

单词 cozy
释义 co·sy 英ˈkəʊziː美ˈkoziAHDkōʹzē ●○○○○高四六IST6八COCA⁹⁹⁵⁴BNC⁶¹⁷⁴⁶iWeb⁷⁰¹⁶
a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm
enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space;

a cozy nook near the fire

snug in bed

a snug little apartment

having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere;

had a cozy chat

a relaxed informal manner

an intimate cocktail lounge

the small room was cozy and intimate

suggesting connivance;

a cozy arrangement with the police

cosy舒适温暖的cozy up to奉承拉拢play it cozy小心行事
故事记忆天生就很 Lazy(懒惰的生活追求 Cozy舒适的上街血拼 Crazy疯狂的体胖心感 Uneasy不安的减肥虚脱觉 Dizzy头昏眼花的做起事来 Clumsy笨手笨脚的成天沉溺 Fantasy幻想故事记忆天生就很 Lazy懒惰的生活就爱 Cozy舒适的上街血拼 Crazy疯狂的体胖心感 Uneasy不安的减肥虚脱 Dizzy头晕眼花的成天沉溺 Fantasy幻想非常记忆co可乐〖熟词coke〗+zy自由〖拼音〗⇒在家喝可乐很自由很舒适故事记忆被窝 Cozy舒适床上 Lazy怠惰的真是 Crazy疯狂的着迷的联想记忆cozcousin的缩写+y…的→像堂兄妹般亲切→友好的GRE难词记忆cosy→cos=close 近的,亲密的+y→亲密无间的cosy→cos=close近的,亲密的+y⇒亲密无间的近义词 close关warm温暖的easy容易的loving亲爱的snug温暖舒适的intimate亲密的friendly友好的relaxing轻松的clannish排他的cosy舒适温暖的homey像家一样的expedient权宜的cliquey小集团的convenient便利的informal非正式的comfortable舒适的pleasant令人愉快的self-serving自私的tea cozy茶壶保温套comfy舒服的familiar熟悉的tea cosy茶壶外面的保温套…

用作形容词He lives in acozylittle room.他住在一个舒适的小屋里。
I felt allcozytucked up in bed.我钻进被窝里,暖暖和和舒服极了。
That night was so peaceful andcozy.是夜如此平静惬意。用作动词In the morning we found all the childrencoziedup together in the same bed.早晨,所有的小孩都挤到了一张床上。
He begancozyingup to the boss as soon as he was hired.他刚任职,就开始奉承老板了。用作名词adj.comforting, soft, warm
同义词 comfortable,comfy,cushy,intimate,snugsafecuddled up,easeful,in clover,in velvet,on bed of roses,restful,secure,sheltered,snug as bug in rug,snuggled down,tucked up
反义词 cool,uncomfortable
amiableadjective friendly, agreeable
affable,amicable,attractive,benign,breezy,buddy-buddy,charming,cheerful,clubby,complaisant,cool,copacetic,cordial,delightful,downright neighborly,easy,engaging,friendly,genial,good-humored,good-natured,gracious,kind,kindly,lenient,lovable,mellow,mild,obliging,palsy-walsy,pleasant,pleasing,princely,responsive,right,righteous,sociable,sweet-tempered,swell,tight,warm,warmhearted,winning
amicableadjective friendly, especially regarding an agreement
accordant,agreeing,amiable,civil,clubby,concordant,cordial,courteous,cozy,empathic,good-humored,harmonious,kind,kindly,like-minded,mellow,neighborly,pacific,peaceable,peaceful,polite,regular,right nice,sociable,square-shooting,sympathetic,understanding
chummyadjective friendly
comfortableadjective good feeling
adequate,agreeable,appropriate,at rest,cared for,cheerful,complacent,contented,convenient,cozy,delightful,easy,enjoyable,enjoying,gratified,hale,happy,healthy,hearty,loose,loose-fitting,made well,pleasant,pleased,protected,relaxed,relaxing,relieved,rested,restful,restored,satisfactory,satisfying,serene,sheltered,snug,snug as a bug in a rug,soft,soothed,strengthened,untroubled,useful,warm,well-off
companionableadjective friendly
affable,amicable,buddy-buddy,clubby,complacent,congenial,conversable,convivial,cordial,cozy,cozy with,familiar,genial,good-natured,gregarious,intimate,mellow,neighborly,outgoing,pally,palsy,sociable,social,tight,tight with
cordialadjective friendly, sociable
affable,affectionate,agreeable,amicable,buddy-buddy,cheerful,clubby,companionable,congenial,convivial,cozy,earnest,genial,glowing,gracious,happy,heart-to-heart,heartfelt,hearty,invigorating,jovial,mellow,neighborly,palsy-walsy,polite,red-carpet,responsive,sincere,social,sympathetic,tender,warm,warmhearted,welcoming,wholehearted A couple of other proposals about handling our global economic crisis are unlikely to end in such cozy intergovernmental declarations.
另外两种关于处理全球经济危机的提议,未必会因这类惬意的政府间的声明而终结。 yeeyan

