乌鸦+n→给乌鸦戴王冠→王冠近义词n. royal dominion反义词 footbottomn. base
用作名词n.At the coronation, the archbishop put a crown on the Queen's head.在加冕典礼上,大主教把王冠戴在女王头上。
The Crown granted lands in America to certain men.国王把美洲的土地封给了一些人。
The Crown Prince seldom goes out for traveling.这个皇太子很少出游。
He won the heavyweight boxing crown in 1985.他获得了1985年重量级拳击比赛的冠军。
Poetry is the crown of literature.诗歌是文学的瑰宝。
Crowns and thrones may perish.王权不会永存。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.They crowned the new king shortly after his father's death.其父去世后不久,他们就为新国王加了冕。
We saw the archbishop crown the Queen.我们看见大主教为女王加冕。
A palace crowns the hill.山顶上有一座宫殿。
Mist crowned the mountain.山顶为雾笼罩。
Beautiful fair hair crowns his wife's head.他妻子长有一头漂亮的金发。
The award of this prize crowned his career.他荣获此奖,表明他事业有成。
Success has crowned my years of effort.我经过数年努力终于获得成功。
The King walked into the abbey to be crowned.国王走进大教堂去加冕。
The evening was crowned by her dazzling performance.她那令人炫目的表演把晚会的气氛推向高潮。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.They wanted to crown Caesar as king.他们想立凯撒为王。
They crowned him athlete of the year.他们正式公认他为本年度最佳运动员。
She was crowned queen.她加冕当上了女王。Pcrownform冠式Pcrownwork牙冠术Pcrown-holder冠柱Pcrownpiecen.克朗Pcrown-heel顶踵长度Pcrown-rump顶臀长度Pcrownlandn.王室领地Pbell-crowned钟形冠的Pdiscrownvt.废黜使退位Pcrowninga.最高的无比的Puncrownvt.夺去王位废黜Pcrown-courtn.巡回刑事法庭Psteeple-crowneda.有高尖顶的Pcrown-setting定桩法牙冠定着术Puncrowneda.未戴皇冠的未举行加冕礼的Pcrowneda.戴王冠的象戴着王冠的有…帽顶的Pcrownern.登峰造极的一举顶点倒栽葱跌伤头部皮鞋检验员验尸官


crown的基本意思是“皇冠”,用于比喻可表示“冠军”。the Crown可指“国王”。crown还可指宝贵的东西。




crown是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合结构, as常常省略。


用作名词Thecrownwas enchased with gold and silver.这顶王冠上镶嵌着金和银。
She refused thecrown.她拒不接受王位。
I know she promised him a lilaccrown.我知道,她曾允诺他一顶紫丁香的花冠。
He cracked hiscrownon a microphone during a performance.他在一次表演中在麦克风上把齿冠打破了。用作及物动词They wanted tocrownCaesar king .他们想立凯撒为王。
Treescrownedthe hill.树木覆盖着小山。
He opened a bottle of wine tocrownthe feast.他开了一瓶葡萄酒使宴会圆满结束。noun.top;best
同义词 acme,apex,climax,crest,culmination,head,meridian,peak,perfection,pinnacle,roof,summit,tip,top,ultimate,vertex,zenithfastigium
反义词 base,bottom,foot,nadirworstnoun.tiara for royalty
同义词 headdresschaplet,circlet,coronal,coronet,diadem,garland,headband,wreathnoun.royalty
同义词 monarch,monarchy,potentate,ruler,sovereign,sovereigntycrowned head,supreme ruler,the throne
反义词 commonerverb.reward, dignify
同义词 inaugurate,inductadorn,arm,authorize,commission,coronate,delegate,determine,dower,enable,endow,endue,ennoble,enthrone,erect,establish,exalt,festoon,fix,heighten,honor,install,invest,raise,sanction,settle,stabilize,strengthenset up
反义词 dishonorverb.be the culmination of
同义词 cap,climax,complete,consummate,crest,finish,fulfill,perfect,surmount,terminate,topput finishing touch on,round off,top off
反义词 begin,initiateverb.hit, usually on head
同义词 biff,box,cuff,knock,punch,smite,strike
apexnoun top, high point
acme,apogee,climax,crest,culmination,cusp,greatest,height,max,maximum,meridian,most,ne plus ultra,peak,pinnacle,point,roof,spire,sublimity,summit,tip,tops,up there,vertex,zenith
blanketverb cover
blanketedverb cover
blanketingverb cover
blue ribbonnoun first place
award,championship,cordon bleu,crown,cup,decoration,first prize,laurels,palms,trophy,victory
blue-ribbonnoun first place
award,championship,cordon bleu,crown,cup,decoration,first prize,laurels,palms,trophy,victory As if to don a crown of heavenly jewels, the Cone Nebula rises7 light-years into the Monoceros constellation.
麒麟座内升起的锥状星云,高度达到7光年,外形好似一个镶满宝石的王冠。 yeeyan

On the obverse, an athlete standing on some steps, holding in his right hand a laurel crown, symbol of victory, and raising his left arm.
奖牌正面为一名运动员站在台阶上,右手拿着一簇月桂花冠,象征着胜利,左手高高举起。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The gold crown was encrusted with precious gems.

The National Park Service closed the crown because access to the top of the statue, which depicts a robed woman holding a torch, is limited to a narrow stairwell with a handrail on one side.
国家公园管理局之所以关闭冠冕部分,是因为通向雕塑顶部仅有一段狭窄的楼梯,而且楼梯只有一侧有扶手,如果遇到紧急状况也没有快速疏散口。 ebigear

The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned!
冠冕从我们的头上落下。我们犯罪了,我们有祸了。 ebigear

Be this my crown, O Lord.
主啊! 愿这是我的王冠。 ebigear

But how frightened she felt to see instead of her dear little fawn a noble gentleman walk in with a gold crown on his head.
但是这让她感到如此的惊吓,没有看到她亲爱的小鹿,反而看到走进的这个高贵的绅士头戴着金王冠。 yeeyan

But it still looks as though she has done all this too late to seize his crown.
但这看来仍然不够,尽管她做了这一切,仍无法抓住他的王冠。 ecocn

Commander Dylan Schmorrow, a cognitive scientist with the navy, devised a crown of sensors to monitor activity in the brain such as blood flow and oxygen levels.
海军中校迪伦·斯莫罗是一位认知科学家,他设计出一种传感器人造冠,用来监测大脑的一些活动,如血流量和氧含量。 ecocn

His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.
我要使他的仇敌披上羞耻。但他的冠冕,要在头上发光。 ebigear

However, many of the landlords thought it more politic to show allegiance to the monarch and hastily adopted titles like the King’s Head or the Crown.
但是,很多房东却认为需要从政治上显示向英王效忠,于是都迫不及待地使用了类似“国王头像”或“皇冠”这样的名称。 yeeyan

Jewels in the crown? Or dollars in the making?
王冠上的珠宝?或是制作中的货币? ecocn

Thailand’s army sees itself as the defender of the crown and suspects a republican agenda among reds.
泰国的军队视自己为王权的保护者,并怀疑红衫军中有共和政府的议程。 ecocn

They laid down the crown, and retained no aureole.
他们放下了冠冕,却没有保留光轮。 ebigear

They want more than the occasional coupon or reward, badge or crown.
他们要的不只是那些偶尔的赠券或者奖励,徽章或者皇冠。 yeeyan

This beaded crown was once worn by a king of the Yorba peoples in Nigeria. It also dates from the early20th century.
这件艺术品是尼日利亚约鲁巴人国王曾经戴过的一顶王冠,它也是在20世纪初期创作的。 ikaka




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