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词汇 crowing
释义 crow·ing 英krəʊ美kroʊ;ˈkroʊɪŋ COCA⁴⁵⁵¹¹BNC⁵⁶⁵⁴⁴iWeb⁵⁴²⁶⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a large shiny black bird with a loud cry


the cry of a cock

vi. 公鸡啼鸣

make the cry of a cock

vi. 婴儿欢叫

of a baby make sounds showing pleasure

black birds having a raucous callthe cry of a cock or an imitation of ita member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montanaa small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgoan instance of boastful talk;

his brag is worse than his fight

whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade

a Siouan language spoken by the Crow
dwell on with satisfactionexpress pleasure verbally;

She crowed with joy

utter shrill sounds;

The cocks crowed all morning







用作名词 n.
介词+~as the crow flies笔直的
近义词 cry哭brag吹牛call呼叫puff喷出boast自夸swank炫耀vaunt吹嘘pride骄傲squawk叫声parade游行flaunt挥动screech尖叫trumpet喇叭bluster咆哮triumph凯旋show off炫耀vaporing大话Corvus乌鸦座bragging吹牛gloat满足地看gasconade吹牛cluck发咯咯声exult欢欣鼓舞strut高视阔步bluff虚张声势cackle咯咯叫声line-shooting吹牛caw乌鸦等呱呱地叫…swagger大摇大摆地走…glory in 自豪因为 … 而…crowing动词crow的现在进行式…cock-a-doodle-doo-doos (公鸡的喔…blow your own horn自吹自擂自我标榜…blow your own trumpet自吹自擂自我标榜…
用作名词n.The farmers tried to fear the crows out of corn by planting several men of straw.农民们竖起了几个稻草人,试图把乌鸦从玉米地里吓跑。
The rooster's crow woke me.雄鸡的〈啼叫声〉把我吵醒了。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe cock iscrowing.这只公鸡正在啼鸣。
The cock crows in the farmyard.雄鸡在农家院中啼叫。
The baby crowed with pleasure when its father picked it up.那婴儿的父亲把他抱起来的时候,他乐得格格地笑。
He gets up at the crow of the rooster every day.他每天鸡鸣即起。用作动词It was dawn, and I could hear a cockcrowingsomewhere.天亮了,我听到从某处传来雄鸡的报晓声。
The rooster flew up to a big rock and began to crow.公鸡飞上大石头,开始鸣叫。
He is the kind of person who alwayscrowsabout his success.他是那种总是夸耀自己成功的人。as in.boastful
同义词 arrogant,bombastic,cocky,exultant,pompous,pretentiousbig,big-headed,conceited,egotistic,egotistical,full of hot air,highfalutin,hot stuff,know-it-all,loudmouth,on ego trip,puffed-up,self-aggrandizing,self-applauding,smart-alecky,snooty,strutting,stuck-up,swaggering,swanky,swollen-headed,too big for one's britches,vainglorious,vaunting,windbag
反义词 humble,modestunconceited,deprecatingas in.bluster
同义词 braggadocio,bravado,swaggerbluff,boasting,boisterousness,bombast,bragging,rabidity,swaggeringrampancyas in.bravado
同义词 blusterblowing,bluff,boasting,bombast,braggadocio,bragging,bullying,gasconade,grandiosity,guts,pomposity,pretension,railing,rant,swelling,talkfancy talk,fanfaronade,fuming,hot air,raging,selfglorification,storming,swaggering,tall talk
反义词 cowardice,fear,fearfulness,modesty,restraintas in.exultation
同义词 delight,elation,glee,gloating,glory,happiness,joy,joyousness,jubilance,jubilation,merriment,rejoicing,satisfaction,transport,triumphhigh spirits
反义词 depression,gloom,misery,pain,sadness,sorrow,unhappiness,woediscouragementas in.fanfaronade
同义词 bluster,boasting,bombast,brag,braggadocio,bravado,gasconade,gloating,rodomontade,swagger,swaggeringas in.jubilance
同义词 delight,elation,glee,gloating,glory,happiness,joy,joyousness,jubilation,merriment,rejoicing,satisfaction,transport,triumphexultance,exultancy,high spirits
反义词 depression,gloom,misery,pain,sadness,sorrow,unhappiness,woeas in.laughter
同义词 amusement,chuckle,giggle,glee,guffaw,hilarity,laugh,mirth,roar,shout,shriek,snickercachinnation,cackle,chortle,crow,fit,howling,merriment,peal,rejoicing,roaring,snigger,snortsnortingtitterchortling,chuckling,giggling,guffawing,har-de-har,tee-heetitteringyuck
反义词 crying,sadness,unhappinessdespair,gloom
blusternoun bullying, intimidation
boastfuladjective bragging
arrogant,big,big-headed,bombastic,cocky,conceited,crowing,egotistic,egotistical,exultant,full of hot air,highfalutin,hot stuff,know-it-all,loudmouth,on ego trip,pompous,pretentious,puffed-up,self-aggrandizing,self-applauding,smart-alecky,snooty,strutting,stuck-up,swaggering,swanky,swollen-headed,too big for one's britches,vainglorious,vaunting,windbag
braggadocionoun boast
bluster,boastfulness,bombast,brag,bragging,crowing,gasconade,hot air,rodomontade,vaunt
bravadonoun boastfulness
blowing,bluff,bluster,boasting,bombast,braggadocio,bragging,bullying,crowing,fancy talk,fanfaronade,fuming,gasconade,grandiosity,guts,hot air,pomposity,pretension,raging,railing,rant,selfglorification,storming,swaggering,swelling,talk,tall talk
exultationnoun celebration, reveling
crowing,delight,elation,glee,gloating,glory,happiness,high spirits,joy,joyousness,jubilance,jubilation,merriment,rejoicing,satisfaction,transport,triumph
fanfaronadenoun boast
bluster,boasting,bombast,brag,braggadocio,bravado,crowing,gasconade,gloating,rodomontade,swagger,swaggering In JPMorgan Chase’s earnings report for the third quarter of2010, CEO Jamie Dimon, America’s most influential banker, touted the bank’s lack of leverage while crowing about earnings.
摩根大通的 CEO, Jamie Dimon,美国最有影响的银行家,在摩根大通2010年第三季度的业绩报告中,吹嘘银行营收很高,杠杆降低。 yeeyan

