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词汇 cracker
释义 crack·er 英ˈkrækə美ˈkrækɚAHDkrăkʹər ★☆☆☆☆高四八COCA¹⁰⁶⁵⁴BNC¹⁹⁸⁵⁸iWeb⁸³³⁵
🍘n.薄脆饼干¹⁷;发出爆裂声的东西;爆竹³⁷;裂化设备;黑客²⁶;迷人的女子;自夸的人;穷苦白人复crackers:n. 胡桃钳Crackern.佛罗里达州和乔治亚州当地居民的别名复数crackers


thin flaky dry biscuit,typically eaten with cheese


small firework that explodes with a sharp sound


attractive girl or woman

a thin crisp wafer made of flour and water with or without leavening and shortening; unsweetened or semisweeta poor White person in the southern United Statesa programmer who cracks gains unauthorized access to computers, typically to do malicious things;

crackers are often mistakenly called hackers

firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casinga party favor consisting of a paper roll usually containing candy or a small favor that pops when pulled at both ends来自crack,破裂,清脆声。oyster cracker 牡蛎饼干…cream cracker奶油苏打饼干…soda cracker苏打饼干Graham cracker全麦饼干cracker-barrel不成熟的Christmas cracker圣诞花礼炮whip-cracker抽响鞭的人crude cracker原油裂化设备…catalyst cracker催化裂化设备…catalytic cracker催化裂化装置…oil cracker油裂化器cat cracker催化裂化器cracker mill船用电缆cannon cracker大爆竹skull cracker用以拆毁旧房屋大铁球…nut cracker胡桃钳,坚果轧碎钳…cracker core大气压力冒口通…cracker flour发面饼干用面粉…Cracker State佐治亚州的别名…
crack(-er名人|物⇒n.薄脆饼干¹⁷;发出爆裂声的东西;爆竹³⁷;裂化设备;黑客²⁶;迷人的女子;自夸的人;穷苦白人复crackers:n.胡桃钳Crackern.佛罗里达州和乔治亚州当地居民的别名n.鞭炮;破碎器;破碎机;彩包爆竹在英国用于圣诞聚会和聚餐通常装有纸帽|小礼品及笑话纸条吹牛者;十分愉快的事;滑稽可笑的事;车把式;饼干;薄脆饼干¹⁷多为咸味常与干酪一起食用彩色拉炮在英国用于圣诞聚会和聚餐通常装有纸帽|小礼品及笑话纸条有魅力的女人;脆饼;谎话;胡桃夹;牙齿;破解专家;骇客解密者;黑客²⁶指怀有恶意的人在未获授权的情况下企图侵入计算机系统内的行为近义词 ace幺点gem宝石beauty美人banger香肠corker压塞机smasher打碎者looker观看的人firecracker爆竹snapper噼啪作响者knockout引人注目的…cracker bonbon彩包爆竹redneck红脖子对美国南方白人劳…
用作名词n.Crackers alone eat very dry.光吃饼干口很干。
The night was noisy withcrackers.夜间爆竹声吵闹得很。
She is acracker.她是个漂亮妞。Pfirecrackern.爆竹鞭炮Pcat-cracker催化裂解装置Psafecrackern.保险箱窃贼Psafe-cracker抢劫保险箱者Pnutcrackern.轧碎坚果的钳子星鸦Pcrackersa.精神错乱的癫狂的狂热的Pcracker-barrela.高谈阔论的不成熟的Phydrocracker加氢裂化器加氢裂化装置Pwhip-crackern.马戏团驯兽人有权威的人Pcrackerjackn.出色的人优质的东西a.高素质的高品味的

