

单词 critical
释义 crit·i·cal 英ˈkrɪtɪkəl美ˈkrɪtɪkəlAHDkrĭtʹĭ-kəl ★★★★☆高四六研GIST宝牛46八COCA¹²⁵¹BNC¹⁵¹¹iWeb¹³²¹Economist²⁵²²


decisive; vital; urgent


of or related to the work of a critic

marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws;

a critical attitude

at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction;

a critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C--its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure

critical mass

go critical

characterized by careful evaluation and judgment;

a critical reading

a critical dissertation

a critical analysis of Melville's writings

urgently needed; absolutely necessary;

a critical element of the plan

critical medical supplies

vital for a healthy society

of vital interest

forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis;

a critical point in the campaign

the critical test

being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency;

a critical shortage of food

a critical illness

an illness at the critical stage

of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism;

critical acclaim






词根词缀: -crit-判断,决定 + -ic名词词尾,…人,…家 + -al形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词critical evidence决定性的证据critical materials应急物资critical point转折点critical shortage严重短缺critical situation重大局面critical temperature临界温度副词+~extremely critical特别地挑剔persistently critical固执地挑剔sternly critical严厉地批评very critical很挑剔~+介词critical about挑剔critical in one's choice选择苛刻critical of对…挑剔的critical to…是关键性的
cri区分,评判+t抽象名词后缀,在此表行为+ical形容词后缀→区分评判的→鉴定的,批评的;关键的,决定性的⇒数学物理领域临界的,情形、病情危急的。非常记忆critic评论家〖熟词〗-al…的暗恋〖拼音〗⇒评论家暗恋这个爱挑剔的人GRE红宝书crit+icaladj. 吹毛求疵的爱进行严厉批判; 关键的具有转折点性质的蒋争熟词记忆critic批评者-al…的⇒批评性的词根记忆crit判断+ical…的→做出判断的→评论的词根记忆crit+ical近义词 gravecrucialseriouspressing反义词 uncriticalunimportant
~+ n.We are at a critical time in history.我们正处在历史的危急时刻。
We must inherit in a critical way.我们要以批判的方式继承。
A few intimate in whose critical judgement he had confidence.他有几个可信赖其忠言的挚友。
S+be+~+ prep .-phraseShe is critical about everything.她对一切都喜欢吹毛求疵。
He is very critical in his choice.他选择得很严格。
He is critical of anything his wife does.他妻子做什么事他都挑剔。Pprecritical危象前的Panticritical防猝变的Pacritical无极期的无危象的Pcriticality危急程度临界状态Psupercritical上监界的超监界的Povercriticala.苛求的吹毛求疵的Puncriticala.不加批判的无批判力的Pcriticallyad.批评性地审慎地精密地Phypercriticala.批评苛刻的吹毛求疵的Pself-criticala.自己批评的律己严格的




用作形容词It is difficult enough to becriticalof our own mistakes.对我们自己的错误采取批评的态度确实非常困难。
She viewed the findings with acriticaleye.她以批评的眼光看待这些研究结果。
Our clients are verycriticalon quality.我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的。
Joint strategic maneuver iscritical.联合战略行动是决定性的。
Two of the burn victims were in acriticalcondition last night.两名烧伤患者昨天晚上处于非常危险的境况。用作形容词These materials become quite soft and flexible abovecriticaltemperature.这些材料在临界温度以上变得十分柔软和易于弯曲。adj.fault-finding, detracting
同义词 demandinganalytical,belittling,biting,calumniatory,captious,carping,caviling,cavillous,censorious,censuring,choleric,condemning,critic,cutting,cynical,demeaning,derogatory,diagnostic,disapproving,discerning,discriminating,disparaging,exacting,exceptive,finicky,fussy,hairsplitting,humbling,hypercritical,lowering,nagging,niggling,nit-picking,overcritical,particular,penetrating,reproachful,sarcastic,satirical,scolding,severe,sharp,trenchant,withering
反义词 complimentary,laudatory,praising,trivial,uncritical,unimportantadj.urgently important
同义词 crucial,dangerous,decisive,dire,integral,perilous,pivotal,precarious,risky,serious,significant,strategic,urgent,vitalacute,all-important,bottom-line,climacteric,conclusive,consequential,deciding,desperate,determinative,exceptive,grave,hairy,hazardous,high-priority,momentous,pressing,weighty
反义词 certain,inessential,minor,safe,secure,sure,trivial,unimportant,unnecessarycomplimentary,laudatory,praising,uncritical
acuteadjective very important
big leagueadjective important
big-time,chief,critical,crucial,exceptional,four-star,front-page,grave,great,heavy,high-power,major-league,playing hard ball,professional,serious,strictly business
big-leagueadjective important
big-deal,big-time,blue-chip,chief,critical,crucial,exceptional,foremost,four-star,front-page,great,high-power,important,impressive,influential,large,leading,major,playing hard ball,prominent,significant
bottom lineadjective of key importance
burningadjective important
cantankerousadjective difficult, crabby
bad-tempered,bearish,bloody-minded,captious,choleric,contrary,cranky,critical,cross,crotchety,crusty,disagreeable,dour,grouchy,grumpy,huffy,ill-humored,ill-natured,irascible,irritable,morose,obstinate,ornery,peevish,perverse,petulant,prickly,quarrelsome,snappish,sour,stubborn,testy,vinegarish,vinegary The critical element to any successful backup solution is to have a copy of the important information in another location.
任何成功的备份解决方案都有一个关键要素,即在另一个位置保存重要信息的副本。 ibm

