

单词 croc
释义 croc 英krɒk美krɑkAHDkrŏk 高COCA³⁵⁹⁸⁷BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb²⁴³³⁰
And suddenly the croc jumped out. The whole event took maybe15 seconds.
突然间,一条鳄鱼窜出水面,整个搏斗大概持续了15秒钟。 yeeyan

For169 episodes of“The Crocodile Hunter”, “ Croc Files”, and “ Croc Diaries”, watched by500m people in136 countries, Mr Irwin diced with death-by-animals.
有来自136个国家的超过五亿观众曾看过他所拍摄的169集“鳄鱼猎人”“鳄鱼档案”“鳄鱼日记”等专题片。 ecocn

Remains of the croc- like animal were found close to the imposing snake. It's the first ever crocodyliform to be identified from the site, the Cerrejon Formation.
在巨蛇的化石旁边,研究人员还发现了一种和鳄鱼类似的生物的化石。这是首次从塞雷洪地层发现鳄形目的生物。 hjenglish

Remains of the croc- like animal were found close to the imposing snake.
在巨蛇的化石旁边,研究人员还发现了一种和鳄鱼类似的生物的化石。 hjenglish

Run a lawnmower at a croc, see it launch itself right into the air to seize him.
他还在一条鳄鱼背上推除草机,看着它跃向空中抓他。 ecocn

A fully grown giant male croc likely would have had to commandeer miles of river territory to regularly find enough prey sustain itself, Sereno explained.
塞里诺解释说,一只成年的雄性巨鳄需要占据数英里的河域,它们需要找到足够多的食物来填饱肚子。 yeeyan

But as their habitats dwindle, many croc species face an uncertain future.
但随着它们栖息地的减少,许多种类鳄鱼所面临的前途未卜。 chinawin

Don't mistake this croc for a log!
不要把这条鳄鱼当作木棍哦! hjenglish

Extinction has trimmed the largest and smallest of the croc family.
现在最大的和最小的鳄鱼都已经灭绝了。 hotdic

Finally, the croc concedes, and the lions get their prey on dry land.
双方几经争夺,最后鳄鱼举手投降,眼睁睁地看着狮子把到手的猎物夺了回去。 yeeyan

Mr Croc woke up feeling very hungry.
大眼鳄鱼先生一觉醒来,感到肚子饿极了。 haotushu

The croc, which lost a few teeth and suffered bruising, is receiving medical attention.
据悉,受伤鳄鱼长1.6米,被车撞掉了几颗牙,还受了些擦伤,正在接受医治。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

These species open a window on a croc world completely foreign to what was living on northern continents.
这些物种打开了一扇揭示鳄鱼世界的窗口,它们与生活在北部大陆上的动物完全不同。 yeeyan

This croc wasn't new to science.
在科学上,这种鳄鱼并不新奇。 hotdic




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