用作名词Some of my friends like sodacrackers.我的一些朋友喜欢苏打饼干。
Try a grahamcrackeror bowl of cereal.试试看全麦饼干或者一碗麦片。
The firecrackerwent off and scared Jack's dog.爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。
The boys lightcrackersin the street.男孩们在街道上放鞭炮。
Acrackercan find your database password and do bad things.黑客可以找到您的数据库密码和做坏事。
What a littlecrackershe is!她真是小美人!noun.hard, often salted, baked wafer
同义词 biscuit,cookie,pretzelbun,hardtack,rusk,saltine
wafernoun disk
biscuit,cake,candy,cookie All he could find was a stale soda cracker in one of the tins his mother had left behind when she ran off with the dentist.
在他妈妈和牙医私奔后留下的一个锡罐里,他找到了一块不新鲜的苏打饼干。 yeeyan

And is that a box of Cracker Jacks sitting on the side table?
那是一盒玉米花生糖放在桌边吗? yeeyan

Nabisco's version of his cracker is now made with the very white flour that he blamed for increasing the“ excitability and sensibility” of the genital organs.
现在它用的原料恰恰就是白面粉。 从前,他指责它增加了生殖器官的“兴奋度和感受性”。 yeeyan

Ophcrack, a Windows Password cracker, uses the Rainbow Tables technique.
一个 Windows密码破解工具,正是利用了 Rainbow表技巧。 infoq

A cracker is someone who wants to break into your system for malicious purposes.
一个破坏者是想要为怀恶意的目的闯入你的系统的某人。 iciba

Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under16.
收银员已经被告知核对任何看似低于16岁以下年龄的顾客。 cri

Christmas Cracker is a cardboard paper tube, wrapped in brightly coloured paper and twisted at both ends.
圣诞拉炮是用硬纸板做的纸筒,再用色彩鲜艳的彩纸包裹在外面,两端拧紧。 cri

He let her feast on the cracker with strawberry jam.
他给饼干配上草莓果酱,让内奥米美食一餐。 yeeyan

He plugged this intelligence into his favorite brute force password cracker and was rewarded in less than half an hour with the admin account.
他把这些信息交给了他最喜欢的密码暴力破解器,搞定一个管理员帐户只用了不到半个钟头。 yeeyan

He prescribed a bland and boring diet; the Graham cracker, in fact, is a sweetened version of his invention.

He put cheese on a cracker.
他在饼干上放了些奶酪。 yeeyan

However, password cracker dictionaries contain a large number of today's passwords, and they try out all kinds of alphanumerical combinations.
然而,黑客字典包含了大量的今天的密码,并且它们尝试了各种(字母数字混合组合。 yeeyan

I also sometimes just enjoy eating hummus on toast or a cracker.
有时候我也喜欢吃带有鹰嘴豆泥的烤面包和饼干。 yeeyan

I set down the confused cracker offering.
我把那几碟内容含混不清的饼干摆在桌上。 yeeyan

I spread mustard on a cracker, and pretended not to have heard anything.
我把芥末酱涂在饼干上,假装没听到。 yeeyan

Luckily, the average cracker is sloppy.
幸运的是,平均饼干是草率的。 chinaunix

One of fiction’s most famous stimulant users is the great caper cracker Sherlock Holmes.
虚构人物中最著名的兴奋剂使用者之一是伟大的犯罪侦破专家歇洛克·福尔摩斯。 yeeyan

Pa waited10 minutes before he beat Howell with his belt buckle, just for offering a soda cracker to the little duchess.
爸爸过了10分钟才开始用皮带扣抽打豪厄尔:仅仅因为他给小女公爵一块苏打饼干。 yeeyan

Spread a cracker with butter.
在饼干上涂一层黄油。 ruiwen

Stir in the peanut butter, graham cracker crumbs, and maple sugar and mix well.
搅动花生黄油、全麦面包和枫糖,将其充分混合。 yeeyan

The classic combination of cheese and crackers became increasingly popular with the development of the Ritz cracker in 1934, by Nobisco.
自1934年 Nobisco开创了乐之薄饼之后,奶酪饼干这种经典的组合就越来越流行。 yeeyan

Thinking like a cracker is the next step in defending your code.
以一个攻击者的角度进行思考是防护代码的下一个步骤。 ibm




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