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词汇 crawl
释义 crawl 英krɔːl美krɔlAHDkrôl ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT4八COCA⁵⁰⁰⁰BNC¹⁸⁷³⁰iWeb⁶³⁶⁷Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

vi. 爬,爬行,匍匐而行; 徐缓而行

move slowly with the body close to the ground, or on the hands and knees

vi. 巴结,奉承

try to win the favor of sb in a powerful position by being too nice to them


a very slow movement or speed


a rapid way of swimming while lying on one's stomach, moving first one arm and then the other over one's head

a very slow movement;

the traffic advanced at a crawl

a swimming stroke; arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kicka slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body;

a crawl was all that the injured man could manage

the traffic moved at a creep

move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground;

The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed

feel as if crawling with insects;

My skin crawled--I was terrified

be full of;

The old cheese was crawling with maggots

show submission or fearswim by doing the crawl;

European children learn the breast stroke; they often don't know how to crawl

crawl, climb


climb是指“用手脚攀登”,一般用于垂直地或倾斜地向高处爬; 而crawl一词是水平地“顺地爬,蠕动,匍匐前进”的意思。例如:

After many attempts to climb it, the mountain was finally conquered〔overcome〕 in 1985.经过多次努力攀登,这座山终于在1985年被征服了。

The baby crawled across the room.那个婴孩从房间的这边爬到那边。creep,climb,crawl





用作动词 v.
~+介词crawl to巴结,奉承crawl with爬满用作名词 n.介词+~move at a crawl缓慢行进
crawl to v.+prep.

巴结,奉承 try to win the favour of sb in a powerful position by being too nice to them

crawl to sbYou should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.你那样巴结董事,应该感到羞耻。
crawl with v.+prep.

爬满,满是 swarm with crawling things

crawl with sb/sthThe lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。
The platform was crawling with grey-green uniforms.月台上全是穿灰绿色制服的人。非常记忆cr超人〖拼音〗+a苹果〖编码〗+wl晚了〖拼音〗⇒缓慢行进的超人驮着苹果来晚了联想记忆c+raw生疏的+l→对地形生疏,车要开得慢一点→缓慢行进联想记忆c+raw生疏的+l→对地形生疏,开车就要缓慢地行进近义词 worm虫drag拖snake蛇grovel趴inch英寸edge边缘cower畏缩trail踪迹belly腹部climb攀登cringe畏缩wriggle蠕动scuttle煤斗suck up吸收flatter奉承toady谄媚者crawling爬行skulk躲躲闪闪slink偷偷溜走apologize道歉swarm with充满creeping爬行的sneak偷偷摸摸做front crawl爬泳come up on出现在butter up过分恭维slither使滑行be swamped with被creep蹑手蹑脚地走…eat crow美口忍辱be filled with充满fawn未满周岁的小鹿…be full of充满, 有很多的…drag oneself along拖着脚走creep up on爬向慢慢到来…sneak up on慢慢到来,渐渐来临…Australian crawl澳大利亚式爬泳…eat humble pie忍辱含垢忍气吞声…
S+~+AWe learn to crawl before we learn to walk.我们学会走路之前先要学会爬。
He's alwayscrawling.他老是拍马屁。用作名词n.Traffic was moving at a crawl.来往车辆在缓慢行驶。
Can you do the crawl?你会游自由式吗?Pcrawlya.悚然的Pcrawley-root珊瑚兰Ppub-crawlv.逐店喝酒Pcreepy-crawlya.感到毛骨悚然的Pcrawling收缩龟裂漆膜收缩龟裂表面涂布不匀Pcrawlern.爬行者蠕动的东西虱马屁精奴颜婢膝的人婴儿的罩衣


crawl用作动词的基本意思是“爬行”,指腹部或双膝和手贴地爬行; 也可指“徐缓而行”,多用于指车辆缓慢前进,间或也可用于指时间。crawl与介词to搭配,意为“巴结,奉承”,多用于指下级对上级; 与介词with搭配,意为“爬满…,满是”。