The crowing of the cock is a herald of dawn.

A cuckoo in a tree was crowing sorrowfully. Hearing this, a caring turtledove asked about her sadness in the hope of helping her out.
一只杜鹃在树枝上发出阵阵哀啼,一只可爱的斑鸠听到了,便向它询问,希望能帮助它排忧解难。 ebigear

After waking up, I just knew that was the birds outside the window in forest crowing loud in night. I haven't packed within a police car, but was awakened by the birdsong.
梦醒之后,才知那是窗外林中鸟儿的高声夜啼——我没有被装在警车之内,而是被鸟鸣声惊醒了。 yeeyan

And because their internal clocks are sometimes set a bit early, some roosters begin crowing well before sunrise.

But Canadian government officials are crowing over their recent success in repackaging this age-old law- enforcement tactic for the internet age.
但是加拿大政府官员正为他们近来成功地重整了互联网时代老掉牙的的执法战术而自鸣得意。 ecocn

For some farmers, roosters crowing at night, cows refusing to go to pasture, or pigs gathering leaves and straw means anything but clear skies.

He is always crowing over his ancestors.
他总是以他的祖先自夸。 hotdic

I don’t know how many people I’ve overheard crowing because they managed to transfer their entire music collections onto their computers.
我都不记得听过多少次朋友说把他们的全部音乐收藏转录到电脑上。 yeeyan

I have vivid memories of mine as small boys crowding the window at the front of the car next to the conductor’s booth, crowing with glee at the powerful speed with which the world rushes past.
我至今记忆犹新,小男孩们挤在车厢前部列车员室边上的车窗前,看着外面的世界快速向后掠去,高兴得直叫唤。 yeeyan

I wish he would stop crowing about his examination results.

I wish you would stop crowing over his disappointment.
我希望你不要再对他的失败幸灾乐祸。 hotdic

If I asked you to imagine a rooster crowing, you’d probably hear the audio of rooster crowing in your head.
假如让你想象公鸡啼叫的画面,你脑海中很可能也会出现它啼叫的声音。 hjenglish

Israeli right-wingers are crowing.
以色列的右翼派别对此幸灾乐祸。 ecocn

Many Europeans can’t resist crowing.
很多欧洲人忍不住要欢呼雀跃。 yeeyan

Moscow was soon crowing that the Americans were not only unable to prevent hooliganism, but refused even to discuss their failures.
很快莫斯科就叫嚣美国人不仅没能力控制暴乱闹事,甚至还拒绝讨论他们的过失。 yeeyan

Not surprisingly, Mr Bush did plenty of crowing: “ There is one undisputed leader in the world in terms of economy, and that's the USA.”
布什为此大肆渲染也不足为奇,他说:“对于经济来说,在这个世界上存在一个无可置疑的领导者,那就是美国。” ecocn

Not surprisingly, America’s left is fuming with indignation. The right is crowing.
一点儿都不奇怪,美国就是一边是义愤填膺、一边是歌舞升平。 yeeyan

On the morning of the election Mr Davis’s campaign sent out a memo crowing that he was“poised for victory”.
竞选当天早上, Davis竞选政营公布的备忘录预言他是“胜利的毒药”。 ecocn

The hound hunted all night. He quit when the roosters started crowing at daybreak.
那只猎犬忙乎了整晚,到黎明公鸡报晓时才休息。 yeeyan

The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party BJP is crowing, urging the Maharashtra governor to sack the entire state government. It threatens to expose more scandals.
反对党印度人民党正幸灾乐祸,催促马哈拉施特拉邦邦长辞退整个邦政府的官员,并威胁说要曝光更多丑闻。 ecocn

The Republicans are nonetheless crowing that they have finally managed to start a debate about the proper magnitude of cuts, rather than whether to cut at all.
共和党人依然到处大声宣扬自己最终得以开始讨论合适的裁减大计的成功,而不是纠结于是否要裁减。 ecocn

The cock is crowing.
这只公鸡正在啼鸣。 iciba

They have won the fight, but they are not crowing over their defeated opponent.
他们赢得了这次战斗,但并没有对被击败的对手幸灾乐祸。 hotdic

They have won the match, but they are not crowing over their defeated opponents.
他们在比赛中取得了胜利,但是对于被击败的对手并不神气活现。 hicoo




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