

单词 crotch
释义 crotch 英krɒtʃ美krɑtʃAHDkrŏch ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹⁸²⁵¹BNC³⁵³⁸⁵iWeb¹⁵⁸²³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the region of the angle formed by the junction of two branches;

they took the south fork

he climbed into the crotch of a tree

the angle formed by the inner sides of the legs where they join the human trunkexternal sex organ词源同crook,crochet. 俚语,即看起来像个小弯钩。crotch support骑撑inside crotch内抱腿crotch height腿分叉高boom crotch帆杠支架feather crotch羽状纹板jar crotch socket套接振动钻杆打捞器…crotch stress叉口应力crotch frog三通辙叉crotch lift抱腿摔crotch angle分岐角inside crotch ride内抱腿侧面骑…crotch hold抱腿crotch fat板油swirl crotch涡卷纹crotch weld楔接锻接,楔接焊接…
近义词 fork叉genitals生殖器private parts私处genital organ生殖器genitalia生殖器尤指外阴部…privates从插塞外壳引出的第三…

用作名词He has a dull heavy ache in thecrotch.他的胯部感到隐痛。
These jeans are too tight in thecrotch.这牛仔裤的裤裆太紧了。
The child was sitting on acrotchof a tree.那孩子坐在树的桠杈上。noun.angle
同义词 corner,curve,elbow,forknoun.loins
同义词 groin,lappelvic girdle,pubic area
anglenoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
anglesnoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
detournoun indirect course
alternate route,back road,branch,bypass,bypath,byway,circuit,circuitous route,circumbendibus,circumnavigation,circumvention,crotch,deviation,divergence,diversion,fork,roundabout way,runaround,secondary highway,service road,substitute,temporary route
deviationnoun change, departure
deviationsnoun change, departure
divergencenoun branching out;difference
aberration,alteration,alterity,crotch,deflection,departure,detour,deviation,digression,disagreeing,discrepancy,disparity,dissemblance,dissimilarity,dissimilitude,distinction,divagation,divergency,diversity,division,fork,mutation,otherness,parting,radiation,ramification,separation,turning,unlikeness,variety,varying Ever tried to run with a koala's claws in your chest and thighs and its teeth in your crotch?
胸口和大腿被树熊的爪子抓住,裤裆也被它的牙齿咬住,想跑? yeeyan

He has also started doing some rather dirty moves, notably the crotch- grab, which will endure, with striking embellishments, throughout his career.
同样杰克逊开始做一些脏动作,尤其是抓胯下,这个动作将作为一个醒目的装饰贯穿他的整个职业生涯。 yeeyan

Masterful1971 rocker Sticky Fingers featured a crotch-shot cover— conceived by Andy Warhol— that boasted a real zipper.
1971年的摇滚杰作《顺手牵羊》拥有一个胯部特写封面---由安迪•沃霍尔构思---自夸是一个真正的拉链。 yeeyan

The victim was hoisted above the pyramid and slowly lowered, crotch first, onto its sharpened pinnacle.
受刑者先是被吊起来,把菊花对着凳子金字塔形的尖端,然后慢慢的放下来。 xianguo.com

The woman can lean her torso forward, arch her back, and keep her crotch in constant contact with the base of his penis or his pubic region.
这样女人可以依靠她的躯干向前顶,再拱回来,并保持阴部始终与男人阴茎或腹部紧贴。 yeeyan

You show a film clip of a man being hit in the crotch.
拿出一段某男子裆部被撞的视频。 yeeyan

He'd made a vest, a shirt and the pants that were in vogue, with the crotch cut to the knees.
他自己做过一件背心、一件衬衫和一条当时流行的裤档差不多落到膝盖那儿的裤子。 edu.sina.com.cn

He'll spread his legs while sitting opposite, to give you a crotch display.
当他会把双脚伸展开,坐在你对面,展示他的胯部。 yeeyan

His splayed hand pulled at his crotch as if emasculation would be sweet to him.
他张开双手拉住胯下,仿佛阉割也是一种享受。 ecocn

I buy jeans with a low- slung crotch; I just like the look.
我买的牛仔裤裤裆很低,我就喜欢这样。 yeeyan

Its head went between my legs and its teeth dug into my crotch.
它的头夹在我的两腿之间,利齿已咬穿我的裤裆。 yeeyan

Later on I sneaked into the laundry room to “borrow” it and the moment I put the nifty little gadget on my crotch I SCREAMED.
稍后,我偷偷溜进洗衣房拿走了那个电动刮毛器,当我把那个漂亮的小玩意放在我的胯部的时候我尖叫了起来。 yeeyan

Once onboard the plane, according to the account, another passenger spent the entire flight filming Abdulmutallab, even after he tried to ignite his crotch rocket.
根据这一指控,一旦登机,另一名旅客将全程跟拍阿卜杜穆塔拉布,甚至在他试图点燃裤衩里的火箭后也是。 yeeyan

Putting jeans in the dryer makes them tight and stresses the fabric, which also leads to crotch splits, as does weight gain.
将牛仔裤放入烘干机会使裤子变紧,给面料带来压力,这也会导致裆部破损,和重量增加一样。 putclub

She let her hand drift lower, slipping open his button and skimming onto his crotch, and after a moment he arched his back, lifting himself so she could slide his jeans over his hips.
她的手向下游走,解开他的裤扣,掠过他的胯部,过了一会,他弓起背,抬起身子,这样她可以把他的牛仔裤从屁股上拉下来。 yeeyan

She said that, in a car after dinner and drinks, Mr Cain had stuck his hand beneath her skirt, reached for her genitals and pulled her head towards his crotch.
她说,在酒足饭饱之后,在一辆车里,凯恩先生将他的手伸入了她的裙底,触摸到她的私处,并且将她的头拉到自己胯下。 ecocn

The 23-year-old son of a prominent Nigerian banker had hidden a fistful of high explosive in a package sewed into the crotch of his underwear.
这位23岁的尼日利亚著名银行家之子将一把烈性炸药藏在包中,然后缝进内裤裆部。 ecocn

They would reach in the windows, grab the driver’s crotch, fish around in his pockets for a wallet.
她们会把手伸进车窗,抓住那个司机的裤裆,从他的衣袋里掏出钱夹。 yeeyan

This was in high school, when boners occurred if a slight westerly wind so much as graced the crotch area.
在高中的时候,当轻微的西风吹过我裤裆时,我都会勃起。 yeeyan

You show some friends a clip of a man being hit in the crotch.
把一段视频给几个朋友欣赏一下,视频中有个男子的裆部被撞了。 yeeyan




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