After all, we are always upgrading our computers— why not something that’s even more critical to our effectiveness?
毕竟,我们总是升级我们的电脑——为什么没有对我们的工作效率来说更关键的东西? yeeyan

All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way.

As this title suggests, these features determine the critical path.
如此题目所暗示的,这些特性确定了关键的路径。 ibm

Because data is so critical to the organization, making decisions about how data is stored and who can access it is imperative.
由于数据对组织是如此关键,因此必须做出有关如何存储数据和谁可以访问数据的决策。 ibm

But we do consider consolidations in the critical methods.

But specialisation depends on one critical factor: the reliability of supply.
但专业分工依赖一个关键因素:供给的可靠性。 ecocn

For these reasons, spreadsheets and databases must be avoided for the storage of critical configuration information.
由于这些原因,必须避免用电子表格和数据库存储关键的配置信息。 ibm

He was critic and theorist. What I discovered was his critical writings.

Mothers, they report, “are harshly critical of other parents who buy… extras for themselves” rather than their children.
母亲们,他们报道说,“严厉地批评了其他为自己买多余东西的父母”而不是他们的孩子。 yeeyan

Process and people remain critical to success, though.
不过,过程和人员仍是成功的关键。 ibm

Regardless of whether you have taken venture capital or not, capital efficiency and bootstrapping are critical values.
不考虑你是否风险投资,资金的有效性和引导指令具有决定性的价值。 yeeyan

Some fairly critical performance bugs have been fixed in the last few releases, so you should update even if you’re only one or two digits back.
有一些相当关键的性能错误已经在最近的几次发布的版本中修复了,所以你应该更新,即使你只差那么一个或者两个数字。 infoq

Some sites have more subtle problems: they look ok but as you go further you find that critical form won’t submit or leads to a blank page.
有些站点有些更微妙的问题:它们看起来还行,但你点着点着,一些关键的表单却提交不了了,或直接跑到了一个空白页。 blog.sina.com.cn

Therefore, the critical evaluation need is one of measurement, and this should be the primary goal of the tester in this phase.
因此,关键的评估需求是其中一个度量,并且这应该是此阶段测试人员主要的目标。 ibm

This chart gives you a summary of some of the critical thermal- neutron cross sections of important fissile and fertile nuclides.

This is a critical question that we must answer together through consultation and coordination.
这是一个我们必须通过磋商和协调共同回答的关键问题。 hxen.com

This is why forming an exercise habit is so critical.
这就是为什么养成锻炼的习惯是很关键的。 yeeyan

This type of availability has traditionally only been implemented in the most critical of applications.
传统上,只会在最关键的应用程序中实现这种类型的可用性。 ibm

We had better call in a specialist at this critical moment.

When you are able to do all three of these, you have mastered one of the most critical competencies of any manager.
当您能处理好这三件事,您就具备了任何管理者都应具备的一项最关键的能力。 yeeyan




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