

单词 Crowe
释义 CroweCOCA¹⁷³²⁷BNC¹⁹⁷⁹³
Justifying the projection for new housing starts, Crowe said the national inventory of new homes is at a40- year low.
为证明新建筑开工数字规划的正确,科罗恩说,全国新房产总量处于40年之低谷。 yeeyan

Ms. Crowe, now married with a baby and living in London, says she is taking the change in her fortunes in stride.
科洛现在在伦敦生活,已经结婚生子。 她说她对于自己命运的起落处变不惊。 iciba

The Crowe Memorandum is a document projecting a kind of ruthless common sense rather than profound complexity.
《克罗备忘录》这份文件提出的是残酷的常识,而不是深奥的理论。 yeeyan

“ We have an enormous pent-up demand for households, ” Crowe said.
科罗恩说,“对于房产,我们有太大的受压抑的需求。” yeeyan

As Crowe later explained to David Letterman, he had repeatedly tried and failed to call his wife in Australia.
接着,克洛向大卫莱特曼解释原因说,他不停地打电话给他在澳大利亚的妻子,但没能接通。 yeeyan

But we need to remember one fact, small but relevant, that Kissinger does not pursue: namely, Crowe’s memorandum did not go unchallenged.
但是我们需要记住一个与之相关的小小事实,基辛格并未就此继续深入:那就是,克罗的备忘录并不是没有受到质疑。 yeeyan

Dr Francesca Crowe, of Oxford University, is working on the project.
来自牛津大学的克洛维博士参与了这项调查研究。 ebigear

' Gladiator' and Mr. Crowe also won Academy Awards.
《角斗士》和罗素•克劳还荣获奥斯卡奖。 iciba

He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, “The Next Three Days, ” a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.
他的新电影《未来三天》是由罗素·克劳主演的惊悚片,目前正在剪辑阶段,所以他在家办公。 yeeyan

In addition, Lihua is audited by a global top ten accounting firm, Crowe Horwath.
此外,利华国际还接受全球前十名的国富浩华会计师事务所 Crowe Horwath的审计。 yeeyan

In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology.
John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。 edu.21cn.com

Kissinger addresses this question by looking to the past, a memorandum written by a senior official of the British Foreign Office, Eyre Crowe, in 1907.
基辛格探讨这个问题是采取了向后看的方法,1907年英国外交部高官艾尔·克劳威爵士写的备忘录。 yeeyan

Later, I appointed Zo to the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, where she made a real contribution to the work Admiral Crowe’s group did.
后来,我任命佐薇到海外情报顾问委员会。 在这个岗位上,她为克罗海军上将及其工作人员取得的成绩做出了实实在在的贡献。 yeeyan

Professor Crowe and his colleagues measured the effect of stress and caffeine on92 volunteers.
Crowe教授和他的同时在92名受测者身上测试了压力的影响以及咖啡因的效果。 ebigear

Russell Crowe got playful with his son Tennyson in Sydney, Australia. The actor also has another son named Charles.
罗素·克劳和儿子在悉尼嬉戏。这位明星的另一个儿子叫查尔斯。 cri

Sarah Crowe, of UNICEF in Delhi, credits “one of the biggest mass mobilisations ever for public health”.
联合国儿童基金会德里分部的沙拉·克洛认为这是“公共健康史上最大的公众动员”。 ecocn

The mom revealed she wants her daughter to wed fellow Aussie actor Russell Crowe's son Tennyson.
这位当妈的透露她希望他们家闺女能同罗素·克劳家的公子泰尼森结婚。 hjenglish

UNICEF's Crowe, speaking to VOA from Nepal, contends the agency did not take sides.
联合国儿童基金会的科洛从尼泊尔对美国之音说,联合国儿童基金会不偏袒任何一方。 ebigear

Crowe’s conclusion was sharp and devastating.
克罗的结论既尖锐又一边倒。 yeeyan

Crowe believed that it was right to put an end to the gay ban, but the media frenzy appalled him.
克认为,那是对的,要废掉同性恋禁令,但让媒体狂热震惊他。 yeeyan




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