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词汇 crouch
释义 crouch 英kraʊtʃ美kraʊtʃAHDkrouch ★★☆☆☆高四GIT宝八COCA⁹¹⁶³BNC³²⁶⁹¹iWeb¹⁵⁴²⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

vi. 屈膝,蹲伏

stand with the knees well bent;squat

the act of bending low with the limbs close to the body
bend one's back forward from the waist on down;

he crouched down

She bowed before the Queen

The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse

sit on one's heels;

In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting

The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm

蹲下就是弯曲膝盖,其本义是“弯曲,钩”。同源词如:crook弯曲;钩,可与hook钩串记;crochet钩针织物;crotchet怪想,奇想,怪想就是思路弯弯绕,不是思维直来直去的人能够轻易想到的;encroach侵占,-croach本义“钩子”,所以它原指用钩子窃取财物。crouch down蹲踞crouch defence下蹲防守crouch position蹲伏姿势, 蜷缩姿势…crouch step仆步low-crouch goaltender低姿势的守门员…half crouch半蹲姿势
GRE红宝书比couchn 长沙发. 读: 靠吃多了一个r象一个人坐在沙发上弯腰
couch 坐在沙发上时就是类似这个姿势;运动员起跑的姿势更接近这个意思
crou弯曲,弯折+ch=c,和前面的词根回文重复→弯折身体⇒蹲,蹲伏,蜷伏。GRE难词记忆crouch→ crouch=croch=hook→ to becomebent like a hook→蹲伏联想记忆比couchn.长沙发多了一个r,像一个人蜷缩在沙发上近义词 bow弓bend弯曲hunker蹲duck鸭肉squat蹲下stoop佝偻cower畏缩couch长椅scrunch碾cringe畏缩scrunch up揉皱hunker down盘坐creep蹑手蹑脚地走…
S+~+AHe crouched down to stroke the dog.他蹲下来抚摸他的狗。
They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.他们蹲在多阴的山坡上。
用作动词Hecroucheddown among the tangled foliage.他蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。
Theycrouch, back to back, in a sort of hut of fate.他们彼此背靠着背,蹲在一种黑洞似的命运里。
They did notcrouchunder the oppression.他们受压迫而不屈服。用作名词He chuckled, said, “Very convincing,” and then suddenly sank into acrouch, his muscles coiled like a spring.他咯咯地笑着说,“很有说服力,”然后突然蹲伏下来,他的肌肉就像个收紧的弹簧。
Theycrouchin their corner and weave their web of pale hours, they count their coins sitting in the dust and call me back.他们蜷缩在角落里,编织着他们苍白的时间之网,他们坐在尘土中,数着他们的硬币,召唤我回去。
As he mounted higher, sometimes standing, sometimes clawing his way up in a scrabblingcrouch, he peered out from the stairs.他一直向上爬着,有时直着身子,有时蜷缩着身子,挣扎着向上爬着,他从楼梯向四处张望。verb.stoop low;cringe
同义词 bend,cower,grovel,huddle,hunch,kneel,squat,stoop,wincebow,dip,duck,quail,quatbend down,hunker down,scrooch down
反义词 straighten,face,meetstretch
bendverb form or cause a curve
angle away,angle off,arch,bow,buckle,camber,careen,circle,contort,crimp,crinkle,crook,curl,deflect,deform,detour,double,droop,flex,genuflect,hook,incline,incurvate,lean,loop,pervert,round,spiral,stoop,swerve,tilt,turn,twist,veer,verge,warp,waver,wilt,wind,yaw,zigzag
cowerverb hide, hover in fear
apple-polish,blench,bootlick,brown-nose,cringe,crouch,draw back,fawn,flinch,grovel,kowtow,quail,recoil,shrink,skulk,sneak,toady,tremble,truckle,wince
coweredverb hide, hover in fear
apple-polished,blenched,bootlicked,brownnosed,cringed,crouched,drew back,fawned,flinched,grovelled,honeyed,kowtowed,quailed,recoiled,shrank,skulked,sneaked,toadied,trembled,truckled,winced
cringeverb flinch, recoil from danger
blench,cower,crawl,crouch,dodge,draw back,duck,eat dirt,grovel,kneel,quail,quiver,shrink,shy,start,stoop,tremble,wince
cringedverb flinch, recoil from danger
ate dirt,blenched,cowered,crawled,crouched,dodged,drew back,ducked,grovelled,knelt,quailed,quivered,shied,shrank,started,stooped,trembled,winced
descendverb move down, lower a
cascade,cataract,cave in,coast,collapse,crash,crouch,decline,deplane,detrain,dip,disembark,dismount,dive,dribble,drop,fall,fall prostrate,get down,get off,go down,gravitate,ground,incline,light,lose balance,penetrate,pitch,plop,plummet,plunge,prolapse,set,settle,sink,slant,slide,slip,slope,slough off,slump,stoop,stumble,submerge,subside,swoop,toboggan,topple,trickle,trip,tumble,weep Peter Crouch will be wearing number nine as opposed to Emile Heskey who played a major part in England qualifying for the finals.
皮特·克劳奇将身披九号球衣,此前是赫斯基身披这个号码在英格兰世界杯预选赛中担任了重要角色。 yeeyan

