

单词 crossbreeding
释义 crossbreeding 英'krɒsbriːdɪŋ美'krɒsbriːdɪŋ 高TCOCA¹¹⁵⁶⁵⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
genetics the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybridsreproduction by parents of different races especially by white and non-white persons近义词 cross穿过crossing人行横道hybridization杂交hybridisation杂交interbreeding杂种繁殖miscegenation种族混合hybridizing动词hybridize的…
用作名词In this paper, the significance ofcrossbreedingis also discussed.讨论了这一模型对杂交育种工作的意义。
Compared to traditionalcrossbreeding, gene splicing takes about half as much time to develop a new crop or animal variety.与传统的杂交育种相比,基因剪接约需多半的时间开发一种新的作物或动物品种。as in.mate
同义词 cohabit,copulate,couple,crossbreed,generate,join,land,match,merge,pair,procreate,serve,tie,wed,yoketie the knot
反义词 disconnect,disjoin,divide,fail,lose,refrain,separateabstain,uncoupleas in.pollinate
同义词 breed,crossbreed,cross-fertilize,pollenateas in.cross
同义词 crossbreed,hybridize,interbreed,mixblend,cross-fertilize,cross-pollinate,mingle,mongrelizecross-mate,intercross
反义词 divide,part,separateunmix At the same time the development of mutton lamb husbandry by means of technology of commercial crossbreeding obtained high beneficial effect.
同时以经济杂交技术在本地区开发羔肉羊高效生产,取得了良好的经济杂交效果。 iciba

The view that mans marriage originated from widespread crossbreeding is the product of the classical evolution theory with severe theoretical limitations, which lacks concrete worldwide proofs.
关于人类婚姻起源于普遍的杂婚的说法是充满严重理论缺陷的古典进化论指导下的产物,它在全世界范围内缺乏坚实证据。 dictall

The fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related Idaho pygmy rabbit.
现在,哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔的命运如何完全依靠于科学家们实施的一项杂交繁育计划。 for68

The inheritance of some fruit traits in canning yellow peaches was studied in the crossbreeding process.
在用杂交手段选育罐藏黄桃品种的实践中,对果实经济性状的遗传倾向作了分析。 cnki

The latest research achievements of Nanyang cattle improvement by crossbreeding with either Piedmontese or Charolais were introduced in the review.
本文主要介绍了皮埃蒙特牛、夏洛来牛杂交改良南阳牛方面的最新研究成果。 iciba

This physiological method of emasculation may thus be applicable to wheat crossbreeding.
因此,可以在杂交育种中应用这种小麦去雄的生理学方法。 cnki

Three protocols including Jinnan cattle development, economic crossbreeding and gene bank construction was evaluated, and recommendations on three protocols was proposed.
本文对晋南牛开发实施方案、经济杂交方案及基因库工作方案的内容给予了肯定的评价,并对三个方案提出了意见和建议。 kekenet

AI is usually used for crossbreeding with imported germplasm rather than for superior local genetics, due to the paucity of animal identification, recording and evaluation programmes.
由于缺乏动物识别、记录和评价计划,因而人工授精技术通常用于与进口种质资源的杂交,而并非当地的优良遗传资源。 fao

Developing crossbreeding or not?
开展杂交或不开展? http://www.cahec.cn

In the medium term, conventional crossbreeding helped by molecular biology techniquesa technique called “ marker assisted breeding” may suffice.
在中期,通过分子生物学技术辅助的常规杂交育种分子标记辅助育种就足以满足要求了。 yeeyan

It is maybe a result of crossbreeding.
它估计是杂交繁殖的结果。 ffenglish

Scientists are crossbreeding existing peanut types that have lower levels of the proteins that cause anaphylaxis.
另有科学家正在对现知低过敏原含量的花生品种进行杂交实验。 yeeyan

Therefore it is suitable to use the process of crossbreeding to increase their contents.
因此要提高它们的含量宜采用杂交育种途径。 cnki

This paper begins with the overthrow of the concept of combining ability in crossbreeding by the concept of heritability.
文中一开始就以遗传力概念来推翻杂交育种中的配合力概念。 biochemlab




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