A dog without a cozy bed will end up on the couch.
若没有一个舒适的小窝,狗狗则可能躺到沙发上去。 yeeyan

One of the charms of the food- market scene is an Old World sense of cozy community: everyone seems to know one another.
食品市场里景象的迷人之处,有一点是在于古老世界的舒适感觉:每个人看起来都互相认识。 yeeyan

The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than seven million fascinating individuals who all behave like they own the sidewalk.
曼哈顿岛是个舒适的村庄,住着七百多万魅力十足的人,这些人走路的样子就好像人行道是他们自己的似的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The route overhangs an ancient riverbed, so its very cozy, nice smooth rocks, open space, river, field, everything nice all at once!
路线悬挂于一条古河道之上,四周惬意幽静,岩壁光洁,空间宽敞,河流,田野,瞬间一切都变得那么美妙! yeeyan

“ It is extremely expensive, but at least I have a cozy bed, ” he said.
他说:“这房子真是太贵了,但至少我有一张舒适的床了。” i21st

A new pair of running tights or a cozy fleece will help motivate you to get out for a run.
一套新的运动紧身衣或者舒适的羊毛会帮助激发你出去跑步。 yeeyan

Bed& breakfast: Have a cozy home and like playing host or hostess?
床&早餐:想要有一个舒适的房子和一个女主人吗? yeeyan

Come over to the fire and cozy up a bit.

Do everything you can to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere.
尽一切所能,为自己营造一个安静和舒适的环境。 hjenglish

In order to provide guests a cozy atmosphere, the hostess has redecorated her home.
为了给客人营造一个舒适的环境,女主人已经重新装修她的家。 hxen

It brings you cozy feeling with soft tactile.
它以柔软的触感带给你惬意的感觉。 yeeyan

Like hugging, holding hands is something that we often neglect to do when a relationship becomes cozy and familiar.
和拥抱一样,握手是当我们和他人之间的关系变得舒适熟悉之后常常忽略的动作。 edu.sina.com.cn

Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant.
那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌。 ebigear

She held Arius in her arms and brought him into the warm, cozy kitchen.
她把艾利乌方法自己的胳膊上,把他带到了暖和而舒适的厨房。 yeeyan

She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.
她是穿着睡衣躺在自己惬意的床上。 putclub

This gets your child excited each night to go to bed, and this cozy time together is a great time to connect with kids.
这会让孩子对上床睡觉感到兴奋,而且,这段在一起的舒适时光是与孩子交流的不错契机。 yeeyan

This single family home could be labeled“ cozy” at668 square feet, but no inch is wasted.
这个独立别墅上有“舒适”的标签,668平方英尺,而且没有一英寸是浪费的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Cozy rooms look out over the district.
放眼望去,都是舒适的房间。 yeeyan




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