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CPM 基本例句 n.每分钟卡片张数临界途径法abbr.腐蚀防护手册Corrosion Prevention Manual,CPM Objective: To study the effect of continuous passive motion CPM after total knee replacementTKR. 目的评价全膝关节置换术后持续被动运动 CPM的临床应用价值。 iciba Advertise using CPM channels to build brand recognition, but put profitability before brand recognition. 使用 CPM渠道做广告建立品牌知名度,但是在可以盈利的前提下。 blog.sina.com.cn Draw a CPM diagram for the Dreamcast Project. Based on the qualitative information in the case, what do you think will be the critical path? 依据案例中的定性信息,画出梦想演出项目的 CPM图表,你认为哪条是关键路径? iciba Google's pay-per- click model CPC is far superior to the traditional impressions based CPM model. 谷歌的“按点击收费” CPC模式要比传统的 CPM模型高明得多。 yeeyan If Nielsen estimates that, say,1m people “the city” are watching a show, an advertiser paying a CPM of$20 would fork out$20, 000 for his commercial “the atom bomb”. 如果尼尔森估算,比如一百万人“城市”在观看一个表演,按$20的 CPM付费的广告客户就需要为他的电视广告支出$20,000“原子弹”。 ecocn If you want to increase awareness for your brand, paying for impressions CPM is probably better than paying for clicks CPC, he says. 如果你想增加你的品牌影响力,对广告效果要价 CPM也许比点击率要价 CPC好。 yeeyan Objective To observe the effect of continuous passive motion CPM in the postoperative patients to recover the function of the knees. 目的为了观察持续被动活动 CPM对膝关节术后病人膝关节功能恢复的影响。 iciba Objective To study the etiology, clinical features, treatment and prevention of central pontine myelinolysis CPM. 目的探讨脑桥中央髓鞘溶解症 CPM的病因、临床特点、治疗及其预防措施。 cnki Objective To summarize the clinical experience of central pontine myelinolysis CPM after liver transplantation. 目的总结肝移植后并发桥脑中央髓鞘溶解症 CPM的诊治体会。 cnki Objective: To explore the effect and mechanism of dexamethasone DEX in the prevention of central pontine myelinolysis CPM in rats. 目的:探讨地塞米松 DEX对大鼠中央髓鞘溶解症 CPM的预防作用及机理。 cnki One of the key techniques project managers use to monitor and control progress on their projects is the Critical Path Method CPM. 关键路径法 Critical Path Method, CPM是项目经理们用来监控项目进度的一个关键技术。 yeeyan The results of using an I/ Q modulation and CPM schemes with their BER performance are compared. 结果使用的 I/ Q调制和 CPM计划,其误码率性能进行了比较。 lwtxw The case illustrates the strategic importance of large development projects, the criticality of launching decisions as well as a base for introducing PERT/ CPM. 这个案例阐释了大型发展项目的战略重要性,发布决策的严密性,并简单介绍了 PERT/ CPM。 myoops The Instructions only instructs the performance, installation, commissioning and operation of CPM-1000 multi-function fluidized bed, a piece of typical equipment. 本说明书只对 CPM-1000多功能流化床机常规设备的性能、安装、调试、操作加以说明。 gatefanyi.com Ventures that bridge the gap between publishers wanting to sell CPM and advertisers wanting to buy CPA will do well. 渴望销售 CPM的发布商和渴望购买 CPA的广告客户之间存在差距,能够填补这个差距的投资将获得成功。 yeeyan We study the use a continuous phase modulation CPM system providing mobile data service withQPSK transmission for a telemedicine system. 我们研究使用连续相位调制 CPM的系统,提供移动数据服务 QPSK调制传输的远程医疗系统。 lwtxw CPM rates for local advertising command a significant premium from advertisers because of their more targeted nature. 本地广告行为的 CPM千人成本因为所具有的定位本质而受到广告商的高度重视. yeeyan |