

单词 crooks
释义 crook·s 英krʊk美krʊk COCA²²⁹⁷⁷BNC²³²¹⁸Economist⁹⁵⁵¹
someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crimea circular segment of a curve;

a bend in the road

a crook in the path

a long staff with one end being hook shaped
bend or cause to bend;

He crooked his index finger

the road curved sharply








by hook or by crook不择手段on the crook不诚实地狡诈地…crook sitting屈腿坐natural crook timber天然曲材crook warp径向翘曲shepherd's crook牧羊杖crook tongs弓形开度钳crook the little finger喝酒a crook in the lot不如意的事go crook发火, 发脾气…crook one's elbow酒喝得太多,爱喝酒…crook the elbow喝酒; 纵酒by hook and by crook不择手段地crook an elbow喝酒; 纵酒by hook or crook不择手段go crook at责备go crook on责备
近义词 rod杆bow弓hook钩thief贼bend弯曲curl卷曲cane手杖turn翻转curve曲线staff员工stick手杖shark鲨鱼twist缠绕robber盗贼corner角落felon重罪犯crosier牧杖villain坏人criminal罪犯gangster匪徒offender罪犯jailbird囚犯deflect使偏斜malefactor罪人contort使扭曲lawbreaker犯法者convict宣判 … 有罪…shepherd's crook牧羊杖outlaw被剥夺法律保护的人…corruptercorrupt的名词形式…

用作名词By thecrook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。
He had shepherd'scrooktipped with iron.他有一根牧羊人用的带铁头的棍杖。
He carried the package in thecrookof his arm.他臂弯里挎着一个包裹。用作不及物动词As the developmt of the hypocotyl continues, the characteristiccrookin the upper portion becomes apparent.由于下胚轴继续发音,上部特有的弯曲变得明显。
You wouldn'tcrooka friend, would you?你不会欺骗朋友,是吧?用作及物动词Shecrookedher little finger as she drank her tea.她喝茶时弯起小指头。 After more than30 years as an investigator, he is sure that crooks will eventually find a way around any defence.
做了30多年的调查工作,他很肯定,骗子终究会找到绕过任何防御的办法。 ecocn

The use of lifelike masks to commit crimes is just the latest example of crooks adopting new technology, Foxworth said.
Foxworth说,用逼真面具来实施犯罪是恶棍最新发明的手段。 yeeyan

A narrow mountain path crooks through the forest.

But he has failed to attack corruption in high places with any vigour; indeed, he has let some of the worst crooks stay in government.
但是他并没有能够有效地解决高官的腐败问题。实际上,他仍然默许一些腐败的高管在政府中留任。 ecocn

Chinese cyber- crooks are only too happy to rent out their networks to other gangs and governments who want to launch attacks using them.
中国的网络犯罪分子倒是希望能够把他们的网络租给其他黑客帮派或者政府,供其发起攻击。 ecocn

If they were crooks, wouldn't they be richer?
他们若真犯了罪,是否会富裕一点? ecocn

In theory, the bill sounds like justice delivered to Mr Madoff and other crooks.
理论上,这项议案听起来像是法律给麦道夫和其他骗子的惩罚。 ecocn

Most are not deliberate crooks, thinks Mr Ford, but are just copying their neighbours and unaware that they are breaking the rules.
福特先生认为,他们大多不是蓄意的骗子,只是模仿邻居的做法,不知道这是违规行为。 ecocn

Quite simply, the investment bank that is revered on Wall Street could just be a bunch of crooks, and greedy ones at that.
道理很简单,傲视华尔街的投资银行只能是恶棍团伙加之狼子野心。 yeeyan

That has attracted a lot of crooks into politics.
这吸引了一批恶棍投身政治。 ecocn

The problem is that the cops seem little better than the crooks.
可问题是,这两个条子也没比恶棍好到哪里去。 yeeyan

Then, you set up your policies and your rules as if they're all lying, cheating crooks.
而在制定公司的政策和规定时,又必须把他们想象成谎话连篇、欺诈成性的恶棍。 fortunechina

These crooks usually hold multiple passports and use many identities.
这些恶棍通常拥有多个护照并使用很多身份。 yeeyan

Why have so many once- celebrated entrepreneurs turned out to be crooks?
为何曾经名气很大的创业者会变成骗子? ecocn

With such technology virtually at policemen’s fingertips, crooks are well advised to keep their hands clean.
当这种技术成为警察的掌中利器时,就得奉劝那些作恶之人洁手自好了。 yeeyan

Crooks across the country are using bucket shops to scam older people.
全国各地的骗子都利用投机商号来欺骗老年人。 ebigear




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