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词汇 crow
释义 crow 英krəʊ美kroAHDkrō


a large shiny black bird with a loud cry


the cry of a cock

vi. 公鸡啼鸣

make the cry of a cock

vi. 婴儿欢叫

of a baby make sounds showing pleasure

black birds having a raucous callthe cry of a cock or an imitation of ita member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montanaa small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgoan instance of boastful talk;

his brag is worse than his fight

whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade

a Siouan language spoken by the Crow
dwell on with satisfactionexpress pleasure verbally;

She crowed with joy

utter shrill sounds;

The cocks crowed all morning







用作名词 n.
介词+~as the crow flies笔直的
比较记忆凤凰的王冠crown上去掉一个n就变成了乌鸦crow近义词 cry哭brag吹牛call呼叫puff喷出boast自夸swank炫耀vaunt吹嘘pride骄傲squawk叫声parade游行flaunt挥动screech尖叫trumpet喇叭bluster咆哮triumph凯旋show off炫耀vaporing大话Corvus乌鸦座bragging吹牛gloat满足地看gasconade吹牛cluck发咯咯声exult欢欣鼓舞strut高视阔步bluff虚张声势cackle咯咯叫声line-shooting吹牛caw乌鸦等呱呱地叫…swagger大摇大摆地走…glory in 自豪因为 … 而…crowing动词crow的现在进行式…cock-a-doodle-doo-doos (公鸡的喔…blow your own horn自吹自擂自我标榜…blow your own trumpet自吹自擂自我标榜…
用作名词n.The farmers tried to fear the crows out of corn by planting several men of straw.农民们竖起了几个稻草人,试图把乌鸦从玉米地里吓跑。
The rooster's crow woke me.雄鸡的啼叫声把我吵醒了。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe cock iscrowing.这只公鸡正在啼鸣。
The cock crows in the farmyard.雄鸡在农家院中啼叫。
The baby crowed with pleasure when its father picked it up.那婴儿的父亲把他抱起来的时候,他乐得格格地笑。Pcrowflowern.毛茛Pcockcrowingn.黎明Pcrowfootn.毛茛玉柏Pchild-crowing小儿鸦鸣Pcockcrown.鸡叫拂晓黎明Povercrowvt.对…自鸣得意夸耀Pcrowbarn.铁挺起货钩撬棍铁撬Pscarecrown.稻草人衣衫褴褛的人crowedcrow的过去式和过去分词

用作名词Thecrowis a bird of ill omen.乌鸦是不祥的预兆。
He gets up at thecrowof the rooster every day.他每天鸡鸣即起。用作动词It was dawn, and I could hear a cockcrowingsomewhere.天亮了,我听到从某处传来雄鸡的报晓声。
The rooster flew up to a big rock and began tocrow.公鸡飞上大石头,开始鸣叫。
He is the kind of person who alwayscrowsabout his success.他是那种总是夸耀自己成功的人。
You should notcrowover a defeated enemy.你不应该在被你击败的敌手面前洋洋得意。verb.brag, exult
同义词 boast,brag,exult,gloat,squawk,strutbabble,blow,bluster,cackle,caw,cock-a-doodle-doo,cry,flourish,gas,gurgle,jubilate,mouth,prate,puff,rodomontade,swagger,triumph,vaunt,whoopglory in
反义词 fail
blow one's own hornverb congratulate oneself
boast,brag,gloat,grandstand,hug oneself,pat oneself on the back,toot one's own horn
blusterverb bully, intimidate
badger,boast,brag,brazen,browbeat,bulldoze,cow,crow,domineer,gloat,hector,rant,rave,ride the high horse,roar,roister,shoot off one's mouth,show off,storm,strut,swagger,swell,talk big,vapor,vaunt,yap
blusteredverb bully, intimidate
badgered,boasted,bragged,brazened,browbeat,bulldozed,cowed,crowed,domineered,gloated,hectored,ranted,raved,roared,rode the high horse,roistered,shot off one's mouth,showed off,stormed,strutted,swaggered,swelled,talked big,vapored,vaunted,yapped
boastverb brag
advertise,aggrandize,attract attention,blow,blow one's own horn,blow smoke,bluster,bully,cock-a-doodle-doo,con,congratulate oneself,crow,exaggerate,exult,fake,flatter oneself,flaunt,flourish,gasconade,give a good account of oneself,gloat,glory,grandstand,hug oneself,jive,lay on thick,prate,preen,psych,puff,shoot,shovel,show off,showboat,shuck,sling,sound off,strut,swagger,talk big,triumph,vapor
boastedverb brag
advertised,aggrandized,attracted attention,blew,blew one's own horn,blew smoke,blustered,bullied,cock-a-doodle-dooed,congratulated oneself,conned,crowed,exaggerated,exulted,faked,flatter oneself,flaunted,flourished,gasconaded,gave a good account of oneself,gloated,gloried,grandstanded,hugged oneself,jived,lay on thick,prated,preened,psyched,puffed,shot,shoveled,showboated,showed off,shucked,slung,sounded off,strutted,swaggered,talked big,triumphed,vapored
boastsverb brag
advertises,aggrandizes,attracts attention,blows,blows one's own horn,blows smoke,blusters,bullies,cock-a-doodle-doos,congratulates oneself,cons,crows,exaggerates,exults,fakes,flatter oneself,flaunts,flourishes,gasconades,gives a good account of oneself,gloats,glories,grandstands,hugs oneself,jives,lies on thick,prates,preens,psyches,puffs,shoots,shovels,showboats,shows off,shucks,slings,sounds off,struts,swaggers,talks big,triumphs,vapors A thirsty crow once came upon a pitcher with very little water in it.
一只口渴的乌鸦碰巧遇到一只大水罐,里面只有一点点水。 ebigear