The strategy was two-fold. First, out-muscle United. Then, channel the attack through Peter Crouch, the tall target man.
战术就两点。第一,身体流生吃曼联。其次,进攻中以高中锋皮特·克劳奇为支撑点发动攻势。 kle100

But de Gea also was a bit complicit in Stoke's lone goal. On a corner in the 52nd minute, Peter Crouch got behind Phil Jones about five yards in front of goal.
但是德赫亚对斯托克城的进球负有一定责任,比赛第52分钟,克劳奇在菲尔琼斯后5码处射门得分。 yeeyan

But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a67 th minute substitute.
然而,就在赛季开始之际,雷德特纳普用了上赛季的首发搭档杰梅恩·迪福和彼特·克劳奇,中介在第67分钟的时候将基恩替补上声。 yeeyan

I know what happens when Rooney plays with Crouch, with Carlton Cole or Heskey. I know that.
我知道当鲁尼和克劳奇、卡尔顿.科尔或海斯基搭档会怎样。 yeeyan

If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
如果附近没有写字台或桌子,用双臂护住头部、脸部,蹲伏在房间的角落。 hjenglish

Instead, the prisoner had to crouch, and no food or water only added to the agony.
相反,囚犯必须蜷缩着,没有食物或水的提供只是增加这痛苦。 yeeyan

Just in the past few weeks two England footballers, Wayne Rooney and Peter Crouch, have been exposed by the tabloids.
就在过去的几个星期,有两个英格兰球员,鲁尼和克劳奇就被卷入了小报的丑闻。 yeeyan

Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness- who dares to rouse them?
他蹲如公狮,卧如母狮,谁敢惹他? ebigear

Mario could crouch down, tuck his limbs into his shell and slide across the screen.
马里奥从此可以匍匐着把四肢收进壳里,滑行前进。 yeeyan

Peter Crouch, Emile Heskey, to take two favourite whipping boys, are more talented than they’re given credit for and certainly far from the stereotypical big lumbering centre forwards of old.
克劳奇,赫斯基,拿这两个被敲打最多的小伙子来说,他们的天赋远远高过得到的认可,他们肯定远远不是那种又大又笨的老式高中锋。 yeeyan

Then he sat back in a crouch, legs shaking a little. His eyes, glazed and half- shut, stared blankly at the floor.
然后他屈膝蹲在了后面,腿还有点发抖,玻璃般半睁的眼睛茫然地盯着地上看。 yeeyan

They are also sweating on the fitness of playmaker Luka Modric and striker Peter Crouch.
他们正在争取中场组织者莫德里奇和前锋克劳奇的恢复。 yeeyan

To appeals such forces while avoiding rifts inside the coalition, Mr Cameron's government has ended up in a defensive crouch.
为了平息这股势力,同时也避免联合政府内部纷争,卡梅伦政府不得不妥协退让,防守为重。 ecocn

You can't be agile while you're in a defensive crouch.
当你处于防御的姿态时,是不可能敏捷的。 infoq

You crouch on the fire escape, sweating in your dark clothes, staring into this bathroom.
你蹲伏在消防通道上,汗流浃背,观察着浴室。 yeeyan

Your belief that you will not be visible from inside the cave if you crouch behind that rock may be justified because you can imagine how things would look from inside.
假如你想象出在洞里面看东西会是什么样子,你就可以证实如果你蹲在岩石后面在洞里面别人就看不到你这个设想。 yeeyan

Crouch could have clinched the winner when he chested down Pennant's cross from the right, but dragged his shot wide.
克劳奇本可以帮助斯托克城拿下比赛:他接彭南特的右侧传球,胸部停球后凌空抽射,但是射门偏出。 kle100




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