

单词 cranberries
释义 cranberries ˈkrænbəriz COCA²⁰⁹⁸³BNC⁴⁴⁹³⁰
n.蔓越橘cranberry的复数原型cranberry的复数 It is particularly concentrated in apple peel but is also found in cranberries and prunes and in basil, oregano and thyme.
熊果素主要存在于苹果皮之中,同时也可以在小红莓、梅子、花椒叶和麝香草中找到。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

They're also a bit tastier than cranberries, which most people only enjoy when combined with plenty of added sugar.
其味比小红莓更美,多数人喜欢额外加大量的糖。 yeeyan

According to statistics, yearly output yield of cranberries is something around600 kilos per hectare.
据统计,蔓越莓年产量每公顷大约600公斤。 yeeyan

Avoid using foods like popcorn or cranberries to decorate your home.
避免使用爆米花、小红莓或类似食物装饰你的屋子。 hxen

Browning the ribs and adding cocoa powder, cranberries, ginger, and orange zest make the stew sing in the same key.
布朗宁小肋骨配以可可粉、蔓越莓的果实,生姜和柳橙汁,口味浑然天成。 yeeyan

But it had a nine million dollar surplus in cranberries.
但是有九百万美元的过剩在酸果蔓的果实。 iciba

Cranberry bogs consume lots of space in the marshland. According to statistics, yearly output yield of cranberries is something around600 kilos per hectare.
蔓越莓沼泽湿地占据了大量的空间。据统计,蔓越莓年产量每公顷大约600公斤。 yeeyan

Dehydrated fruits such as raisins, dates and dried cranberries keep well in plastic bags. Tuck a bag of raisins in your purse or bag for an easy snack.
脱水水果,如葡萄干干燥小红莓能在塑料袋保持良好品质.把一包葡萄干放在你的钱包或行李包里面作为轻松点心. yeeyan

Dried cranberries rank among the highest antioxidant contents of any fruit, which means they may help reduce cancer and heart disease risk.
越橘干在所有水果中有最高的抗氧化物含量,这意味着,它们可以帮助防治癌症、降低心脏病的风险。 yeeyan

Legend holds that Native Americans shared cranberries with the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving in1621.
传说在1621年第1个感恩节时,美洲的原住民拿蔓越莓与朝圣者一起分享. yeeyan

Look at the fresh cranberries.
你看这些新鲜的蔓越橘。 hotdic

Many of those turkeys will be dry, and most, truth be told, would be disappointing without a bolster of stuffing and cranberries and creamy gravy.
好多火鸡将被烤制,但实话实说,缺少加以蔓越橘及调味汁的辅助烹调,烤火鸡的味道真的很是令人失望。 yeeyan

Other traditional Thanksgiving foods served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie.
其他和火鸡相搭配的传统感恩节食物有:红薯,越橘和南瓜派。 cri

Poured mixed nuts and cranberries into a big Ziploc bag.
把什锦坚果和小红莓倒进一个很大的密封塑料袋。 yeeyan

Stir in the walnuts and cranberries.
放入胡桃和小红莓并搅拌。 oaju

Sweet cranberries need maple syrup, an ingredient that wasn’t plentiful till60 years later.
甜莓酱需要枫蜜来调和,而这种原料直到60年之后才普及。 yeeyan




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