

单词 credulity
释义 cre·du·li·ty 英krɪˈduːlɪtiː, -ˈdjuː-美krɪˈdulɪti, -ˈdju-AHDkrĭ-d›“lĭ-tē, -dy›“- ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴⁷⁴⁶⁶BNC³⁶⁷⁰⁰iWeb³⁴⁴⁹⁴

tendency to believe readily钱博士cred相信+ul易于,倾向于+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态⇒轻信,易受骗
方振宇词汇奥秘cred信任+ul+ity表名词,指具备某种性质→很容易相信→轻信,易受骗cred相信+ul易于,倾向于+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态⇒轻信,易受骗。近义词 to对于will决心trust信任faith信仰naivety质朴believe相信blind盲目的innocence无罪imprudence轻率gullibility易受骗credulousness轻信blind faith盲目的信仰unsuspiciousness不怀疑

用作名词He has practised upon mycredulity.他利用了我的轻信。
Advertisers like to take advantage of children's naturalcredulity.广告客户喜欢利用儿童天生轻信的特点。as in.faith
同义词 acceptance,belief,confidence,conviction,hope,loyalty,truthallegiance,assent,assurance,certainty,certitude,constancy,credence,credit,dependence,faithfulness,fealty,fidelity,reliance,stock,store,sureness,surety,troth,truthfulness
反义词 disbelief,disloyalty,dishonesty,distrust,doubt,faithlessness,inconstancy,lying,treachery,uncertainty,unsteadinessagnosticism,denial,misgiving,rejection,skepticism,suspicion,unbeliefas in.naïveté
同义词 innocence,artlessness,callowness,candor,childishness,frankness,guilelessness,gullibility,inexperience,ingenuousness,naturalness,openness,simplicity
faithnoun trust in something
naivetenoun innocence
naiveténoun innocence, gullibility
naïveténoun innocence, gullibility
artlessness,callowness,candor,childishness,credulity,frankness,guilelessness,gullibility,inexperience,ingenuousness,innocence,naturalness,openness,simplicity A better analogy would be a railway station in a big city, where hustlers gather to prey on the credulity of new arrivals.
其实可以更好的比喻成为一个大城市的火车站,骗子们聚在这里捕食着新来者的轻信。 ecocn

Reminders that they are depriving al- Qaeda of the base from which it plots the West's destruction stretch credulity when the terrorists do just that from Pakistan's tribal areas.
同时,随着恐怖分子在巴基斯坦境内的部落地区逐渐恢复活动,所谓“阿富汗战争是为了摧毁基地组织的大本营以使西方国家免受其害”的说法也越发站不住脚。 ecocn

Secondly, the differentiating indirect intent from credulity defect is clear.
间接故意与轻信过失得到了清楚的区分。 cnki

The success of charlatans, sorcerers, and alchemists— and all those who abuse public credulity— is founded on errors in this type of calculation.
牛皮大王、巫士和炼金术士以及滥用公众信任的所有人的成功都是因为一般人无法正确评估可能性。 ibm

But she has had to resort to credulity-stretching gymnastics to explain past utterances.
但是她不得不依靠弹性的周旋技巧来解释过去的讲话。 ecocn

By factor analysis, we get five factors: physical abnormality, behavioral excess, depression, sensitivity and phobia, and credulity.
通过因素分析得到了五个因素:生理异常、行为过度、抑郁、敏感恐惧、轻信。 cnki

By its servility it is the prey of tyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment.
因为他的奴态成为了暴君的猎物,因为他的轻信顽固成为了启蒙的天敌。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the early days, archaeology of the region tended toward credulity.

In his wide-open rhetoric about what can be instead of what was, you see a hint of his mother's credulity.
在他关于将来而不是关于过去的演说中,你可以看到一丝和他母亲一样的梦想家气质。 kekenet

Japanese researchers published a small study in2001 suggesting that dolphin therapy can somehow treat eczema, but that finding stretches credulity, Marino says.
日本研究者在2001年发表的一个小型研究中认为海豚疗法可以治湿疹,但这个调查结果使人们盲目的轻信蔓延开来,马里诺说。 yeeyan

She has practised upon my credulity with huge success.

The combined effect strained credulity.
这种综合效应使轻信加剧。 ecocn

The system takes advantage of their opportunism and credulity to collect money for the government and to enrich the few.
这个机制利用大众的“机会主义心理”和“轻信与跟风”的特质为政府敛财,让少部分人发家。 yeeyan

They traded on his credulity.
他们利用了他的轻信。 iciba

This is life on the success of the three traps: the effect, credulity and greed. Friends, do you remember?
这就是人生成功路上的三大陷阱:大意,轻信,贪婪。朋友,你记住了吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Yet it stretches credulity for the party to say that it had no inkling.
然而,社会党说对这一切毫不知情,那就是一派胡言。 ecocn




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