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词汇 crested
释义 crest·ed 英ˈkrestɪd美ˈkrɛstɪdAHDkrĕsʹtĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁰³¹⁰BNC³⁰⁹¹⁴iWeb²³⁴²⁹
bearing an heraldic deviceof a bird or animal having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head; often used in combination;

golden crested

crested iris

crested oriole

tufted duck

tufted loosestrife

of a knight's helmet having a decorative plumecrest浪尖flat-crested weir平顶堰short-crested wave短脊波,短峰波…long-crested weir长顶堰crested wheatgrass麦穗草sharp crested weir锐顶堰flat-crested spillway平顶式溢洪道…long-crested wave长峰波broad-crested weir宽顶堰sharp-crested weir薄壁堰,锐缘堰…crested wheat grass扁穗冰草
crest-ed如|被…的⇒adj.有羽冠的³⁰;有顶饰的³⁰;有饰章的⁴⁰近义词 peaked有遮檐的tufted装缨球的topknotted有头冠的plumed动词plume的过去式,…

用作形容词Australian parrot has a yellowcrestedhead.澳大利亚小鹦鹉有黄色羽冠。as in.peak
同义词 climax,crest,culminatebe at height,come to a head,reach the top,reach the zenith,top out
反义词 fall,hit bottom,plungeas in.surmount
同义词 conquerbest,better,cap,clear,crest,crown,defeat,down,exceed,hurdle,leap,lick,negotiate,outdo,outstrip,overpower,overtop,pass,subdue,surpass,throw,top,vanquish,vaultover,prevail over,rise above
反义词 fail,fall behind,give up,help,lose,receive,surrendergive in,yieldas
同义词 cap,climb,cover,face,finishascend,cloak,clothe,crest,crown,garnish,piggyback,protect,reinforce,roof,scale,superimpose,surmount,tipspread over
反义词 descenddrop,fall,lose,loweras in.cap
同义词 beat,clinch,complete,cover,crown,eclipse,exceed,finish,surpass,wrap upbest,better,can,cob,crest,excel,outshine,outstrip,pass,surmount,top,transcend,trumpbutton down,button up,do to a T,put the lid on,top it off
反义词 begin,disregard,fail,fall behind,forget,ignore,introduce,lay out,lose,start,surrenderas
同义词 cap,climax,complete,consummate,crest,finish,fulfill,perfect,surmount,terminate,topput finishing touch on,round off,top off
反义词 begin,initiate A Polish non-bearded, white- crested cuckoo cockerel.
波兰无须白冠杜鹃公鸡。 yeeyan

As the flood crested, an oil slick caught fire and burned our house down to the waterline.
洪峰到来时,水面上的一层油膜不幸着火,把我家的房子吃水线以上部分全部烧塌。 ebigear

Clues to the crested auklet's unique ability to repel mosquitoes and pests like ticks and lice was apparent the first time Douglas encountered the creature, one of four auklet species in Alaska.

It soon attracted the attention of an inquisitive female from a local group of crested black macaque monkeys, known for their intelligence and dexterity.
这部相机一会儿就吸引了一只好奇的本地母猴子,这类猴子以聪明和灵活著称。 ebigear

Layered over the top of all this came the screeches of sulphur- crested cockatoos.
最上层是凤头鹦鹉,它们发出尖利的叫声。 ecocn

On March21,2010, the Red River crested at36.99 feet11.27 meters, according to the National Weather Service.
根据美国国家气象局的报告,2010年3月21日,红河最高水位达到36.99英尺11.27米。 yeeyan

The award for ugliest dog generally goes to the Chinese crested breed, or a Chinese crested mix.
得最丑奖的狗一般是中国的冠毛犬或是冠毛犬的串。 yeeyan

The Chinese Crested reigns supreme in the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest— six out of the last seven winners have been Chinese Cresteds.
中国冠毛犬多次在世界最丑狗狗比赛中夺冠——7次比赛6次它们都是冠军。 yeeyan

“ We keep thinking the wave has crested, but it has grown,” he says.
“我们一直认为这样的趋势已经到达了极致,但它依然还在攀升。”他如是说。 ecocn

AMID the meadows, hedgerows and shady habitats of the great- crested newt, the battle for Chilmington Green is afoot.
在草地、灌木篱墙还有成荫的大冠毛蝾螈的栖息地,正在进行着为邱明顿格林村而战的斗争。 ecocn

As the skipper landed us on the first of the rocks, the cries of the crested terns became deafening.
当船长在第一块岩礁这里停靠时,凤头燕鸥的叫声变得震耳欲聋。 ecocn

Canine lovers were in mourning Thursday at the news that a bug- eyed Chinese crested hairless pooch, who was officially crowned the “ World's Ugliest Dog, ” has died at age 17.
获评“世界最丑”的中国冠毛犬、暴眼无毛狗“艾莉小姐”近日去世,时年17岁。 爱狗人士听闻这一消息无不悲伤。 cri

In August of the second year, he found a handful of Chinese crested terns nesting among a colony of greater crested terns.
在第二年的八月,他在大凤头燕鸥的繁殖地发现了很小一堆黑嘴凤头燕鸥的巢。 ecocn

It scans for prey below, its magnificent indigo- crested head cocking left, then right.
它扫视着找寻着身下的猎物,长着华丽靛蓝色羽冠的头颅不时左顾右盼。 yeeyan

Much of Cedar Rapids was submerged by the Cedar River, which crested nearly seven meters above flood levels.
锡达拉皮兹市的大部分地区都已经被锡达河淹没,水位最高的时候超过洪水水位7米以上。 ebigear

Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer, bichon frise, and Chinese crested.
参与评选的其它犬种包括迷你雪纳瑞、卷毛狮子犬和中国冠毛犬。 ebigear

Sharp- crested ridges are separated by wide, low valleys in this region.
锋利的山脊被当地宽而浅的山谷分割开。 yeeyan

Some observers detect signs that the wave of religiosity which started in the 1970s may have crested.
一些观察人士注意到,始于70年代的宗教浪潮或许已达顶峰。 putclub

The rediscovery earlier this decade of the Chinese crested tern, long thought extinct, was cause for celebration.
在本世纪初消失已久的凤头燕鸥为人们再次发现,这真是可喜可贺。 ecocn

The crested ibis was declared extinct in Japan in the 1970s.
日本在20世纪70年代就宣布了朱鹭的灭绝。 hjenglish

They were the first Chinese crested terns ever to be ringed, and the only offspring of the species in 2008.
他们是中国首批上了脚环的黑嘴凤头燕鸥,2008年刚出生。 ecocn

Vancouver, Canada is home to some well-known Crested Mynahs.
加拿大温哥华是有名的带冠毛八哥的栖居地。 ebigear




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