

单词 crossbreed
释义 cross·breed 英ˈkrɔːsˌbriːd, ˈkrɒs-美ˈkrɔsˌbrid, ˈkrɑs-AHDkrôsʹbrēd', krŏsʹ- 高ISTGCOCA⁹⁰³⁶²BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁴³⁶²⁸

genetics an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species;

a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey

breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties;

cross a horse and a donkey

Mendel tried crossbreeding

these species do not interbreed

蒋争熟词记忆crossadj.交叉的;杂的breed生养⇒杂交crossadj.交叉的;杂的breed生养⇒杂交近义词 mule骡子cross穿过hybrid混合物mongrel杂种狗hybridise杂交hybridize使杂交interbreed使异种交配mongrelize种族主义者污蔑性用语…

用作名词It has been used to developed severalcrossbreedwith obvious heterosis.它用于配了几个杂种优势明显的杂交新组合。用作动词English breed of compact domestic fowl is raised primarily tocrossbreedto produce roasters.英国品种的小家禽主要用于杂交产生适合烤的家禽。as in.cur
同义词 hybrid,mongrel,muttas in.hybrid
同义词 amalgam,combinationcompound,cross,mongrel,muleincross,outcrossas in.mongrel
同义词 cross,cur,hybrid,mixture,mule,muttmixed breedas in.cross
同义词 hybridize,interbreed,mixblend,cross-fertilize,cross-pollinate,mingle,mongrelizecross-mate,intercrossas in.mate
同义词 cohabit,copulate,couple,generate,join,land,match,merge,pair,procreate,serve,tie,wed,yoketie the knotas in.pollinate
同义词 breed,cross-fertilize,pollenate
crossverb hybridize, mix
curnoun animal of mixed breed
hybridnoun composite, mixture
mateverb marry and breed
cohabit,copulate,couple,crossbreed,generate,join,land,match,merge,pair,procreate,serve,tie,tie the knot,wed,yoke
mongrelnoun animal of mixed background
cross,crossbreed,cur,hybrid,mixed breed,mixture,mule,mutt
pollinateverb fertilize
breed,cross-fertilize,crossbreed,pollenate Occurring in separate, nonoverlapping geographic areas. Often used of populations of related organisms unable to crossbreed because of geographic separation.
异域种的分布在不同地区的,分布区不重叠的,常指由于地理分隔而不能杂交的相关生物的族群。 hotdic

The heterosis will be abroad utilized as point biological technology used in cotton crossbreed.
随着生物尖端技术广泛利用在棉花杂交育种上,将促进棉花杂种优势利用。 cnki

The upgrading effects on the weight of simmental crossbreed calves and the milk performance of the female simmental crossbreed cattle were in the paper.
研究了级进杂交对不同代次的西杂犊牛体重和西杂母牛泌乳性能的影响。 dictall

The ascendent of crossbreed is very obvious in Raphanus sativus. self- incompatibility of Raphanus sativus is one of the important routes in ascendent of crossbreed using.
萝卜杂种优势明显,自交不亲和是萝卜杂交优势利用的一种重要途径。 fabiao

A school of two year old Rose Gold Xbacks crossbreed between Cross Back Golds and Reds.
一群两岁大的玫瑰金背金与红龙的交配后代。 kekenet

Different parent have different hereditary effects of yield and quality traits. Rational select the parent will help to crossbreed of Island Cotton and to use hybrid heterosis.
不同亲本对产量、品质性状的遗传效应不同,合理选配亲本有助于海岛棉杂交育种和杂种优势的利用。 fabiao

English breed of compact domestic fowl; raised primarily to crossbreed to produce roasters.
英国品种的小家禽;主要用于杂交产生适合烤的家禽。 hotdic

In 1970s, specialized beef cattle breeds such as Angus, Limousin, Charolais, Simmental were introduced to crossbreed the Mongolian cattle.
上世纪70年代以来锡林郭勒盟先后引进安格斯、利木赞、夏洛来、西门塔尔等肉牛品种改良蒙古牛。 dictall

That's because there will still be enough regular mosquitoes to crossbreed with those that can't sense DEET.
这是因为会有很多普通蚊子和这些感觉不到避蚊胺的蚊子杂交。 com

The third approach is a crossbreed between the first and the second approach.
第三种方法是介于第一和第二种方法之间的一种混合方法。 ibm

The content of lysine and histidine in essential amino acids satisfied the ideal ratio in protein in the crossbreed lambs;
两杂种羔羊肉中氨基酸含量丰富,总量均高于土种羔羊肉; www.gsau.edu.cn

Therefore, it need choose the parents purposeful according as breeding goal to crossbreed the F1 hybrids between S. bicolor malesteril line and S. sudanese.
因此培育高粱不育系与苏丹草杂交种高丹草要根据育种目标有目的选择双亲。 xb.ynau.edu.cn

Unfortunately, this terminator gene can crossbreed with non GMO soybeans and other plants to sterilize these plants, as well.
不幸的是,这一终结者基因能够与非转基因大豆和其他非转基因植物跨种繁殖。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn

Why would anyone crossbreed a perfectly serviceable bear with an owl?
为什么有人把像熊这样非常有用的生物跟枭杂交呢? anetcity




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