

单词 criminalize
释义 crim·i·nal·ize 英ˈkrɪmənəˌlaɪz美ˈkrɪmənəˌlaɪzAHDkrĭmʹə-nə-līz' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁰⁸⁰⁰BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb²³³²²
treat as a criminaldeclare illegal; outlaw;

Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

来自crime, 犯罪,非法。criminal-ize使成为⇒v.宣布…为非法⁵⁰;对…判处刑罚⁵⁰近义词 ban禁止forbid禁止pervert误用proscribe禁止interdict禁止corrupt腐败的deprave使堕落illegalize使违法illegalise使违法marginalize使边缘化outlaw被剥夺法律保护的人…criminalise 宣告 … 为犯法行…反义词 decriminalize使合法化

用作动词The use of opium was notcriminalizeduntil fairly recently.直到最近抽鸦片才被判定为非法。
China is revising its penal law tocriminalizegender-selective abortions.中国目前正在修正其刑法,将因性别选择而遗弃婴儿的行为列为犯罪。to sb's certain knowledge⎤ On appeal, the defendant argued that his conviction should be overturned on grounds that Congress, in passing the Espionage Act, never intended to criminalize the retention of classified material.
上诉时,被告争论道他的定罪应该被推翻,理由是议会通过反间谍法从来不是为了判定持有机密材料是有罪的。 yeeyan

The Trafficking Protocol requires ratifying nations to criminalize human trafficking and help victims.
议定书将走私人口视为犯罪,要求签署国制裁人口走私行为,并帮助受害者。 ebigear

Abusive employers are complicit, and lax Taiwanese labor laws criminalize workers who flee.
施虐的雇主是共犯,而松弛的台湾劳工法让逃跑的外劳成了罪犯。 iciba

China doesn't have any laws that specifically criminalize transmission of HIV.
中国并没有将传播艾滋病刑事化的具体法律条款。 blog.sina.com.cn

First of all, legislatively, the criminal policies of economic crimes lean to adopt the doctrine of severe penalty, and focus on criminalize the illegal economic behaviors.

It is unfortunate that laws that criminalize the people are on the basis of their sexual of orientation still exist in some countries.
目前,基于一个人的性取向来为他定罪的法律在某些国家仍然存在,这是非常不幸的。 hxen

Laws criminalize peaceful expression of peaceful dissent.
法律将和平表达异议言论入罪。 iciba

The government appeared to criminalize rape, but no information was available on details of the law and how effectively the law was enforced.
政府表面上使强奸合法化,但是没有关于相关法律细节及其执行效果的可知信息。 yeeyan

The measure does not criminalize tobacco or limit the availability of tobacco products to adults.
其中的措施并没有把烟草交易列为非法或者限制成年人购买烟草。 hjenglish

To gain working class support for his regime in 1864 Emperor Bonaparte would remove France's legal bans on strikes and in1866 he would also de- criminalize unions.
1864年,为获得工人阶级的支持,波拿巴皇帝取消了罢工禁令,并且在1866年,使集会合法化。 yeeyan

To meet the requirement of judicial practice and criminalize the defendant accurately, we hold it a general trend that the doctrine of four elements should be modified“to some extent.”
为回应司法实务的需要,使对犯罪的认定更为精准,对“四要件说”进行“阶层化”改造乃是大势所趋。 dictall

We have laws that criminalize homosexuality. We have laws that criminalize drug use.
我们的法律将同性恋和吸毒定为犯罪行为。 hjenglish

Criminalize70 million American file- sharers?
将70百万美国的文件资料共享者定为犯罪分子? yeeyan




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