用作动词The baby is just learning tocrawl.那个婴儿正在学习爬行。
Soldiers quietlycrawlto advance to enemy.士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。
You must notcrawlinto the favor of your superiors.你不应卑躬屈膝地讨好你的上司。
I hate people who creep andcrawlto others.我讨厌那些阿谀奉承的人。
European children learn the breast stroke; they often don't know how tocrawl.欧洲小孩学习蛙泳;他们经常不知道怎样进行自由式游泳。用作名词Thecrawlof snake is terrifying.蛇爬行起来真可怕。
It was not a walk, not a run; it was acrawl.这不是走,也不是跑,而是爬。
He can swim breaststroke, backstroke andcrawl.他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。
I'm best at thecrawl, but I enjoy the breast stroke, too.我最擅长自由式,但也喜欢蛙式。verb.move very slowly
同义词 clamber,creep,drag,inch,plod,poke,slide,slither,squirm,wrigglegrovel,lag,lollygag,scrabble,worm,writhedrag oneself along,go on all fours,go on belly,hang back,loiter along,move at snail's pace,move on hands and knees,pull oneself along
反义词 run,rushverb.humble oneself
同义词 cringe,fawn,grovel,toady,truckleabase oneself,apple-polish,brown-nose
apologizeverb express remorse, regret
admit guilt,ask forgiveness,ask pardon,atone,beg pardon,bow to,clear oneself,confess,cop a plea,cop out,excuse oneself,get down on knees,give satisfaction,make amends,make reparations,make up for,make up with,offer compensation,offer excuse,purge,retract,say one is sorry,square,withdraw
cringeverb flinch, recoil from danger
blench,cower,crawl,crouch,dodge,draw back,duck,eat dirt,grovel,kneel,quail,quiver,shrink,shy,start,stoop,tremble,wince
cringedverb flinch, recoil from danger
ate dirt,blenched,cowered,crawled,crouched,dodged,drew back,ducked,grovelled,knelt,quailed,quivered,shied,shrank,started,stooped,trembled,winced
dragverb move very slowly
be delayed,be quiescent,crawl,creep,dally,dawdle,delay,encounter difficulty,hang,inch,lag,lag behind,limp along,linger,loiter,mark time,poke,procrastinate,put off,sag,shamble,shuffle,slow down,stagnate,straggle,tarry,trail behind,traipse
enterverb come, put into a place
access,arrive,barge in,blow in,break in,breeze in,burst in,bust in,butt in,come in,crack,crawl,creep,crowd in,drive in,drop in,fall into,gain entrée,get in,go in,horn in,immigrate,infiltrate,ingress,insert,insinuate,introduce,intrude,invade,jump in,make an entrance,make way,move in,pass into,penetrate,pierce,pile in,pop in,probe,rush in,set foot in,slip,sneak,work in,worm in,wriggle
fawnverb ingratiate oneself to;serve
abase,apple-polish,be at beck and call,be obsequious,be servile,blandish,bow,brown-nose,buddy up,butter up,cajole,cater to,cave in to,cotton,court,cower,crawl,creep,cringe,crouch,curry favor,debase,defer,fall all over,fall on one's knees,flatter,grovel,honey up,invite,jolly,kneel,kowtow,lay it on,lick boots,make up to,massage,oil,pander,pay court,play up to,scrape,slaver,snow,stoop,stroke,submit,toady,truckle,woo,yield It can also help younger babies develop the muscle strength they will need to crawl and walk.
婴儿舞还可以帮助小宝宝们锻炼肌肉力量,有助于他们将来爬行和走路。 yeeyan

A child learns to crawl before he learns to walk.

After rereading the post, I found that he was more interested in getting the valuable crawl data.
在读完这篇文章后,我发现他对获得有价值的爬行数据更感兴趣。 yeeyan

Babies may not try to crawl or roll over.
婴儿可能不会尝试着去爬行或者翻身。 hjenglish

Before they speak— before they even crawl— infants can distinguish between two languages they've never heard before just by looking at the face of a speaker.
在婴儿会说话之前,甚至在他们还不会爬的时候,他们就能够靠看着说话人的脸来辨别两种不同且从未听过的语言了。 yeeyan

But she knew the stress, like a cloud of dark, would crawl into her psyche, too.
但是她知道,压力, 就像乌云一般,也悄悄了爬进了她的心房。 yeeyan

I want to be a writer— to grow a beard someday and move to Queens, to sleep on the floor and let the cockroaches crawl into my ears and lay eggs in my brain.
我想成为一名作家——有朝一日留着胡须,搬到皇后区,在地板上睡觉,让蟑螂爬进我的耳朵,在我的脑子里产卵。 yeeyan

If they happened to crawl under my dress or I sat on them accidentally they would punish me with a sting that made me shriek with pain.
如果他们恰巧爬到我裙子底下,或我正好坐在他们上面时他们就会用那能疼得让我尖叫的刺痛来惩罚我。 yeeyan

If you’re in a house, get as low as you can and crawl outside as fast as possible.
如果你被困于一所房子里,尽可能的离地面近些,然后尽快匍匐前进爬出去。 yeeyan

In fact, she realized now that she wanted to crawl off through the tall grass and urinate on the roots of some delicate, essential plants, alfalfa or bok choy.
事实上,她现在意识到,她想爬过高高的草丛,在一些纤细的、生命所需的植物,苜蓿或白菜根茎上撒泡尿。 yeeyan

In future, some of the cameras might even be able to crawl or fly to fill in further detail.
今后,其中一些摄像机甚至可能爬行或者飞行摄像以完全填补空白的特征以弥补细节的不足。 ecocn

Many suffocated trying to crawl out of the tunnel, Mr. Zhou said. Only three or four survived.
周先生说,许多被窒息的工人企图爬出矿井,只有三四人死里逃生。 yeeyan

Modern crocodiles crawl on their bellies because their legs sprawl out to the side.
现代鳄鱼则用肚子爬行,因为它们的腿伸展到了身体两侧。 yeeyan

Some couples were given mundane tasks, while others took part in a silly exercise in which they were tied together and asked to crawl on mats, pushing a foam cylinder with their heads.
有些夫妇分配到普通的任务,但另有一部分参与了一个看似“愚蠢”的测试,比如两人捆绑在一起,爬垫子,用头推倒泡沫圆柱等等。 yeeyan

The entire evening, Carmen Elcira fought the urge to crawl on top of him.
整个夜晚,卡门·艾尔茜拉极力克制着想爬到他身上的冲动。 yeeyan

These lizards thrive in warm, humid areas where they crawl around in search of insects to eat.
这些壁虎在温暖潮湿的地方很繁盛,它们到处爬着找小虫吃。 yeeyan

This should allow the robots to crawl around the GI tract and obtain detailed images, dispense therapeutics or, with the right surgical tools, perform biopsies.
这将使机器人可以在胃肠道周围爬行,得到细致的图片,用适当的外科手术工具施行治疗,进行活体组织检查。 yeeyan




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