

单词 afterglow
释义 af·ter·glow 英ˈæftəˌgləʊ美ˈæftɚˌgloAHDăfʹtər-glō' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁷³¹⁰BNC⁵⁵²²⁶iWeb³⁵⁷⁰⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

a glow sometimes seen in the sky after sunsetthe pleasure of remembering some pleasant event;

he basked in the afterglow of his victory

afterglow tube余辉管afterglow screen余辉荧光屏screen afterglow荧光屏余辉afterglow correction余辉校正flowing afterglow technology流动余辉技术…afterglow eliminator余辉消除器
after后-glow发光⇒n.回味²⁵;晚霞⁵⁰;夕照²⁵n.余晖;余韵;余辉;快乐的回忆;落照;美好的回忆;余味近义词 glow光辉warmth温暖serenity宁静exhilaration高兴

用作名词We basked in theafterglowof victory.我们沉浸在胜利的余晖中。
He was basking in theafterglowof love.他沉浸在爱情的甜蜜回忆之中。
A goldenafterglowthrobbed in the west.金色的晚霞在西方颤动着。
There was a faintafterglowfrom the sunset.天边有一抹淡淡的落日余辉。
In the dusk, a thread ofafterglowstill lingers in the sky.傍晚时分,天边还残留有一缕落晖。as in.glow
同义词 bloom,blossom,brilliance,glare,gleam,glimmer,glitter,intensity,light,radiance,ray,warmthblush,effulgence,flush,gusto,heat,incandescence,lambency,luminosity,passion,phosphorescence,splendor,vividness
反义词 dark,dullnessas in.luster
同义词 brightness,brilliance,glitter,glow,sheen,shimmer,sparklebrilliancy,burnish,dazzle,effulgence,glaze,gleam,glint,incandescence,iridescence,lambency,luminousness,opalescence,polish,radiance,refulgence,resplendencecandescence
反义词 darkness,dullnessmatteas in.twilight
同义词 dusk,sunsetdecline,dimness,ebb,end,evening,eventide,gloaming,half-light,night,nightfall,sundownafterlight,crepuscular light,early evening,last phase,late afternoon
反义词 dawn,daybreak,sunrise
glownoun burning, brightness
lusternoun gloss, shine
twilightnoun onset of darkness at end of day
afterglow,afterlight,crepuscular light,decline,dimness,dusk,early evening,ebb,end,evening,eventide,gloaming,half-light,last phase,late afternoon,night,nightfall,sundown,sunset At the same time, the low-profile library and history collection are hoping to bask a little in the film's afterglow.
与此同时,那些不知名的图书馆和历史品收藏协会正期待着沾点这部电影的光。 yeeyan

Much of the progress has come through studies of the afterglow of the big bang, radiation known as the cosmic microwave background CMB.
这一进展多半来自对大爆炸“余辉”——也就是为人所熟知的,名为“宇宙微波背景辐射” CMB的辐射能——的研究。 yeeyan

NASA’s Swift satellite picked up the X-ray afterglow of the September16th gamma-ray burst.
美国航空航天局“雨燕”号卫星捕捉到的伽马射线余晖,产生于9月16日伽马射线爆发过后。 yeeyan

The South Pole Telescope, which began scientific observations in2007, surveys the sky for cosmic microwave background radiation, the“ afterglow” of the Big Bang.
南极望远镜2007年开始工作。它的作用是观察宇宙微波背景辐射,这是宇宙大爆炸的“余辉”。 yeeyan

Alkaline earth aluminate plastic excited by high intensity light had the properties of high brightness, long afterglow time.
在高强度光的激发下,碱土铝酸盐发光塑料辉度高,余辉时间长; cnki

Allow her to relax and enjoy the afterglow of the Yoni massage.
让她放松,在女阴按摩的回味中享受。 yeeyan

Basking in the afterglow of the country's most successful Olympic games in a century, Gordon Brown has big plans for developing sport in Britain.
享受着英国参与奥运一个世纪以来的最好成绩,布朗萌生了许多在英国发展体育的伟大计划。 iciba

I loathed myself for coming so soon, in the afterglow of my man- of-the- world fantasies.
在我极乐享受世界的幻想里,回忆那么美妙,我厌恶自己来得如此之快。 yeeyan

Match makers soak the wood with a solution of this stuff to make sure that when you blow the match out, melted MAP smothers any afterglow.
火柴制造者们用这种东西的溶液浸泡木料,以保证当你吹灭火柴的时候,熔化的 MAP能覆盖住任何余火。 yeeyan

Oh, afterglow, look out below.
哦,晚霞,看看下面吧。 yulexiuxian5

Simulation methods for different scan pattern indicator is discussed by analyzing the radar display characteristics such as display information, scan type and afterglow feature.
通过分析雷达的显示信息、扫描方式及余辉特性,讨论了针对不同扫描体制显示器件的模拟方法。 cnki

That noise turned out to be the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the big bang fireball.
这一噪音最终被证实是宇宙背景微波,大爆炸的余辉。 yeeyan

The laundry and dirty dishes can wait a few minutes, so relax and enjoy how it feels when you’re in masturbation afterglow.
这样洗衣和洗碗都可以等等,所以放松的享受自慰后的快感了。 yeeyan

The address also reveals something of Jobs's humanity, something that tended to get lost in the afterglow of Apple's astonishing corporate resurgence.
这演讲亦揭示了一些乔布斯的人性,一些往往在苹果惊人的企业复苏的馀辉中失去的东西。 yeeyan

They had found the cool afterglow of the big bang: the cosmic microwave background radiation.
他们发现的是大霹雳冷却后的馀晖:宇宙微波背景辐射。 http://dj.iciba.com

While these exploding stars themselves last for mere minutes, their fading“ afterglow” light remains observable with large telescopes for days or even weeks.
虽然超新星的爆发仅持续几分钟,但它们逐渐消退的“余辉”依然可以在数天内甚至数星期内由大型望远镜观察到。 yeeyan

With the afterglow mountains Qian Shen, Jiang Liu Shusei day and night change.
山色浅深随夕照,江流日夜变秋声。 tradeask




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