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credit standing 英'kredɪt 'stændɪŋ美'kredɪt 'stændɪŋ 短语⁴⁷⁸⁰⁹ 基本例句 n.信誉 An Honest and Initiative Travel Agency, we will win your trust by our quality service, credit standing and reasonable price. “明宇旅业、诚信创新”,我们将以优质的服务、可靠的信誉、合理的价格赢得您的信赖。 www.njta.gov.cn The paid news damage the public credit standing of media seriously in China. 有所抬头的有偿新闻已严重损坏了新闻媒体的公信力。 dictall We have build up good credit standing in our customers, and well appraised in the industries of construction, machine, electric power, electronic and automotive. 在客户中树立了良好的企业信誉,深受市政工程、机械制造、电力、锅炉制造、电子装配、汽车维修等行业的信赖和好评。 qy6 “ Gain trust by credit Standing; Get benefit by efficiency” is our managing rule. “以信誉赢得信赖,以效率创造效益”是我们的管理准则; iciba Aim of Company: Request quality for existence and request credit standing for development! 公司宗旨:以质量求生存,以信誉谋发展! direct-buy Enterprises morals and spirits comprise ethnic spirit, competition spirit, innovation spirit and credit standing thoughts. 企业的道德精神,包括民族精神、竞争精神、创新精神和信誉意识等。 cnki Every thing we do, it is one process of credit standing accumulation and a chance. 人每做一件事,都是一次信誉积累的过程与机会。180led.com For our credit standing, please refer to the following bank… 关于我方的资信情况,请咨询下列银行… blog.sina.com.cn Help to assess and apply patent such as technology, trademark, copyright, PC software, enterprise credit standing. 承接专利权、专有技术、商标权、著作权、计算机软件、企业的商誉等无形资产的评估和申请。 www.js.chinanews.com.cn It is the main and most common method to analyze the credit standing of a loan enterprise through financial forms. 透过财务报表来分析贷款企业的偿债能力是最主要、最常用的手段。 cnki Miss Wang: It includes banking accounts opened by enterprise, credit standing, capital operation information, balance and repayment capacity, etc. 王小姐:它包括企业的开户帐号、信誉程度、资金往来情况、资金余额、还贷能力等。 hdbbs The Chinese investor in a joint venture foreign- funded export procurement center shall have good credit standing, and necessary economic strength for establishing the procurement center. 以合资形式设立外商投资出口采购中心的,中国投资者应为资信良好,拥有举办采购中心所必需的经济实力。 chinalawinfo Credit standing is the embodiment of the character and talent. 信誉是品德与才能的体现。180led.com |