

单词 crocuses
释义 cro·cus·es 英'krəʊkəs美'kroʊkəs COCA⁶³⁰⁶⁶BNC⁴⁴⁹³⁷
any of numerous low-growing plants of the genus Crocus having slender grasslike leaves and white or yellow or purple flowers; native chiefly to the Mediterranean region but widely cultivatedsaffron crocus番红花crocus cloth磨粉布,细砂布…common autumn crocus秋水仙Crocus sativus番红花antimony crocus锑藏红autumn crocus秋水仙属

用作名词The crocus come out late this year because of the cold weather.因为天气寒冷,今年藏红花开得晚。 A close-up shows purple crocuses flecked with bright yellow pollen in Washington, D. C.
每日图片。特写镜头说明紫番红花有斑点和鲜黄色花粉在华盛顿特区。 forum.home.news.cn

The crocuses came out late this year because of the cold weather.
搬进新家的第一年春天,黛比注意到院子的番红花。 iciba

A close-up shows purple crocuses flecked with bright yellow pollen in Washington, D.C.
这个特写镜头显示了华盛顿的带有嫩黄色花粉、鲜艳的紫色番红花。 yeeyan

From that point on, a pilgrimage to find the crocuses became a yearly rite of spring until I grew up and moved away.
从那时起,每天春天观赏番红花已经成为我们家的盛事,直到我长大成人,离开农场。 readerstimes

I missed the crocuses, but my life was busier than ever, and I had never been much of a gardener.
我很想念番红花,但是生活比以前更忙碌了,而且我从来都不是一名好的园丁。 overseas-english

My fathers' crocuses bloomed each spring for the next four or five seasons, bringing that same assurance every time they arrived: Hard times almost over.
父亲种的藏红花每年春天都开,连着开了四五年,每次都带给我同样的信念:苦日子就快到头了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Perhaps beneath the warmth of the sunlight in the greening meadows, where the spring warmth had coaxed the tender young grass and crocuses to the surface.
或许在那绿绿的草地上,阳光暖暖地照着,春天的热情诱惑了那些嫩嫩的小草和番红花探出头来到地面上。 blog.sina.com.cn

The October after Grandpa's death, I planted tulip and daffodil bulbs, snowdrops, crocuses, and bluebells.
在爷爷去世后的十月,我种了一些郁金香、水仙、雪花莲、番红花及蓝铃花。 ebigear

There was not a bud anywhere except a few crocuses.
到处都没有新芽,只有一些藏红花。 bab

They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn.
是番红花,在屋前草坪上星罗棋布到处都是。 adad

We give all our attention to the brave little crocuses pushing out from under his icy feet.
纤弱勇敢的番红花从它冰冷的足底破土而出,吸引了我们全部的注意力。 www.gdcy52.org

Crocuses bloom in the spring.
番红花在春天开放。 kekenet

Crocuses are yellow, purple or white flowers which bloom early in spring.
番红花黄、紫或白色,放花于初春时分。 bbs.576tv.com




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