

单词 creche
释义 creche 英krɛʃ美krɛʃ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵³⁵³⁰BNC²³²¹⁷iWeb³⁵⁰¹¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a hospital where foundlings infant children of unknown parents are taken in and cared fora representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehem词源同crib, 小儿床,饲料糟。crèche育婴堂
近义词 nursery托儿所foundling hospital育婴堂

用作名词The ship has acrechefor children over two years old.船上有一个照看两岁以上儿童的托儿所。
They put their daugher in thecrecheuntil one of them to take her after work.他们把女儿放在托儿所一直到其中一人下班可以去接她。as in.day care
同义词 child care,daycare,nursery,nursery school,preschoolafter-school care,crèche,day nursery,infant school,playschoolas in.manger
同义词 Bethlehem,cradle,stablecrèche,Holy Cradleas in.nursery
同义词 playroom,preschoolcrèche Were the2 kids there in the creche unsupervised? Where was the boy's mum???
那俩个小孩在托儿所里没人看顾吗?那男孩的妈妈在那里呢??? chiewling.com

“The only reason the women come here is because of the creche,” admits Shafia Khan, who is in charge of state nurseries in the district.
本区的托儿所所长 Shafia Khan直言不讳:“女人们来这里只有一个原因,就是为了她们的孩子。 ecocn

Another incident happened this morning, Sister A came in and told me what happened at the creche as she just could not contain herself anymore. She related…
今早又发生一宗,甲姐妹气冲冲的走进来告诉我们在托儿所所发生的事因她真的受不了。她说:… chiewling.com

Hand reared in large groups often known as creche reared or cohort raised.
大群体手工饲养,往往又被称为托儿所式饲养或军队式养殖。 kekenet

Is in good physical build-up and healthy enough for admission to a creche or kindergarten.
有良好的体格,适宜就读幼儿院或幼稚园。 http://www.stanthonysmacau.com

This is like a creche system.
这就像托儿所系统一样。 zftrans




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