

单词 crevice
释义 crev·ice 英ˈkrevɪs美ˈkrɛvɪsAHDkrĕvʹĭs ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝COCA²⁰⁹⁷⁷BNC³⁶⁰¹³iWeb¹⁵⁵²⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a long narrow depression in a surfacea long narrow opening来自词根crep, 嘎吱作响,词源同decrepit, discrepancy.词义由嘎吱作响引申为裂缝。fault crevice断层裂隙crevice plant石隙植物crevice corrosion隙间腐蚀,缝隙腐蚀…crevice oil裂隙油gingival crevice齿龈缝,龈缝…crevice water裂隙水
r=l cleave 劈开忠于
GRE难词记忆crevice→crev=to crack 破裂+ice→裂缝词根记忆crev裂开+ice,参考:crevasse裂隙词根记忆crev裂缝+ ice ⇒裂缝近义词 gap缺口rift裂口gulf海湾break打碎crack破裂chink裂缝split分裂chap 皲裂cranny裂缝cleft裂开的fissure裂缝opening开口vacancy空缺fracture破碎scissure身体上或器官上的切口…

用作名词Some grass grow in thecreviceof the stone wall.有些草从石墙的裂缝中长出来。
The earth heaved and surged, and instantly a largecrevicesplit open.地面一阵晃动,瞬即裂开一条大缝。noun.crack
同义词 abyss,chink,crevasse,fissure,slitchasm,cleft,crack,cranny,cut,division,fracture,gap,hole,interstice,opening,precipice,rent,rift,split
反义词 agreement,closing,closure,juncture,solid
chinknoun opening
cleftnoun break, gap
cracknoun break, crevice
crannynoun nook, opening
fissurenoun gap
footholdnoun ledge
crevice,footing,hold,niche,perch,purchase,space,toehold“ Operation Crevice”, as the investigation was known, was at the time the biggest anti-terrorist operation in Britain.
人们已知的的调查机关——“缝隙行动”,那时候是英国最大的反恐机构。 topsage

Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.
蓝色条纹通常是当冰层上的裂缝被融冰填充再极速凝固的过程中没有产生气泡而形成的状态。 kuyuzu.hk1.08sky.net

Crack and crevice-free contact surfaces.
无裂缝和缝隙接触面。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Due to my personal experiences, I especially like the metaphor of“ door” and its sense of crevice.
由于个人经历的缘故,我特喜欢“门”和一种裂缝的撕裂感。 vi21

Finally another blade arced towards him. This one bisected his face, opening a crevice that ran from his left eye to his right jaw see picture.
最后,又一柄利刃朝他砍来,将他的面部一分为二,从左眼一直砍到右颌见图。 ecocn

Like a doctor delicately inserting a stent into an artery, he has tucked Raas, a luxurious hotel with beautifully designed interiors, into a crevice of the walled city.
像医生小心翼翼地在动脉里穿插,他在老城的缝隙里塞进了豪华的“拉斯”旅馆,旅馆内部装饰很漂亮。 yeeyan

Many years later, the now grown girl found a letter stuffed into an unnoticed crevice in the cherished replacement doll.
很多年后,小女孩长大了。在这只一直被珍藏着的娃娃身上,她突然发现了一个隐蔽的缝隙。 yeeyan

Most people identify with the painting of the drowning man in the storm, rather than with the dove in the crevice of the boulder.
大部分人都会跟图画中那个风浪中快淹死的人认同,而不是在大石裂缝中的那只鸽子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Of course, being attached to the house doesn't allow for much steering, so the man drifts along until he decides to set himself down in a mountain crevice.
当然了,热气球挂在房子上,操舵不便,所以只有当逃生者找到了想要降落的山间裂缝才能终止空中漂流。 douban

Operation Crevice was a turning point in the British authorities' understanding of the threat posed by al- Qaeda.
缝隙行动是英国当局理解基地组织所造成的威胁的转折点。 topsage

The choice of plan with the foundation of equipment in complex soil, The count& control with the crevice for temperature of bib concrete are also discussed.
对在原有厂房内、复杂场地土上的机床基础的支护方案选择,大型机井的设计与施工,大体积混凝土温度裂缝的控制与计算进行的阐述。 cnki

When threatened they wedge themselves into a crevice and fill their lungs with air.
当受到威胁时,它们便挤进裂缝,给自己的肺鼓满空气。 blog.sina.com.cn




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