Members of the crow family Corvidae are particularly susceptible, but virus has been detected in dead and dying birds of more than250 species.
乌鸦科鸦科的鸟类尤其易感,但已在250多种死亡和濒临死亡的鸟类中检测出该病毒。 who

Soon the crow started, she got up and went out.
无何,鸡鸣,遂起而去。 yeeyan

THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but flashier.
象牙喙啄木鸟与普通的鸟一样,体形不是很大,跟乌鸦差不多,但羽色较亮。 ecocn

The wings of a crow cannot blot out the radiance of the sun.

“ I must find a way to get this water,” thought the crow.
“我一定要想办法喝到水。”乌鸦想。 ebigear

A crow built a nest in a tree.
乌鸦在大树上搭了个窝。 tingvoa

As he slung his jacket over his shoulder, he noticed the crow that had disturbed him earlier.
当他把夹克挂在肩上时,他注意到了先前打扰过他的那只乌鸦。 yeeyan

At last the water came up far enough for the crow to get all he wanted.
最后,水上升到足够的高度,让乌鸦能喝到水了。 ebigear

Hattie hid her face as I twirled the crow round and round, made it dance on its string.
海蒂藏起脸来,而我一圈圈转着那只乌鸦,让它在挂着的那根绳子上舞动。 yeeyan

In the treetops at the far side of the cornfield there are crows screaming bloody crow murder at each other.
在玉米田的远侧,有些乌鸦蹬在树梢上,这是一种会尖叫、相互残杀的血腥乌鸦。 yeeyan

It is just the reverse of you, said the dog, it's as black as a crow, and has a long neck and a brass knob, it eats firewood, so that fire spurts out of its mouth.
跟你可差远啦,狗儿说。 火炉跟乌鸦一样黑,有长长的细颈儿和黄铜把手;它肚子里都是柴火,这样才能不断从嘴巴里喷出火来。 yeeyan

It was the biggest crow she had ever seen, plump and sleek,with rainbows shining in its black feathers.
这是她见过的最大的一只乌鸦,它丰满而且光滑,黑色的羽毛闪烁着彩虹般的光芒。 yeeyan

Just then the crow saw a pebble beside the pitcher, and it gave him an idea.
就在这时,乌鸦看到水罐旁边有块小鹅卵石,这让他想到一个主意。 ebigear

One day, the crow flew far away looking for food.
一天,乌鸦飞到很远很远的地方找吃的。 tingvoa

See, the lake is deep and full, its water dark like a crow's eye.
看哪,湖水深且满,像乌鸦的眼睛一般黑。 putclub

That morning, we’d woken to a single dead crow.
那天早晨,我们一醒来就看见了一只死乌鸦。 yeeyan

That's why she takes a dangerous flight on a crow's back to get to a wise owl's nest.
这就是她进行了一趟危险飞行的原因,请乌鸦载她去找智慧的猫头鹰。 ebigear

The crow looked at the fox without saying anything.
乌鸦看了狐狸一眼,还是没吭声。 tingvoa

Then a clumsy- footed crow awakes in them, stirring the branches and croaking mournfully.
然后笨足乌鸦醒过来了,摇晃着树枝哀哀叫着。 ecocn

You do occasionally find a carrion crow among the eagles.
偶尔在鹰群中,你会发现一只吃腐肉的小嘴乌鸦。 yeeyan




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